Just like supports have gotten, we need a big DPS patch. With the changes to shields, many DPS have gotten left behind. Right now, if you’re not playing Widow, Ashe, Sombra, Reaper, or Tracer, you’re really gimping your team. Perhaps Torbjorn is alright.
For the last year+ yall have been screaming your heads off about how underpowered Sombra and Reaper were.
Theyve gotten 0 changes, let’s please not nerf them.
I mean, as I said before, the shield changes effected a lot of DPS.
I don’t even think Sombra and Reaper necessarily needs nerfs (maybe Sombra can get a spread revert) moreso that I want other DPS to be as good as them.
Soldier isn’t that great (getting buffed on exp though), Bastion isn’t that great, McCree isn’t that great. It’s basically anyone that doesn’t have the range or mobility to get around the shield nerfs with ease (and also Genji and Doom are bad, but they are seldom meta when Sombra is)
Dont touch sombra please. She is balanced. Ashe hanzo and widow need a reduction dmg per headshot and they would be viable but not the meta all the time.
Hanzo is fine. Ashe is still too good at everything, they need to pick something to make her weak to and nerf that, stop rounding the edges on her kit. Even with a nerfed dynamite, her hipfire is as good as McCree’s bodyshots.
Widow needs to be turned into either a glass cannon, have her mobility neutered or move up that fall-off
Ashe, atp, idk. I’m thinking coach gun cd increase or reload revert. Her strength wasn’t really ever dynamite, but I’m glad they are toning down annoying spam.
Sombra & Reaper I’m leaving to Sombra & Reaper mains, but I feel like they do not need major nerfs.
Tracer needs her fall-off reverted and to remain closely looked at so she’s not dominating the game like she did pre-Brigg to warrant buffing back up 28938282929 things to ‘counter’ her when they also ‘counter’ everything else.
No. Because right now a lot of the difference is that the shields were nerfed. Heroes like Symmetra depended on shields. So the new pace of the game doesn’t work for her.
There are multiple like that. Ashe has balanced stats. Sombra has balanced stats. Even Widows stats aren’t unreasonable anymore. None of the dps are doing insane.