DPS is a cosmetic role, its a fact

im sure everyone doesn’t notice the passive exsitence from how strong the healing output is, n the heroes you either play widow n camp the back of the map or suffer trying to get value on the other heroes.

dps heroes never change the meta, tanks n supprots do. and this implies that dps is a cosmetic role.

you can never 1v1 a tank and get out alive, its just impossible. it feels like the game was designed to be tank favored, but at the same time playing tank is so boring due to instant counter picks from the other team.

this game has so much potential but idk what the devs were thinking when they made tanks so boring to play yet too strong.


It isn’t.

If it was cosmetic, it wouldn’t have the player base it does.

The issue it has, is that because support and tank are more “team play” heroes, they get stronger the more your team, you know… plays as a team.

But most players are where DPS are stronger. Which is why, you know, it is heavily picked.

Did you know for MMOs, supports are more heavily picked for new players, than DPS. But they are balanced in a way where people move TO dps really early in play?

It was pretty wild when I first saw it when crunching stats for MMOs, but they move there because DPS are tuned to be really strong in early game in MMOs (there is reasons they do this).

Overwatch is the same. DPS is the strongest role for most of the playerbase, it’s only once you are high rank that changes.


heres a clip of torb surviving a full echo beam

Working as intended. DPS players going toe to toe with a tank ain’t playing their role correctly. It’s a team based game not a lone wolf type of FPS.

Again, it’s a team based game.

The most effective way of killing the enemy tank is by taking out their support and punish their mistakes, such as being out of position or wasting their utilities.


You can absolutely 1v1 a tank if you’re smart about it, I.E. don’t run face first into the Rein. Engage from a distance, whittle them down before they can start shooting you, abuse cover and high ground.

DPS is very impactful, it’s just that the floor for being a decent dps is higher than the floor for being a decent support or tank since you’re usually the one who has to wait for your team to engage before hard committing

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He missed the beam for about 50% of the duration and torb used his utility ability and was pocketed.

Echos beam is strong when the target is below 50% hp but when he boosted his hp/armor with his utility, the beam became useless while he was getting pocketed at the same time.


It also isn’t even really true. I have 1v1ed tanks as DPS.
(though, I play Sombra/Mei mostly).

It’s not impossible, just tricky.



Bro, this isn’t season 8 anymore.

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For some people, their entire lives are season 8 :slight_smile:


you clearly didnt watch the clip.

cosmetic role yet has the longest queue times


Some people just want to be beautiful :slight_smile:


That is simply untrue. If you are not playing the meta dps, you are basically throwing.


You’re right. Widow and tracer are just cosmetic. They definitely haven’t eternally warped the entire game around them in every meta ever. It’s true.


I did, both normal and in slow motion. Next…

XD what is this dude on about he clearly didnt see the clip and he decided hes right xDDDD

Nice sarcasm, but on other news … are you ok dude?
Because all metas have happened due to either Support or Tank capabilities so … yeah, no.

PS: Please try to bring up “Double Sniper” as a meta so we can laugh.


Nah most dps are pretty good right now

Ashe, Echo, Pharah, Cassidy, Soldier, Sojourn, Torb, Reaper, Widow, Hanzo, Tracer, Mei, Junkrat

all solid picks. it’s just the tank power level that feels way too high at times

Tank metas (except mauga and some variants of Zarya and orisa) are usually “which tank is necessary due to dps meta”

And support meta is just “Ana/kiriko” for most of ow2, except when poke was meta (dps) which mandated sigma and it just so happened Illari/bap are the best poke supports so they benefited.

Oh how curious that when dive dps were meta dva/winston were recently meta. Interesting.

Recently since season 9, support mega is normally just “whatever tf isn’t deadweight against the dps meta”. It was even Moira/lucio for a time because they were the only ones who didn’t just fall over in season 9.

And through all of this, it’s still always been tracer (definition of dive and fits on every comp so you either play a support that can survive her or lose) and widow (if she is selected you now must change most of your entire comp or probably will lose)


I saw the clip and mostly came to the same conclusion.