DPS players question:

ask them instead why they refuse to play tank or support instead.
i mean it’s more important to know for blizz to fix the biggest problem the game have currently.

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The forums did ask those questions though. Some answers included:

1- boring designs( both character and gameplaywise)
2- too passive
3- no in game feedback (headshot dings, multi-kill announcements, potg usually go to dps)
4- too much responsibility for so little fun
5- those classes are the number one targets


I don’t particularly hate dps players. I’m just upset that based on the potential (aka definite) changes on experimental mode and what Jeff has said recently, the game will cater far more to its dps audience than to either tanks or supports.

I get that dps are a majority, but we’ve already seen a sharp decline in the smaller player bases of the other two roles. At some point, you may as well remove the 2/2/2 system cause there won’t be enough tanks and supports in the game left to support it.

I’m sure 6v6 dps brawls will be super fun…


i think they can do something about these and i think it’s imperative that they do.

So every single person who has ever played dps in overwatch thinks that supports should not be able to kill them. You have proof for that one?

Like fixing Dva? She pretty much can fix many of that. Making Zarya better looking in OW2 can help as well.


But do you know what I do hate?

DPS players who “Flank” And die with one kill the whole game, claiming they’re “Helping”

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Just because you want a hero nerfed doesn’t mean you hate them.

I personally love playing Orisa myself but I knew she was overtuned.

DPS get hated for killing.

Naturally, tanks would get hated for tanking and healers for healing.


That doesn’t mean that the devs listen to them. A great example is He Who Shall Not be Named. He has been quite vocal as to how he doesn’t approve the types of decisions that the devs make.

Well, yeah. They change the wrong parts of the heroes. For example, Genji’s most recent nerfs were aime at the completely wrong parts of his kit.


To be fair, He Who Shall Not Be Named is a complete fool…

That’s very true. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t noticed a single difference fighting Genji now to fighting pre-nerf Genji.

I personally don’t hate on supports players in fact i enjoy playing against good ones
but the ones that actually feel fair to play against like ana rein roadhog and orisa and sigma but not together

but when they go orisa sigma it’s like what’s the point of playing the game anymore ?
they just halt and rock
then they halt and everyone shots at the halt
it’s not really interactive same kinda goes for brig she just do her things u can’t really reliably outplay it by mechanics

holy sh*t i think u just solved the pandemic
like what does that even mean xddd

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LOL as a DPS main I love all roles. In fact, I’m better in tank than DPS. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice “DPS bad” assumptions friend

Well, from what I’ve heard from him and not just from the Forums, he’s not that bad.

Though either way, people are fond of blaming various changes on him since he’s in the discord but he doesn’t approve of the changes.

I was more referring to the fact that they took away the one thing that people wanted the most which was the 30 shuriken damage

I mean like, people were asking for 30 shuriken damage for years and when Genji finally gets it he gets nerfed and it gets taken away.

Well that’s a loaded question

I play all roles(I stuck at tank but whatever, I enjoy off tanks a Bit). When a hero is overpowered, I’ll say they need nerfs, no matter what their role is.

I flex between all 3 roles. Tanks and supports are fundamentally just a lot stronger than DPS in the current game. With the amount of healing healers can put out and the amount of damage shields can block, it becomes very difficult for any DPS outside of the “meta” to have any real impact on the game.

Don’t forget until the game straight up forced DPS with 2-2-2 queue, it was uncommon to see DPS in the meta. They now exist there because of necessity. Open queue meta you won’t see DPS as much. People will play GOATS or Deathball if they want to win.

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I dont hate tanks and supports at all, i just want the 1-2 year meta move on lol

Do you have proof of me saying “saying every single person”?