Doomfoot - A black female wife for Doomfist

Seeing how people are asking for a black female hero, I was thinking we could give Doomfist a wife of his own.

Instead of a gauntlet she could wear some sort of mechanical boot on one leg that goes up to her knees.

She would be a kicking hero that kicks people into the air, while Doomfist can then punch them into the wall. It would be their thing, a combo of their own.

She would be able to side kick people into the walls like Shawn Michaels of the WWE aka Heart break kid doing “Sweet chin music” (youtube it) but with much more force.

Also she could “Chun li” people with rapid kicks to the face, body, and lowerbody.

For an ult, she would jump up into the air and come down with a hard stomp leaving people inside a crater.

What do you guys think? Would this be a fun character? Would u play her? Any other thoughts?



I just thought of Okoye from Black Panther.

But no. If there is ever a black female hero, she shouldn’t have to be tied to someone else’s lore.


Buttkicking for evil - literally.

that sounds nice but ever considered this idea?

Why not? Ana and Pharrah are tied.

Also Doomfist and Doomfoot can have a 1,2 combo.


Because of this.

A nice, stand alone hero with their own business.



She’s black and a female so she must be doomfist’s wife. Keep going forums, keep going


OP is just being a troll, but otherwise, I agree.

That’s not true at all. I’ve put in some serious thoughts into this concept and just because you don’t like it or truly understand it, that’s your problem. Don’t go accusing people of something you don’t like or know nothing of thanks.

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This is going to much into the diversity for the sake is diversity, which leads to tokenism, which leads to racism.


And yet we have had doomfist for over a year by popular fan demand :thinking: going great so far.

The name was mostly trollish, because c’mon, if they ever release such a hero, she should at least have a decent name.

Ye like wrecking ball :joy::ok_hand:


What about DoomButt or DoomHead then? When will they get their time in the limelight? :frowning:

Wrecking Ball is a hamster in a ball.

Calling some hero, a black female one no less, “Doomfoot” isn’t exactly flattering, now is it?

Yeah, Terrorfoot.

Rocket kick, seismic blam, and Upperkick.

She gains armor from dealing damage, and her ultimate is Comet strike.


Theres a reason why everyone calls him Hammond instead of wrecking ball.

wrecking ball is a bad name.

What if they’re just domestic partners?