Doomfist not being nerfed yet blows my mind

Doomfist makes no sense in Season 9.
He one shots.
He is unkillable.
He has insane CC.
He can dive.
He can do literally everything beside heal himself.

Either rework/nerf him or give people the possibility to leave matches with no penalty against Doom’s.

1: Objectively wrong.
2: Objectively wrong.
3: Objectively wrong.
4: Uh, he’s a dive hero.
5: Objectively wrong, besides not being able to heal himself.

Sounds like this is a matter of you just not knowing how to counter Doom, which is the easiest thing in the game if you just swap instead of refusing to do so.

Doom is by far the easiest tank to counter for both tank dps and support players.

I do always pick Pharah/Mcree/Sombra against him which doesn’t help due to my team just getting annihilated by him.

Then it’s your positioning or your team’s positioning and hero picks.

I personally pick or Orisa when i play against a Doomfist because it’s so easy to bully Doom players on both, but mostly on Orisa.

Junkrat is another good pick vs Doomfist, so is Reaper, but mostly Sombra due to her hack which disables his jump and fist.

The dude’s got way too many counters tbh.

Reaper is like the straight tank counter he does well against most.

Positioning doesn’t matter against Doom, he can hit you acros the entire screen.

He doesnt do any of that lol. He sure as heck cant one shot, man those were the days in ow1 though

Positioning is important no matter who you’re playing against, be it Zarya, Doom or Orisa. The fact that he can reach you doesn’t mean he can kill you if your positioning is good.

The problem with high skill ceiling heroes is that the floor is consistently raised to make them easier to pick up. While does make them more accessible, and less feeder-friendly to people trying to learn the hero, it does inflate the ceiling even more, making these heroes extremely oppressive in good hands. These characters need to have high floor to accompany the high ceiling. If a hero is oppressive at the high end, then they should be difficult to play.

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Absolutely agree with this