Dps blamed to much

On the flip side: Gotta love it when you got gold damage as Rein and Zen got silver while widow and Genji just… exist.


-shield is up as reinhardt
-mccree runs in front of shield and dies

who do I blame here?


You didn’t do the epic crusader hammer pogo jump bro.

don’t know what else to tell you :confused:

You don’t need to repeat anything. You’re just not understanding a simple concept.
He’s complaining he’s not getting protection. He’s blaming teammates. He’s not getting zero heals, he’s just not paying attention to when he receives them and/or why he’s not receiving them. He didn’t post a replay so the fault is only on them until proven otherwise.

I’ve been low gold before. Literally everything: ‘healers don’t heal’ or ‘dps don’t kill’ or ‘tanks don’t tank’ can all be solved by bettering yourself at the game and climbing to get away from those problems.

Silver players will never improve… until they improve… and when they improve, they’ll be gold. You can’t ask them to be better.

He’s silver. It’s not complicated down there. If you want better teammates you climb. You climb by carrying or having more impact on the match than the enemy. Not by blaming your supports for not being GM. Heaven forbid silver supports be bad. If you can’t better yourself on dps to climb despite bad supports, you can’t complain at all because you’re no different than silver supports saying ‘silver dps never kill anything!! My heals go to waste and nothing dies despite me doing 30k healing!!’

Then he doesn’t climb. So what? That’s on him. No ones holding him back. People climb all the time. I climbed from 2100sr, which is not far off from silver. It’s. Not. Hard. You practice/study you climb.

I saw good supports, bad supports, good tanks, bad tanks, good dps, bad dps. You’re blindly biased in saying silver tanks/supports are worse than silver dps. And even it was true, the enemy team has the same bad tanks/supports so there’s STILL NO EXCUSE for him to complain.

It wasn’t off topic lmaooo
You brought up what roles are easiest to win on and I explained there’s easy dps to win on too.

He’s complaining about his teammates. I’m saying you need to climb if you want better teammates. He’s in the same rank as those ‘bad supports/tanks’ for a reason. They’re all ‘bad’ from an competitive perspective and complaining about it solves nothing. If you had a good support in silver who properly managed heals, protected teammates, and used their abilities right, then it’s a smurf.

Supports in silver suck at healing because they’re silver and op has no right to complain because he’s not good at dps, just like the supports down there aren’t good and neither are the tanks.


I main support, and in my experience, most of the time when a DPS underperforms it’s a tank problem. DPS players need space to function, and if they’re constantly restricted to like 2sqm of space they just can’t do their job. And additionally, supports can’t really do their work in restricted space either.

Of course some DPS don’t do their job right or just fail to secure any kind of kill, but most of the time it’s a space problem. You could of course argue the DPS should pick something that doesn’t rely on space as much then.

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I mean, I get extremely tired as a Hammond at diving a backline, having both healers and at least one dps peel for them, fighting within an inch of my life and retreating to find that the other five members if my team managed to lose a 5v3.

I also get tired as a Sigma or Orisa of standing in front of a huge tank line eating as much attention as I can hold, surviving for minutes at a time in a team fight, only to find at the end of the match, I have gold kills AND damage. It’s only human to ask where my dps was in long fights.

That doesn’t even take into consideration the number of times I’ve seen a DPS play into a hard counter or two and never ever ever swap. Genji versus a backline of Brig/Moira and a Sym? Pharah into double hitscan? Widow versus double shield? I could go on.

You have to deal with it the way tanks have to deal with it. Never expect to be healed. Never expect that you’ll have a shield to be behind. Don’t play to pop off; play to survive.

Nope. Literally ALL I said first (read posts pal, its getting weird here) is that we need replays to see what happens. YOU on the other hand, went straight up to blame the DPS player … what a surprise mister Support main :rofl:

Never said silver tanks/supports are worse than silver DPS. You made that up 100%, congratulations on the strawman.

What I said is that in that rank, many people make mistakes and supports are WILDLY known to hardcore pocket tanks and ignore DPS, specially on said rank. This is a FACT. So the blame cant be 100% on him. Again, another statisticall FACT.

YOU brought that up mate. Do you need to remember? here is the proof:
“And DPS is literally the easiest role to carry with in silver so he also has zero excuses lmao”

I was merely responding to you.

Again, offtopic. He is not complaining about SKILL he is complaining about Healing Priorization.

Saying someone is silver because they are silver is circular logic, makes no sense. They are silver because they are BAD at healing and mostly at positioning and healing priorization, and that makes OP HALF right. Period.

There is LITERALLY a Developer post addressing the blaming on the DPS because it is SO BAD that someone that made the game had to come to the forums and post about it. Because some people dont grasp this simple concept:
- Things not dying does NOT mean that the DPS are not doing their job, tanks and supports also have to enable them.

The main issue is that Tanks and Supports can hide behind the lack of scoreboards. If we could see healing received people would be SHOCKED at the amount of pocketing Supports do to bad tanks (yeah they compromise their position to heal tanks but almost NEVER to heal a DPS).

