Doomfist still does 50 Dps for Onepunch man event

At most 80 DPS with a wall.

aka (25-50 (impact damage), 10-30 (wall slam))


pillow punch


You’re right, it should auto kill everyone with a tap


Or it should at most be comparable to 76’s rockets. (aka 120 Dps)

At least 100 DPS.

It’s kind of insulting really.

I do feel Doomfist is relatively balanced in the current game-

But ya, they definitely missed the “fantasy”

I understand that as a tank he can’t go around 1 shotting every 4 seconds. I’m fact I’d agree with it entirely.

But I think there would’ve been ways to have that power fantasy in a way that fits the tank class and doesn’t feel entirely unfair to go against


Doomfist can’t level a skyscraper 0/10

That would be pretty cool though.

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Compare it to the damage of javelin

Or look at the damage sigma doles out with a single volley.



With a Roadhog rework around the corner.

Questioning Blizz past decisions around Doomfist into a Tank.

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They’ll never allow him full one shot potential as long as he can wall stun as well.

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One Punch cosplay but takes 3 punches to kill :sob: I love it

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Note: 60 (impact damage), 40 (wall damage) for Jave.

For a long range weapon on a 6 sec cooldown.

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3 punches is all I need!

(It’s faster to quick melee someone to death than to just use repeated rocket punches)


25-50 (impact damage), 10-30 (wall slam) (DF)

He’s a one punch man in the sense that that’s all you’ll get off before the enemy team annihilates you.

Should’ve renamed the event to “Multi Punch Man” smh.

Wouldn’t just be punch man?

(Note: Reinhardt does better Melee DPS.)

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Canonically, he should have the highest damage in the game. Even his quick melee should be stronger than everyone else’s.

He’s been defanged too much because reasons.

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Of course he does he’s a melee focused character with limited movement,

I wouldn’t mind increasing doomfists damage to maybe ~90, 50 for punch impact 40 for wall impact, 100 total. if super charged. I think any higher and you will need to have your cooldown increased.

Doom is currently a strong tank for people who can play him well. the average person is bad at him. So if you wanted him to do much more punch dmg, he would certainly need nerfs elsewhere. And then people would complain he is even more of a punch bot.

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At least as a punch bot, he would fit the lore.

It’s hard to imagine this Tank is the head of Talon at times.