DPS queue times

So I was just wondering - even in gold and plat dps queue times are like 15 to 20 minutes, so like everyone is content with that, devs in particular ? Is this what was aimed for or what ?

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Queue times are always gonna depend on the demand of each role. So in the end there isn’t alot of specific things that can be changed for it to be shorter, other then more people playing tank or healer, or them removing role lock. But we already have that in open queue.


I mean what possibly can they do to solve this?

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1-3-2 easy fix, but no they give us open queue so we can play GOATS :rofl:


They cant do anything to solve it ?
what have they tried so far ?

Are you diamond or above in open que? Cause everything below is either 2/2/2, 1/3/2 or if everyone gets tilted it turns into 0/5/1 or 0/6/0.

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I played DPS for the first time in ages on open que and I was getting games within 3 mins. Mind you this was during the week for my placements but still, I never sat for more than that and I kept playing DPS the whole time.


I doubt that healers and tanks would be content with 1-3-2. Personally as a healer main I am not up for 1-3-2. It will be hell for us. I think the issue is also that there are not that many tank and healer heroes to play compared to dps heroes. They need to increase the healer and tank pools to make it more lucrative to play these roles.

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Just like the 5 other people on your team? :stuck_out_tongue: All playing DPS lol. God bless role queue.

Make better balacing choises for tanks/supports( not make them free kills for dps, stop listening only to top/streamer players and stop overnerfing them) also make more tank/support heros so people have more to choose from.


Queue times don’t depend on rank or player skill, it’s based on how many players are trying to play that role.
Say you had 100 people. 40 people wanted to play Support and Tank equally, which would make around 10 games total, because they would have 2 healers and 2 tanks each, and there would be 20 people going into each role when queuing up.
All this leaves 60 people queueing for DPS. Only 20 of those people will be able to find a game because there’s only 10 games total that are available, and the other 40 have to wait for said games to be done, because otherwise they would be put into games without tanks or supports.


And as a Tank main, having 1-3-2 would be incredibly unfair to the Tank mains that don’t like playing main tank, and prefer playing off-tanks. And also being the ONLY tank on the entire team would pretty much force you to be Rein or Sigma almost every time, considering you’re the only tank to protect your team


Actually it was strange, most the games were set up with 2-2-2 then as the game went on turned into 1 tank, 3 DPS, 2 Supports. Oh wait no, there was 1 game where a guy was getting super toxic after the first round and went from the tank to 4th DPS.

And that’s another difference I’ve noticed between open que and role que. In open que people use voice A LOT more, and get way more toxic way sooner. Where as role que you’ll get people who just never talk and it’ll take until like the 3rd or 4th round before they start typing how bad the team is.


Idk I was a main tank and I enjoy the 132 card. With the buffs it cane with I actually felt like a proper Tank protecting my team on off or main. Right now it feels the other way around the team should protect you which feels horrble.

Make sure the persons who pulled the trigger on 222 never work in AAA ever again. For everything else, open comp awaits.

Honestly i dont think its all about 1-3-2 comp. In my opinion people dont like playing tanks in general because they are less engaging and less fun to play than dps for example or even supports. Nobody likes being chained in 4 different crowd control effects in a row - yet did blizzard even try to softcap ccs on same target after 1st cc effect or some similar solution ? No. Then there is different dimension to look at as well - tastering backline with winston sure is effective and shows if you do it properly that you track cooldown management of enemy as well as your team, good positioning etc - but is it as spectacular and dopamine rewarding as mcree dealing 3 headshot final blows in a 2 second time ? again no.
If I was to do a comparison in the most blunt way it would be like a feeling of cutting a piece of meat with dull knife (tanks) vs cutting it with sharp knife (dps).

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