Doomfist STILL Needs Changes BTW

I think just fixing his bugs will make him a lot better, any buffs to his kit will just force the enemy to run more stuns

What I would do is:

  1. Rocket Punch:
  • Wall Impact reduced to 75
  • Charge time decreased to 0.9 sec (was 1.4 sec)
  1. Seismic Slam
  • First off fix all the weird inconsistencies and bugs with slam which have became very common the last 2 season
  • Range increased to 20m, indicator Slam damage capped at 70
  1. Rising Uppercut:
  • Recovery time reduced down to 0.2 seconds
  • loss of air control effect increased to 0.9 seconds (up from 0.6 seconds)
  1. Meteor Strike:
  • outer circle maximum damage increased to 250 (was 200)
  1. Primary
  • Pellet formular changes to 6 pellets each 11 damage.
    (Was 11 pellets each 6 damage)

Also specific to Uppercut, finding a solution how players will always be brought up in the same height like Doomfist. Because as it acts right now sometimes people are above Doom or below him or just slide of walls etc.

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I’ll said to you what I said to many other people before you.

Fixing his bugs, doesn’t fix the core issues with the character and the fact that his kit is absolute garbage.

Fixing his bugs doesn’t suddenly make his combo more reliable and less clunky.

Fixing his bugs doesn’t suddenly make his combo his main playstyle.

Fixing his bugs doesn’t suddenly give him more survivability.

Nothing changes other than the fact your abilities will actually work as they should. But even WHEN they work it’s to no avail, as you soon realize that his kit is just garbage either way.

I guess it’s just me but I would honestly take tighter spread over both of these. If it means that my aim will be rewarded more and I can output more damage, then I have no quarrels over receiving that instead of slam and ult buffs.

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I mean Doomfist’s primary is projectile with spread and different patterns which always change with each shot

Unless you make it hitscan you can’t really have consistent aim with doom that’s what Slam and Uppercut try to make up for.

I am someone who surely believes if you put in launch doom in the game right now he’d still suck.

I basically reverted most of the useless changes over the course of this hero to shift power away from his punch.

I play Doom since Season 6 and got to like 4420 with him as onetrick in Season 8/9 and he NEVER really was playable even with his full power kit. So I don’t know really even after this shift, doom is still overall nerfed than he was back then. but now he’s much much more bearable to play against.

The thing is they will NEVER revert most of the changes you suggest because THEY think he will be too strong.

If it was up to me?

He would have 20 meter slam, 1 second charge up back WITH one shot still, and 35 shield passive. And he would STILL probably be hot garbage. My changes were meant for realism if anything cause I KNOW they aren’t going to do those.

Calm down there bud when I said change I meant get rid of him disappearing off the map but it would also need to be compensated so its a better offensive ult.

I mean if he can just get folded while trying to pick the spot, what would be the point.

That would have to be a full on rework which he doesn’t really need.

The dreamâ€Ļ bumping. Blizzard please look into this.

That’s quite hurtful to my favorite hero in the game man :frowning:.

But the change to punch will make him more than terrible

It really wouldn’t.

just git gudder bruh