DPS Moira is now the only way to play her

No they can’t. She can nullify all of Winston’s damage (all of it) as well as Reins, but she doesn’t even need to be near Rein. Orisa is okay, as Fortify+Orisa’s headshots make the matchup about even. Zarya is a good candidate with 40+ charge, but healing orb can still make it an uphill battle, WB doesn’t have the range to kill her if she fades and heals, leaving Dva, Sigma, and Hog.

“Meta dependent” is a stretch. She was still a good pick even in Orisa/Hog. Her ever being a throwpick is a myth, and I’m thinking you might have been playing in EU a bit too much back then if you were hearing her being called a throw pick that much. Everything is a throw pick in EU.

Wrecking Ball (and Orisa) easily decimate Moira. Rein and Winston do not kill her, per se; however, they can easily invalidate a DPS Moira.

Zarya is charge dependent, as you stated. But you are heavily down playing Orisa and Hammond for whatever reason. I guess to sell your narrative.

If you’re playing at the elo you actually belong to with that hero you’re practicing, you do not jeopardize your teammates’ SR.

She’s not gonna nullify Winston’s damage for long, as her orb moves. And during that time she isn’t gonna get much of her succ in because he’s gonna shield dance so she doesn’t. He’s gonna win by attrition.

She was released in a Winston meta to counter it and did nothing. Because Winston and D.va don’t have any problems dealing with her.

Hog and Orisa can just straight up kill her pretty easily. They shouldn’t be losing to her.

Reinhardt can easily kill her if she gets to close. But they really shouldn’t be dueling much anyway, because in actual practice her orb is gonna move away before she can kill him. And she’s gonna be too far away to swing. And Zarya with actual charge is gonna melt her pretty well.

Sigma can eat her orb if they were for some reason dueling and stun and kill her the second she uses fade. If she doesn’t use fade, she’s not gonna be that hard to kill using his regular damage and he can shield dance easily to block her beam.

Rein and Sigma don’t fair as well against coalescence but that’s an ult.

WB has too much mobility and health for her to get away if he really wants her dead. She requires peel against him.

And even if the tanks that can deal with her really were only D.va, Hog, and Zarya…that’s literally all off the off-tanks. That’s every tank comp except Monkeyball and Double Shield where she’s kept in check.

And that’s not to mention all the comps where she has no synergy.

The devs were going to buff her because she was the worst support by a fair margin prior to double shield. She had a poor pickrate and an okay winrate at Diamond+.

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ummm… the thing is that kinda is the case… i.e. mercy needing to battle mercy more to get more value since pure healing or boosting isn’t going to cut it anymore. like even if you watch animetic’s vids, basically wip out pistol to secure kills when possible, valk used more to sniper/pharah/support hunt or to distract with battle mercy, etc.

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As far as I’m concerned, I wouldn’t mind increase in skill ceiling. To be fair, even this healing nerf is an increase in skill ceiling since Moira will have to do way more [damage] to be able to actually do something. Just healing won’t cut it and won’t win you a game if you choose to play her.

However, if they tightened her hitbox (which would be a welcomed change for me since i have around 80% accuracy anyway), there would probably have to be a compensation in her juice recharge. You keep forgetting she’s doing negligible amounts of damage (again, it’s 50. Fifty.) and her right click has a forgiving hitbox because it’s supposed to be used for juice recharge.

That explains we’re friends, which is something I would never be able to say about you :kissing_heart:

Yes and you can throw it in ways where it doesn’t run away from you unless you’re very unlucky. As long as that orb is on you, his shield dancing doesn’t matter. He deals 60dps. Orb is a flat 75hps.

No, Dva has no problem dealing with her or enabling others to deal with her. He stands no chance of killing her alone, and she can sit there and drain a 500hp tank with him not being able to do a thing about it other than run. From a support. That deals 50dps. It is very stupid. This, again, coming from a Moira player.

Yeah they’ve literally never said that and I’m pretty sure you’re just grasping at straws there because you maybe wanted her buffed when she absolutely has never needed one.

