DPS pros with insanely high sensitivity/edpi

I’m disagreeing that low sens is better than high sens for aiming. If shadowburn played hanzo as much as wraxu, at 10k edpi, I’m not convinced wraxu would have better aim.

I never claimed that low sens is better than high sens for aiming. I’m not sure how you gathered that. I said that high vs low sens works better or worse on different heroes who play at different ranges and with different aiming styles.

Lower sens tends to offer more consistency. I don’t think 10k eDPI is really high enough to inhibit a player enough that it’d be significantly noticible. However, I would say that Wraxu would likely still have the better overall accuracy.

Don’t know. Shadowburn is a pro hanzo player. He plays hanzo in basically all of his competitive games. I’m not convinced wraxu has better aim even now.

And so tracking with high sensitivity is fine with you on tracer and zarya? But not fine on someone like soldier, or for flick shots with widow? Advocates for low sensitivity to increase aim usually include tracer in the list of heroes to lower your edpi on. They say all you need to be able to do is a 180. Dafran plays at 3400 edpi.

Btw, you said you haven’t seen haksal playing tracer recently. He was just playing tracer today on stream.

Edit: He has also been playing sombra. Another hitscan

I don’t even know if Wraxu plays the game anymore. I didn’t say that Shadowburn wasn’t pro (he obviously is), and he obviously has a great Hanzo.

Are you unable to accept that perhaps “hitscan” covers more than just one type of aiming? Range is the primary factor. Tracer and Zarya are short-range heroes. Soldier and Widowmaker are mid to long range heroes. I also did say that Tracer DPI has been debated for a long time. Dafran plays at low sens on Tracer and he’s one of the best in the world. However, Sinatraa plays Tracer at 7200 eDPI.

All of these players have played a wide assortment of heroes on stream in recent history. However, playing on stream in ladder is very different from how they actually play in the pro scene. I don’t believe Haksal’s Tracer has seen enough practice in recent times to compete with some of the other players.

The skill used to click on the head at close distance is the skill used to click on the head at a far away distance. It’s all hitscan.

Yes, but the fact that it’s hitscan isn’t what’s important here. The range is really what matters.

How about the range of genjis deflect. Deflecting a widow shot directly back at a widows head is using the same long range hitscan skill you would be using if you were playing widow.

So while playing genji, you are training long range hitscan with deflect, close range hitscan with right click, and projectile with left click.

Deflecting a headshot against a Widowmaker who has extremely limited movement while scoped in?

Nice try. I’ll just replace widow with mccree/hanzo/ashe then.

I’m not sure how much Genji you play, but this isn’t as easy to do as you might think it is. I can guarantee you that it’d be easier with lower sensitivity. However, I think that’s not a good tradeoff since it’s such a niche part of Genji’s kit in comparison to what’s necessary for him that requires a higher sens.

Shadowburn can do it easily with a high sens.

Shadowburn is a god. Deflecting a headshot as Genji is incredibly difficult, moreso than landing a headshot as a hitscan with the same eDPI. You can’t just flick to their head and click. You have to flick to their head when you think they’ll shoot. That layer of prediction is what makes it so challenging. Against Widows, it’s easier. However, it’s pretty tricky to pull off consistently against Ashe and McCree.

I’m lost as to when people actually started believing hitscan is more aim intensive than projectile when it isn’t.

Pretty sure ML7 also plays with very high sens.

It’s about what works for you, if you grew up gaming on a “regular” sized mouse pad chances are it’d take a long time to adjust to arm aim.

There is a clip from Jayne with a person with an INSANELY high sens.

I think that its crazy how people can aim with that high edpi. if my own is just 100 higher than 3,4k, my aim becomes wood tier.

well you would have to play a few days or even weeks to retrain muscle memory

i played at 2784 epdi for a while, when i first started to care about those things, i just went down until i couldn’t go further

then after a while i went up again simply because i started to play more winston and was at 3200

for some unknown reason i suddenly underflicked all the time, don’t ask me why… i was playing with 3200 for over a year.

so i went up to 3520 about the time ashe came out and i’m fine again.

Found some good footage of shadowburn on widow, vs kabaji and emongg in comp. Switches to her at around 2:54:00

And here, he switches at 4:12:30 to widow. And this stream is really interesting, because someone asked him if he ever considered lowering his sens while he was on widow. He said

"Umm, no. I mean obviously i’ve thought about it, isn’t it better with low sens. But since I started thinking about it more, if you’re able to hit shots on hitscan heroes, there is no way you can do it consistently. But having high sens is giving you a really big advantage. I don’t think players on low sens can do the same things that I can do on projectile heroes. But I can most likely do the same things they can do on hitscan heroes. I feel like having high sens is better. It makes so many things easier. Especially movement. Movement is really important in the game. "