DPS players question:

Why do hate tanks and supports? And if you say you don’t and just want nerfs, you need to stop lying to yourself.

Of course, if you genuinely do like them, thank you, tank and support players appreciate your kindness.

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This…is unhelpful.


And so are the opinions of most DPS players. Doesn’t stop them being listened too…


If they are too strong, they should get nerfs. This has nothing to do with anyone hating any role. Stop generalizing.

Sigma needed nerfs. Orisa needed nerfs. Brig needed nerfs. Ashe still needs nerfs.


Well I hope you like Rein/Sigma…

Looks like you like Rein and Lucio. Why are you complaining? This is perfect for you.

I don’t hate any tanks/supports. I won’t lie though…some I do like more than others. But I try not to let my bias impact my takes on balance.


You have no examples or solutions in your post. You’re only painting every DPS player as something you don’t like.

So you think the DPS players are wrong when they do something, and then you do the same unhelpful thing. that means you think you’re wrong, too.


That play time is stacked up from years ago. I’ve had an on off relationship with OW. Mostly avoid tanks now.

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See, this is your problem. If you stopped blaming everything on “the useless DPS mains who always get their way”, you’d be happier. Considering the Genji mains are all having to accept the fact that their favourite Power Ranger got nerfed, I don’t quite know why you’re upset about the DPS mains supposedly being listened to more than anyone else.

Why does humanity love scapegoating so much? That’s the question we should all be asking.

Oh, and don’t forget - These hero changes you’re so worked up about are in the experimental mode. That means they are merely getting play-tested, and will possibly never see the light of day once the mode is disabled again.


You assume that’s the thing that set me off. It isn’t. It’s watching people STILL whining, and they will continue to whine, trust me, because I know what’s coming. First, Rein/Sigma, then, if Rein is nerfed (likely), double, or even triple sniper (Ana).

And of course, DPS queue times will further sky rocket, and DPS players will be confused as to why.

Why must the game be balanced around a playerbase that hates 2/3 of the game?


It’s not - The game is balanced around the whims of influential streamers and OWL. Stop blaming the average DPS player for that which they are not a part of. Otherwise I suppose you will have to do the same thing for us Support mains due to the Genji nerf. See? Your argument can go both ways, only it’s still incredibly flawed.

Furthermore, DPS players don’t “hate” the rest of the playerbase. I literally cannot have a discussion with someone whose viewpoints are that emotional.



It’s just weird how nerfs can roll through to tanks and supports and still wonder why the queues are so long when the end result of it is pretty much: prepare to play limited roles with an even more limited selection.


Generalizing is bad. However, I think this misconception could come from the reality that some people like the game to be fast-paced, and powerful sustain slows it down. Thus, when tanks and supports are too strong, the game is slower. That’s why some people hated GOATs, myself included.

This does not mean I hate tank and support heroes. I just hate what the game feels like when they’re too strong, for the above reasons. I don’t want them gutted, though - heck I play support quite a bit myself.

I just like the game to be balanced in general. I’ve said certain DPS heroes were too strong when they were, too. I’ll call a spade a spade.

Nah, dude, we all totally hate sup-

… Oh. Uh oh.

Um, I mean … yeah! Get out of our game you … you! And your name’s stupid! >:O

… Actually, no, it’s kind of awesome, really. Hmm, hang on. :thinking:

Your avatar is dumb!

… Wait, no, that’s kind of cool too, actually. Frak…

I’m bad at this. ;_;

InB4 someone actually reports this for harassment and I get banned for satire. :joy:


Why do tank and support players hate us? If you don’t and just want nerfs then you need to stop lying to yourself.

Asking for nerfs does not mean you hate a role. Can we stop with this role elitism? People play more than one role you know.


I don’t think that’s the case. I don’t think I’ve heard of any streamer or OWL player that was happy with how the game is turning out to be and how the devs “balance”


Or even worse - A mod does it themselves lol. I promise you, guys, it’s all friendly banter! :+1: :rofl:

Some of them share a private Discord with the developers where they are able to voice any concerns directly to them, and it’s clear that such opinions have sway on the future dev decisions simply because they are the people keeping the game afloat.

However I do also believe that at least part of their discontentment is due to the devs’ inability to balance their own game well. For example, people were demanding Genji buffs…so the devs went all out and buffed pretty much every aspect of his kit, creating an OP hero to nobody’s surprise…so he had to get nerfed again after a few weeks. They just have no idea.

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Why do tanks and supports hate me for simply existing even though I did nothing to them. I’m tired of the dps main scapegoat these forums love. Tanks and supports have more impact and control the meta more than dps do so of course they’re gonna get nerfed more.

Not a DPS player but really tired of people blaming DPS players for nerfs on tanks and supports. If heroes have decided and dominated the meta and are too strong, they should be nerfed. DPS players should also be able to voice their opinion without being attacked if their opinion is respectful just like anyone else.

Except for the DPS that believe support shouldn’t be able to kill them…

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