DPS is back in the pro scene!

GOATS overrated
Dive outdated
Long have we waited
triple/quad dps activated!


This is what Jeff thinks about 4 DPS…


We just watched 4 DPS give GOATs a very bloody nose.


quad dps was always a counterpick to goats
it’s just not anywhere near consistent and people run winston goats to fare better against it

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I didn’t… but that was not the point. If you followed the quote to the original post you can see the motivation why Jeff is against the 4-1-1 comp, and he has some pretty good reasons why it may not provide overly fun gameplay. You might enjoy watching it, but I doubt you would enjoy playing it.

Well, maybe you should watch and see for yourself. I’m sure you can track down the VoD.

it was about a mode with 4-1-1. what we are talking about is a single composition

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It’s not. This again? can’t even see a DPS being played that you already say goats is gone IT AINT THAT SIMPLE.

Watching the OWL is not something I would waste my time on. It is not for me.

Pity. If you did you could have saved yourself the correction.

It won Volskaya, both points at the end.


What correction? The clarification?

Checks twitch stream Mirrored GOATS, wow yea 4 dps picks lasted long.

they destroyed volskaya on both points

The correction about 4 DPS. It swept GOATs off both points in Volskaya. You were, as they say, firing blind.

yet its back to GOATS…

because a whole meta doesnt change over 1 match

Exactly the point…

No, I quoted a post Jeff Kaplan made earlier today about the 4-1-1 comp… Perhaps you should read it instead of criticizing blind?

The point is that it’s not gonna be all GOATS that only sees success like people thought.

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