Doomfist's Empowered Punch is Toxic for the Hero (request)

Doomfist in theory is a very difficult hero to learn. Doomfist has an ability to use his punch and his slam to reposition around the map in order to take space. Doomfist uses his block to stall a small period of time in space he currently occupies. This is the healthy part of his kit. The toxic part of his kit that NEEDS to be changed is the empowered punch.

  1. Empowered punch is the strongest part of Doomfist’s kit. It causes the hero to play the easiest form of his playstyle to stay the most effective (or as people like to call it - Punchbot):

      1a. Farm Empowered Punch - does does not require any skill compared to every other part of Doomfist's kit. The fact whether Doomfist gets an Empowered Punch or not mostly relies on other player making a mistake, which is not a healthy design. A good hero design should be based on outplaying your opponent with skill, that gives counterplay.
      1b. Charge/Use Punch - Hitting the Empowered Punch. There is a quite a dislike of heroes who can oneshot with their hero kits. For example, Widowmaker and Roadhog. Both heroes have a relatively hard skill shot to hit as a part of their kit, whether it is a headshot or a hook, and both have a oneshot in it. The problem is, there is no counterplay after you get hooked or headshotted, with only options being escaping or dying. If the point of the tank doomfist rework was to get rid of toxic DPS Doomfist playstyle with a oneshot punch (even though it was fun), why give him even stronger version of that punch by giving him an hard Crown Control punch in an area which practically oneshots. This is also one of the easier things in the game to execute upon, with doomfist's empowered punch having a massive hitbox. There is no counterplay against Empowered Punch except CC like Ana's sleep or support cooldowns like Kiriko Cleanse. The ability is just very skilless, since it makes the play for you, by making the punch have such a large area of effect, which is not a good hero design. 
      1c. Slam to Escape  -  Doomfist can simply not get punished for applying such a massive amount of pressure for so little input by slamming away. Feels horrible on receiving side.

It would be fair if this ability was to give some form of counterplay, but since it has so much power, you practically can absolutely destroy teams with little input. And again, this playstyle is very easy to replicate.

As a doomfist player, I am not even sure if I like how block can get doomfist his punch cooldown back in an instant, as a tank character.

The problem is not even the fact that doomfist the empowered punch, but the fact that any other playstyle, that actually requires serious amount of skill expression and that does not rely on empowered punch, is just very uneffective and not worth it.

I personally have Two (2) solutions:

Without the rework of block: Move some of the power of empowered punch to other parts of his kit to make him more viable outside the empowered punch. If possible, give him more power in his primary fire to make him better in the tank trade and neutral against squishy characters and his slam to make his mobility and damage in area little bit better without making it broken.

With a rework to block: If block was to get reworked, then I would get rid of doomfist’s empowered punch, to give doomfist little bit more mobility, keeping him as tanky while using it. Basically speaking, I would give him normal or faster movement speed while using block, and give him an ability to block CC for either one second or half a second, similar to one of doomfist’s major perks (Power Matrix), but it will block all CC, including roadhog hook or stuns. If possible, I would still buff doomfist’s primary fire.

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can’t you just give his uppercut back if you are getting rid of his empowered punch? make him more mobile, it was the most fun part of his kit