Dps blamed to much

Send a replay Code and We Could Try to Help You because if you are always getting blamed You have to be doing something wrong.

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hack them smh

I’ve had plenty of matches where as the support i put a ton of heals into my tanks and dps and nothing on the enemy team dies. Eventually the damage is going to overwhelm the heals or turn into a huge ultimate economy lead and they can win with ults before we have any. That is not a support problem if you are dying alot. The enemies have to die at some point.


its not easy to stop dying when ur not getting protected or healed im suprised u dont know that

And throw the game for your team. :stuck_out_tongue:

(sorry I started responding to you dread pirate…but then finished with this :P)


Sure it is, there are all sorts of things on the map that stop damage.
You just need to put them between you and the enemies’ guns.

Honestly, how often to you use a shield for protection?

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Play smart, use corners, play with your tanks (so you make it easier for AOE heals) Don’t get jebaited and don’t overextend.

You’re DPS, it’s the role where it’s very noticeable when people are bad at the game.


Correction: Everyone blamed too much, please stop blaming your teammate, I know it hard and i struggle with it too : (

“My tanks won’t push”

“My dps won’t get picks”

“My supports won’t heal me”

It’s almost funny, until you realize the people that say those kind of things don’t realize how it sounds, from a toxic or just ludicrous perspective.

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You’re missing the underlying point of my post. I’m simply highlighting how important positioning is. Healers shouldn’t have to go out of there way to insure their teammates’ safety. If you’re saying “my healers never keep me alive!” My first assumption is that you aren’t making it easy enough for them to do so or you’re playing a hero with bad synergy (Pharah without a Mercy).

Saying that healers are meant to heal is pretty obvious wouldn’t you say?


Unless they push like owl!


let me dream ok?

DPS players have the most heroes to choose from to adapt to every situation. When things aren’t dying and the tanks and supports are alive during the initiation and mid fight, then it is defnintely the DPS’s fault. Also DPS players have the worst game sense and positioning.

Also by far, the worst players I see are the DPS players. The only bad Tanks I see are the ones that aren’t aggressive enough. But I see DPS players feed all the time, LOS the healers and run heroes that are hard countered. When you get DPS on your team that don’t do those things, you win or at least it’s a close match.


being reliant on healers or tanks to win games doesn’t even happen until around mid diamond

dps is ez mode. anyone can carry themselves to masters on dps with either skill OR gamesense. you dont even need both. junk is also sleeper strong so you should be at least plat if you are performing well

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As a healer, I do agree. It’s not always the DPS fault but that role is sort of written off as the type where self-centered 12-year old kids play. I think DPS is a really important role to have and, keep in mind, it’s possible for healers mad tanks to make mistakes too, no jut DPS :slight_smile:

What you said could be true. Or it could be one of those things where the team fight goes on and on and on and on and no one’s dying on their side and suddenly the healer’s ability to cope with the 20 minute long team fight gets tapped out or an ult happens.

See, when you get called out because your dps isn’t working, it’s not that you died. It’s that you didn’t kill anyone during the entire time your tank is still up and your healers are still up. This is especially true if you find that you die first on repeat, it’s often not because the healer didn’t heal you.

It’s because you were out of position or you let the other team live too long. The biggest problem I see with DPS is they won’t swap to one of the bajillion options they have that is not countered. So you have Sym+Doomfist against Pharah+Echo and you wonder why you’re dying.

DPS mains have the responsibility to learn all their characters, not just the cool ones.

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Let me repeat it again: The dude is SILVER.
Your whole reply makes zero sense. The thread is about DPS players in his rank getting zero heals.

We all know mechanics can get you out of certain ranks but OP clearly doesnt have them so saying that he is the one doing things wrong is nonsense, specially when in his rank, again, let me reiterate SILVER, supports and tanks are WAY WORSE in comparison.

“Just pick this dude and win lol”

Great advice mate, not offtopic at all. :man_facepalming:

If you constantly require a support to stay up, you should probably work a bit on your positioning. I’m not saying it’s all your fault, but trust me, better positioning takes a silver player to platinum in this game.

No you are not dude. Your whole post was made 100% to blame the OP, without seeing any replays or even knowing his rank, WDYM ? :rofl:

Well you said the exact opposite :
Nobody is responsible for keeping you alive more than yourself

In many cases, when you have to push because your tanks are pushing and tanks are safe, if you take damage as a DPS, the ONLY source of healing will be your supports. If they choose to pocket 2 dudes with 400+ HP and absorption skills and let you die (happens a lot, again he is SILVER) then your death is on your supports, not on your “poor positioning”.

Maybe you aren’t in LOS of your healers so they can’t heal you