When i was plaing tank i was blamed by dps too
Its work all ways around.

you are silver. there is a reason why you are dying so much

  1. tanks arent that great at decision making
  2. your supports might be focused on dmging than healing
  3. you have bad positioning
  4. you are playing a bad hero
  5. you a picking fights you should not be picking. (ie playing playing genji into brig)
  6. the enemy dps has better aim/luck than you
  7. you are out of your support’s LOS

and so on

remember its competitive and a team based game so you might get trash talked a lot


And I said the same thing?
Also I’m not ‘blaming the dps’. I’m blaming the player lmao

Oh really:

Don’t back pedal, this is getting painful.

Healing prioritization is a skill. And silver supports don’t have that because they’re silver. Why complain about it? That’s like saying ‘I’m upset because I’m a silver dps and my supports are silver and don’t support me the way higher ranked supports do!’ Or ‘I want better supports!’

And my solution is to climb. Not a hard concept.

You’re blindly biased and love to victimize dps. I may be a support main but dps is my next most played and Widowmaker is my third most played hero overall not far behind Ana.

It would embarrass so many of these people if we had a ‘damage received stat’ on top of it all so they can see just how hard they were feeding. But like I said replays show the whole picture, not scoreboards. Yes there are times when a bad support in ahem SILVER sucks and struggles but like i said you can still do well with bad healers by taking angles or playing around healthpacks. Silver games are incredibly slow paced there’s still no point in crying about it.

Anyway I’m done here, I’m convinced you’re a troll and I can tell your mind is set on victimizing dps instead of understanding that you can’t change your teammates, only yourself. Have a good day

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imagine crying for shield nerfs and then expecting tanks to keep you alive when they are literally melted in seconds if you play maintank. So you will see a lot of offtank offtank now.

Good news: you dont have to shoot barriers anymore. Bad news: now you have to actually be good at dps and stop dieing so often and make picks.

Enjoy your maintank nerfs and the following hog and ball torture meta.


Tanks blame DPS, DPS blame healers, Healers blame tanks. Ofcourse it can never be your own fault. That’s just how the game works. we’ll have to learn to deal with it.

Na, you can look at key stats and go from there.
If i have more then 1.2k hpm and my dps crys over heals, he can just shut.

So here’s a crossroads - I can’t keep you alive if you don’t keep me alive.
If my team (playing any role)has a tendency to

  1. Leave me alone with the enemy
  2. Continuously spam for heals when I can’t get to them

then you will drop to the bottom of my list for healing. I’ll heal you, but I’m not going to give you priority over the players I know will help keep me alive

I’d be inclined to agree with this statement, but I’ve seen my share of DPS players who run into a hot area where I can’t assist as a tank, and the DPS ends up feeding ult.

Which turns into a party wipe.

All because the DPS thinks this is CoD Warzone, and they’re Dr. Disrespect.

Oh yeah no.
You are blaming him all the time because of “DPS things” mate. Dont try to back out of it.

Theres no backpedal, this is you clearly not understanding how the game works.
2 things that will blow your mind:

  • DPS from X rank usually play in comp with Tank supports from X-1 Rank.
  • DPS means you just have to “pew pew” that is an easy task in low ranks. Understanding Space and healing prio? Thats harder so yeah, again what I said is 100% true.

BOOM :fireworks:

Very easy pal : Because DPS (silver too) try to KILL things.
On the other hand, many supports (specially below Diamond) do NOT even try to heal DPS. Its disgusting and yes, its a thing. Dont try to make it seem like its not. (clearly tanks are bigger, and easier to heal so yeah, that happens)

Oh that was a really really bad attempt to throw bias on a FLEX PLAYER.
My player profile is literally open and anyone can see i have MORE time on Tank/Support than DPS so again, categorically, factually and empirically wrong.

If you think a DPS “feeds” more than bad tanks that are hard pocketed by supports, you just proved your Bias here mate. Congratulations on exposing yourself :rofl:

Not a troll pal, people dogpiled on this guy for being a DPS and I just proved some of you wrong. That triggers people a lot, I know it but then again, everything I said was 100% true and pretty much all you said got debunked so yeah, have a good one! :wave:

Since many of you didnt do the research, here it is:

Literally a Developer trying to address it. Clearly its not a thing, right? :sunglasses:

I don’t complain about every dps, only the bad ones.

If people always complain to you, maybe you should recognize a pattern.

oh sorry, next time ill do the pogo jump and charge the pharah off the cliff

As the wise Ml7 said: We need a button for “I need killing!” and not just “I need healing!”.

I’ll be honest - I’ve had to DPS more as a support so that things get done in the match because either things aren’t dying quick enough or by keeping everyone alive, all I’m doing is feeding the enemy ult.

It’s not always anyone’s fault in particular. But seriously. Communicate instead of throwing blame around - also, you could’ve just gone up against a better team, it be like that

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