Double shields: what if---

we only allow one shield per team? Do you think that would work?

Genuine question.

Pick Reinhardt: no orisa, no sigma, no brigitte, no symmetra
Switch the names and you’ll see this would be bad


I wouldn’t want that since I’ve recently started playing Sigma, but I only like playing him with an Orisa or Rein. I feel very uncomfortable playing him as a main shield.

Probably, but what I’m worried is if you get an aggro main tank. But that’s probably not that common.

Although they could probably combo it with this HeroSwap idea and only do it for the two players within a Role.

✅ [Hero Swap] RoleQueue or RolePick

That way, you can offer to swap with the aggro main tank, who probably would be fine going offtank anyways.

I think it would hurt everyone.
Whenever one tank picks a shield tank, the other has only 4 heroes left to choose from, that’s one thing. And the other one is, if such a rule was introduced, people would want to push it further - only one sniper allowed, then only one off-healer allowed, then only one flanker, etc. Queue times would increase significantly.


It might work but imo that’s a shortsighted bandaid fix. Double barrier should be a viable niche strat for countering specific threats.

And it should be. Aggro main tanks win games.

Probably not. People who play aggro main tank like being the tip of the spear.

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It is very simple to solve the double shield problem:

Buff Off-Tanks back into viability.


no 222 is the answer to double shields and No Limits is the answer to GOATs, they’re going to run out of band aids sooner or later How to Perfectly Balance the Game

i mean sure, you’ll never really run out of band aids, but for what?

All they have to do to get less shields is release more tanks with a more varied design which don’t rely on shields. And maybe buff one tank who has been seriously nerfed over the last couple of years (DVA).

If they can’t “release more tanks” they could consider reworking existing DPS to be tanks. One that springs to mind is Doomfist, a character that everyone thought was going to be a tank before he was released.

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A Rein that forgets how to use right click, and spams charge, is an offtank, not a main tank.

No. Individual Shields are WAY easier to break than any double Shield combo. With no cover for DPS to return fire from, snipers will reign supreme.
Before Sigma’s release the forums were on fire with threads complaining about double snipers and people didn’t have a clue about what to do before the players started learning that multi shield comps beat multi sniper comps.
I’m positive that, with enough time, players will begin to learn and understand how to overcome double barrier comps (hint: Sombra + Tracer are very good at negating effective
Barriers via bypassing or removal)

Arbitrarily restricting barrier access would cause far more harm than good (simply due to player diversity if nothing else), and we don’t need any more arbitrary restrictions on gameplay than we already have.

like per tanks or per the full team?
if only one shield tank per team was allowed, picking brig would like be…
something else

So 2-2-2 becomes 1-1-2-2. I don’t think that’s going to help, especially with how small as the tank pool already is.

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Someone picks Winston > enemy team picks only shotguns > Winston feeds the entire game.

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It’s only an issue now because of Sigma and Orisa’s unholy synergy. We went two years of having Orisa and Rein at the same time but they were very rarely run together.

Then comes the point you have to define which barriers count. Obviously Rein, Sigma, and Orisa, but what about Brig, Winston, Zarya, and Sym? What about Mei and Dva? Orisa on her own can easily block as much damage as Rein and any of those latter 7 put together, so maybe the issue isn’t in barriers themselves.

I agree with you @Squashpup, Double Barrier (or even more barriers) was an option to be run before 222, but why was it not run before? Because of the lack of synergy.
Orisa and Sigma are synergising very much with their barriers and range, but not only that, Sigma is good at synergising with other tanks too, almost like D.Va before DM nerfs.
Buffing the other tanks while nerfing those two meta tanks is the way to go in this competition for the 2 slots. If No Barrier Tanks were good to synergise too, you wouldn’t have to get 2 Barrier Tanks.

Problem is that the Tank category has always felt limited about synergism, duos that consensually synergise well together: Rein/Zarya, Winston/D.Va, Orisa/Hog. In the other two roles duos are less limited about synergisms.

With the addition of Wrecking Ball and Sigma, Blizz seems to want to mix up and enable more duo tank combinations, it could be good, problem is that we could end up having more double shield good combinations as well.

I had the idea, but realized it would probably be pretty bad overall. This is truthfully a very difficult meta to resolve.

No. This is a stupid idea. By doing this you would force characters like Zarya and Sigma into a perma main tank role and put Brigitte into unplayable territory (especially since she is supposed to be good with Rein, who also has a barrier)

I think their point was you can be agro without being suicidal like that.

As a side note, I think if 90% of players unbound charge as Rein, you’d see much better reins over night lol.

Flankers. Shield strength becomes irrelevant when your hero doesn’t even have to bother with them anyway. Orisa was considered a troll pick before because she kept dying with her shield still up. The popular heroes at the time, were Tracer and Genji, and they killed Orisa on sight.

If she manages it carefully, Orisa’s shields are strong against frontal attacks, but she pays for it by being vulnerable from the sides. Even Fortify can’t stand up to someone close enough to empty their gun into her head.

Make flankers viable again (either by nerfing anti flankers or buffing flankers) and it won’t matter if they had 5000hp shields.