Dps not doing job

Jumped into the game for a few matches after a couple of years off.

Still suffering the same problems with Tanks and healers topping out damage and kills. While the dps is off in a corner playing Yu-Gi-Oh.

Why are people so obsessed with playing dps if the suck at it so much.

Even back in season 2 it was easy to maintain high kills and damage as a tank.

The game needs to reward individual participation.

You did as well or exceeded expected performance in a group.

Even at a loss you gain rank as your skill is measured leaving Genji and no aim mcrees where they belong

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Below Diamond it does via PBSR. If youā€™re not winning, however, with the same caliber of teammates as opponents, why should you climb? Iā€™ve climbed on Support and Tank so itā€™s not bad DPS that hold you back; itā€™s your own lack of ability.


Just wondering if you ever looked at your own play? The game places people of similar skill together.


This is wholly untrue. Not saying that they shouldnt look at their own gameplay. But in OW current state teams are rarely groupings of people of similar skill.


Yes when team mates Elo is 1000 points lower than mine

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In most of your games? Sure, that sounds normal. Even if it was the case the enemy team would be ~500sr lower than you; which makes it even more of your fault for losing. The matchmaker isnā€™t perfect but this post is a temper tantrum.

Some people want to play DPS that suck. I suck at DPS and still like playing it sometimes.

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Thereā€™s a few reasons that tanks will typically do more damage than dps in low elo and why this isnā€™t a bad thing:

Tanks are less mechanically intense. While DPS have a higher dps ceiling than tanks, tanks typically donā€™t have to aim as hard.

Tanks typically will spend a lot of time battling other tanks when the frontlines clash and your dps are looking for picks on the squishies. Tanks have more hp which means tanks have the advantage on damage done here unless youā€™re explicitly calling for the dps to also focus the enemy tank target for any reason.

Tanks typically survive longer. This is true in most ranks, but especially in lower ranks. You have more hp than DPS which makes you a less desirable kill target. Being alive longer = more damage

Supports have a harder time hitting shots on small dps hitboxes. Which is another factor in tanks living longer.

In a same-skill environment (which 90-95% of matches are, donā€™t fight me on this), your DPS NEED tanks and supports to do their job properly. Without the space to push, dps cannot get picks.

As a final note, since you mentioned that supports are also getting gold damage/ kills. Itā€™s fine to have gold damage on Zen. Even somewhat expected. Zen does a lot of damage, has no falloff and only has to stop to heal during transcendence. Any other support getting gold damage probably means that they arenā€™t healing enough to enable their dps and tanks to seek more damage and kills.

If your dps are bad, the enemy dps are probably bad too. The matchmaker is fine. Review your own gameplay. Watch guides. Get better. If you want to play with the good dps, you have to be a good tank/support player.


If tanks are going to out dps the dps anyway why not just return to the 4 tank 2 healer meta since they do a better job

You probably donā€™t understand the game. You are blaming a role that gets bullied by tanks. Doesnā€™t get heals. Tanks fail to create space for while getting pumped with almost all the teams healing resourceā€™s at diamond and lower.

Yet, despite all those issues they still get blamed for a loss that it is most likely not their fault.

If you arenā€™t playing protect the president with some of your dps and treating them as a valuable asset. You are playing the game wrong.

Thereā€™s a reason tanks in overwatch league peel for dps to keep them alive.

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Your Sr?
20 characters

Dps hardly ever do their job. Tanks are making space from what I see, Iā€™ll pocket someone and their missing 98% of their shots and not killing anything

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Well itā€™s absolutely this. But then you stop weighting win-conditions. You can lowskill cheese for wins, and highskill convert wins through all sorts of 0pbsr intangibles like pocketing the vip, using zoning ults, killing an ulting person, or body blocking 1hp friends.

And thatā€™s all SR is atm - a 4+ year no-reset, same season win ratio. Meaning itā€™s nowhere close to tracking raw skill/talent/ability.

To track individual skill you can use agency metrics. Simple stuff like k/d per healthpool received. This decouples you from being pocketed or winning/losing teamfights. And it decouples your hero roster from map and team results - meaning it isolates deserved rank.

So? Everybody has had bad tanks, dps and supports donā€™t go acting as if everything is the dpsā€™s fault


It doesnā€™t matter what you do in those games. I got flamed by a Zen smurf lvl 50 in QP for not doing anything. Playing soldier I had 3 golds and a silver medal. I was doing SOMETHING but because I didnā€™t 1v1 the Genji and win I was useless to him. People are overly toxic to DPS.

I will agree more often than not when Iā€™m healing and my friends are tanking we usually have the damage medals. As long as we are winning itā€™s not an issue.

Contrary to popular belief itā€™s better to have a dps thatā€™s bronze or even lower in damage done that actually secures kills instead of a dps that has gold damage by continuously tickling the enemy and never securing the kill.


This has been heard a thousand times. You dont lose because of the dps you lose because of yourself

If dps is losing every single game then youā€™re not supporting them at all. There is instances where theyā€™re simply worse but you can make a difference by for example nading enemy dps entire match as ana

Yup, i cringe when i hear for example a zen complaining to a widow that he has gold damage