Dorado's new plaque

For anyone who hasn’t seen. Juno’s rocket on Dorado has been replaced by this monument. The plaque translates to:

In commemoration of Juno’s landing.
This monument marks the site of a historic moment in our humble Dorado. Juno Teo Minh, the first human born on Mars, crashed to Earth in this same place. The landing marked the end of her brave journey from Mars and led her to take her first steps in a new world.

The people of Dorado hope that Juno can enjoy our planet as if it were her own.


Thank you for translating!

I was wondering what it meant. Almost made a thread about it.

To Juno :clinking_glasses: :woman_astronaut: :earth_americas:

Im still confused on why Dorado was “chosen” as the crash site. I guess the same thing could be said about any map crash site that would have been chosen otherwise…