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That’s map geometry reliant. In most instances that orb is not gonna stay on you long enough to kill Winston. Your damage is gonna be utter garbage against him because you’re opting to not use the orb that could put some damage on him, and getting your succ damage (which is already very low) cut down by a large margin. This is gonna be a drawn out battle but it’s mostly gonna end in Winston’s favor. You’re not gonna be doing 50 damage per second on him because some of your damage will be getting blocked. On top of that, the healing orb doesn’t last forever and doesn’t last long enough for her to put in enough damage into his health to kill him.

They didn’t state it in those words, but statistically it was true. Which is why the devs specifically called out her inability to compete with other supports due to her lack of utility for the buff they gave her on PTR. They then reverted this buff.


I didn’t know you can play this game always in a 1v1 situation while the other 5 teammates and 5 enemies are each in their own 1v1 situation.

Plus if the Winston is at least half capable of playing that hero, he will dance around the shield so Moira fails to get a grasp at him. If he jumps after she used an orb and fade (which, you know, might happen because, you know, it’s a 6v6…), that Moira is his dinner.

This is limited to literally only a very little amount of places where this can be done.

They said she lacks utility compared to the other supports:


I like how in these fantasy duels, things are always 100% in the hero your complaining about’s favor. Like…Moira gets full damage because he’s not shield dancing but Winston is facing a Moira with an orb that won’t leave her at all.


IMO, these complaints usually come from being defeated by the certain hero. Most kills don’t really feel fair, do they.

Say, if I came to the forums every time I was killed by a Doomfist or Hanzo and it tilted me beyond this world (which it usually does), I’d be long banned for spamming about how those heroes are broken.

I think so too. Though I guess that there are a lot of cheesy things in this game for pretty much all of the heroes. The devs seem to be of the philosophy that if every hero is cheesy, none of them are. And to be fair, that does seem to be the case. But it does lead to a lot of salt posts with exaggerations of what a hero can do.


Hmm, this might be true, but this time, Blizzard made the best choice and nerfed Moira, as it was pretty much mandatory due to her utterly ridiculous objective stats when also taking into consideration her extremely low skill requirements.

And this is coming from a Moira main I the Support role by the way…

I’d just nerf her beam damage some more, reducing the range as well to be more in line with how defense matrix got treated. Then make her orb have half it’s CD if you use the heal orb. So people aren’t throwing purple ones out with no punishment. It should be used as a finisher only not something spammed on CD. The buff to the healing orb CD would slightly mitigate her healing loss without making it as OP as the full healing mist power used to be.

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Yeah Jeff is just sitting in his lair “heh heh heh I will nerf supports and watch support mains fall into misery :smiling_imp:

I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that moiras healing output and sustain are at insanely high levels.

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Why not go to the ptr and see what is happening?

Teams aren’t clumped together at all times, and you see Moira players having to run around trying to get their healing in range of one or 2 charging tanks.

Dps and tanks are having sending supports to spawn more often.

When teams aren’t huddled behind barriers, Moira’s over all healing is less efficient.

Less efficient healing means more resource used. Less over all effective healing output on the same resource strains the resource more.

Moira ends up having to dps more just to keep her resource up more often. A dps Moira with a tank in her face or a ranged dps focusing her down is dead pretty quick.

Discussion aside,

Can we appreciate the OP’s name for a sec?




They will probably nerf all her damage abilities too, to please the Genji mains.

It is completely ridiculous that Doomfist and Hanzo are still OP and meanwhile Blizz nerfs HEALERS. Flabbergasted.

I agree, except they actually nerfed the self-heal to nerf her dueling ability (to please the DPS mains). Her right click DPS shouldn’t be decreased because picking off low-HP heroes is also an important part of her kit. DPS Moira was always a thing. As for the healing nerf, I sincerely think they hired some newbies on the balance team because most of the senior people are working on OW2. Someone saw 80 hps healing stat, ignoring the energy aspect of it, and the result is a kneejerk nerf that makes no sense.

The only way it could make sense is if they buff her energy regen substantially, which probably won’t happen, because we all know that PTR patch notes are basically set in stone. PTR feedback is basically ignored.