Doomfist needs to nerf

tell me if Doomfist’s skill is not OP

  • punching is no charge required and still can stun, cancel ultimate, and bounce wall impact damage so how can Cassidy throw the flash counter him? Wait for his 0.5 second of fist charge? His punch can be a one-shot combo with a fist shotgun while the enemy can’t do anything to fight back?
  • his guard is that you can’t deal damage to him otherwise his fist is in full charge.
  • His ultimate can slow the enemy in the area or instantly escape the fight without taking risks or canceling.

I wonder why Doomfist has got buff and buff so much and you thought this is ok.

Hero has plenty of counterplay.

Stun him or literally just… wait til it’s over. Or shoot him in the back when possible.

His ult is one of the worst in the game.

Because he’s actually… not good.

Well, I won’t say not good, he’s just mid. There’s a reason no one other than doom OTP’s play the hero because there are simply better options that don’t require an egregious amount of playtime to learn them to get value.




I realized doomfist was balanced the day I realized I could stand behind a skinny lamppost and avoid being hit. Stand on a car. Play next to a ramp. Be on stairs. Close to an edge. Don’t even have to have mobility to nullify his kit.