DPS players, how long are you going to last with these queues?

When I am stuck in Tank role and dps can’t deal with Pharah I can usually bring it under control with DVa.
On Support, Baptiste is good enough to kill her alone, Pharmercy is a bit tougher with just Baptiste, a discord helps.

My point is they just often are just as inept and poor at their play as anyone else. Queue time is simply irrelevant ultimately and doesn’t make DPS complaints about tanks or supports any more relevant than tanks/supports disappointments in DPS players who are frankly playing ineptly.

Matchmaking systems do not work for team sizes above 1 unless it is a score for a pre-formed team and not a pack of randoms thrown together.

Pub play is short for Public play. But you knew that.

It can be both. OWL is also the only format where pre-formed teams play against each other.

Just because you call something a name doesn’t mean it’s true. I can call myself the King of France but it doesn’t mean I’m French royalty. Aside from the longer game format, its still pub(lic) play of randoms vs randoms.

I get what you are saying I just don’t agree.

DPS queue times can be well over 12 minutes, tanks and supports get put in games in under 3.

You can compensate for a dps not doing what he needs to, But if the enemy Rein is in your face swinging his hammer while your Rein is chasing their Lucio around like a bad cartoon villain…there is pretty much nothing a dps or healer can do to alleviate that.

Main tank has a lot more impact in the game, just to be able to play at a competent level is a lot.

I do get the frustration is real :slight_smile:

Nono, you misunderstood
He said He’s fine with long dps queues - cuz he was speaking for himself, you see…

I’m not wasting energy and focus on irrelevant stuff. I’m there to play competitive.

Speaking of.

I heard in Europe even gold queue times can be 10 minutes long. Some people apparently take this, others not.

Not well enough.

The pools may not be very deep but in terms of variety and power they have covered a lot.

This is what I’ve suggested.

They must have loosened SR ranges and might be herding players across regions. But DPS queue times should be very high, over 10 minutes.

Then honestly you just need to adjust - because that’s the system. Not saying that to be mean or derisive, but people just wandering in saying they don’t like something doesn’t mean the whole system is forced to change to support their notions of what is acceptable. I don’t care for the DPS POTG algorithm, but I don’t expect it to change as that’s what Blizzard has decided its going to be.

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Adjust how, genius? You don’t. You either wait or stop playing this game. Of course you’d assume the status quo is the only way. The whole system changed for clowns like you already!


To be honest I don’t mind long q time to play a balance game and there is custom game and FFA to play when I’m waiting but some times I have my friends q I with me to play tank or support or sometimes I play it I still love the game yes a fast q is good but I’m still happy

Good question. I’m not sure why you bother either.

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Genius - you deal with things you don’t like, that’s how life works. I don’t assume the “status quo” is the only way, don’t be so quick to judge, but your wanting OW to be something it isn’t. You are free to complain, to feel different, but at some one point you adjust to it or you quit.

“Clowns”… I see what I am dealing with.

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You can deal with things you don’t like too. :slight_smile: It’s a matter of finding the proper balance, which of course you have little concept of and desire for. You’re there for the ride. You’re the one who made Overwatch something it isn’t.

It’s called a defense mechanism. Yours are basic.

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The primary issue with the 1/4/1-2/4/2 proposal is it’s 100% a reversal of Blizz’s current balancing plan, it also forces individual DPS to feel less powerful compared to individual Supports and Tanks as a higher concentration of dedicated Damage heroes will require higher dedicated healing and mitigation tools to upkeep if the intention is to keep the team objective based game intact.

It also mean reworks for ~half of both the Support and Tank rosters, and who doesn’t love Blizz’s track record for reworks?

The impact of such a change is also only speculative. While I wasn’t keen on being a solo support some people loved it and others would more likely drop the role all together before voluntarily playing solo. If those people leave or decide to join the DPS Queue the overall compositional change could be largely offset by an influx of players in (a) particular role(s) or exodus of players that don’t want to participate in the new system.

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This is my proposal. And yes, individual power levels will be in favor of main tanks and main supports, but with respect to damage DPS remains the best. I’m banking on people naturally liking dealing damage. If solo tanking or solo healing is deemed unacceptable then it needs to be made acceptable.

…So you take it out of their hands. lol

The impact of 2-2-2 role queue I believe will manifest.

LOL “Basic”, but your the one complaining to what end… uh huh I hear you pal :wink: Not sure how you of all people construe I made OW something it “isn’t”. OW is what the devs decide it is with our combined input. Guessing your point of view didn’t pan out.


I mean I have not had as much time to play lately, I technically do not even have the time to be posting right now, but the queue times are not really a massive detriment towards my enjoyment.

That being said, it really is silly that Blizzard do not allow you to queue for multiple roles and just save your place in line, or relative place in line, after each queue ends, maybe even let it move while in the comp game but not pop. People would be willing to play a game or two of tank competitive and support competitive if they knew that after there was a DPS queue waiting for them.

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Most queues are <8 mins on DPS for me. I’ve had queue times as low as 2 mins on DPS as well. So I’m good.

Only thing Blizzard needs to change is QP match length. Just use comp ruleset or something FFS. Queue times for QP are about the same as the queue times for comp, but the matches are ridiculously short in comparison.

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So it would appear that in a lower league I have worse queue times than you. I am surprised by these responses though. Shocked, really. Makes me wonder who’s responding.


You’re misconstruing my points.

In a 1/4/1 setup “Main” and “Off” can’t exist in the Support or Tank roles. Because you can only have 1 each and every member of those roster needs to be capable of solo sustaining a team with their respective mitigation abilities.

In 1/3/2 you encounter the same issue, the 1 role cannot have main or off distinction as off is essentially weaker in primary mitigation stronger in utility/damage. In solo scenarios you can’t gamble mitigation, D.Va needs to be just as viable as Rein, Zen can’t be worse than Moira if you can’t pick another healer to help pick up the slack.

I’m not saying they can’t do reworks, I don’t write the dev team’s cheques and have nowhere near that power, I’m just bringing up that it is something that can’t be avoided and not something that they’re particularly held in high regard for.

You say that, yet 2/2/2s had about the same queue times since release with no major breakdowns of the system. Either, a. People have much higher tolerances for waiting to be in a match with the knowledge that they get to play their favorite role and thus don’t mind, or b. The player pools are each decreasing proportionally to each other to maintain the queue standards. Which leads to one of two conclusions, either DPS players in large aren’t going anywhere or they’re leaving at the same scale as Tanks and Supports.

Off is indeed essentially weaker, and in the 1 role generally speaking you do not play an off hero. Under my system the 1 role won’t be fixed, there will be some rotation in the main healer slot, 2-2-2 is retained as a composition, and players are allowed to switch roles. The thread I linked features balance changes.

There are things you probably aren’t seeing, namely possibly increased SR spreads and loss of activity. Both can keep queue times stable and even reduce them, yet both are harmful.

I don’t believe you’ve paid that close attention.

But you are correct, there are numbers that should be reflecting the toll of 2-2-2 RQ. Potential, however, is much more difficult to quantify.