Doomfist is Terribly Designed

Title. Talking points have been done to death. Can we rework him yet, or introduce more support/tank counters?


Dev: “Since release, we’ve been really careful with CC, limiting everyone to a single quick boop or stun, or as an ult. I feel the players are grateful for this.”

Dev 2: “Well, yeah, that’s cause they don’t know that we’ve been saving it all to shove into one character and make the most annoying mudder-f-er the FPS world has ever seen!”


“Let’s make a character based entirely around cc on every ability, low ttk, hypermobility, and oneshots! They’ll love that! The tanks and supports will be so happy having their already minuscule hero pools even more limited by a character who can spend all game farming their low mobility characters!”


“also his ultimate makes him completely invulnerable, so good luck if he manages to kill you with it, because there is no way you can dodge that without a zarya bubble smile”


“Oh yeah, the Zen players are really gonna love that one!”


If you stand still and walk forward as soon as the reticle appears on you, you live as any hero including pilot


love 2 bank on an undodgeable ult on where i step smile

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Doomfist needs to be reworked into a brawler tank. He had no business being a mobile assassin in the first place.


i didnt know people were complaining about dying to doomfist ult, that’s a new one


excuse me, if you rework doom, 90% of his playerbase will potentially stop playing him because then he’d maybe require a brain and skill to play. chipsa and quake might have to play something else and go back to masters!!!


I just explained to you how you dodge it.


lol of course you’re a doom main. so boosted.

I don’t understand what was going through the devs heads when they made him, especially considering the complete lack of tanks and supports back then… And then they pull the same crap with Echo who is ANOTHER MOBILE ASSASSIN. Idiots are trying to piss off their playerbase.


proof that the forums will complain about anything, even post nerf doom. can we get reaper threads tomorrow?


Not asking to get him nerfed personally. I’ve always hated his design, whether he’s meta or not, and will continue to hate on it even when he’s trash tier.

I mean, it actually boggles the mind. While it’s certainly important to ensure a character is fun during the design process, it should also be kept in mind how fun they are to play against.

On their own, one shot kills, hyper mobility, forcing loss of control, stuns, sustain, etc, aren’t that bad, but a dev actually thought it’d be a good idea to pump a single character with as many annoying mechanics as possible.


I have a similar amount of hours on Zenyatta, but if course that doesn’t fit the narrative so it gets ignored.

As for the actual topic we were discussing, it’s easily avoidable and only kills you if you are low already or you let it.


he isn’t nerfed, not by a long shot. he needs a rework anyways, not a nerf. trying to nerf or boost him is a lost cause.


honestly, the only thing i hate about doomfist is how he can rain down from the heavens without making a sound for that slam to do way too much damage, and wombo combo into way too many inputs with animation canceling, letting him d.e.l.e.t.e. squishies

i don’t mind his punch
i don’t mind his CC
i don’t mind his sustain from his shield health
i don’t mind his mobility

it’s really just his TTK being so low on that wombo combo that can come from complete silence and from high heights

but they already tried increasing delay between his wombo combo, and apparently it’s either not enough, or a death sentence for himself

so, yea, honestly, if they can’t find a good balance with this, i’d say just rework him at this point

i’d still suggest they figure out a way to deal with this, first, however, since he really is fine in concept if he’s supposed to be a melee brawler who can get in and get out while punching people around, with a single one-shot ability that’s extremely telegraphed

Who said anything about nerfs? I said rework. His kit is absolute butt to play against, and makes the already limited tank and support pools even more limited with how easily he bullies them. Read the name of the thread “Doomfist is Terribly Designed”.


The same thing as mobility.

Does it longer to himself than his opponents.

Stun, singulair. Also the shortest in the game.