Doomfist is still able to fly using an emote

This bug was initially discovered on Junkertown, where Doomfist could position himself on top of the large cogs on the side of the point A door, use the “intimidate” emote and fly up.

Since then a ton of spots have been found by Doomfist players on nearly all maps where this is possible. Every time there’s a tree or slanted wall or pile of rubble, there’s potential for Doomfist to fly straight up using the emote.

This enables ridiculous and easy instant kill combos. It is a very powerful exploit.

I hope they don’t fix this, it’s not so op as the mercy super jump bug and that hasn’t been fixed yet.

It was confirmed by customer support that Mercy’s superjump is an intended mechanic. Can we stop with this already.

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Omg that is so broken. Any doom player would know that getting that height while still having your uppercut cool down is immensely powerful

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but you can’t perform any actions while emoting, that wich makes you extremely vulnerable and easy to kill. It also only works on specific spots on some maps, some are even useless.

Well yeah if you’re dumb enough to do it midfight with the enemy team in LOS then yeah you’ll get destroyed. But if you do it like in that twitch clip to set up a seismic slam then it’s insane

I mean, you are indeed right. But take under consider that it at least requires skill to perform such perfect scenario and outcome.

If by skill you mean go at a specific location, look in a general direction and use an emote for a massive positional advantage, then sure, but I call that looking up a spreadsheet.

People are already using this in high elo to get easy kills. It’s essentially a way to get highground advantage without using any cooldowns. Usually a Doom has to use some cooldowns to get in and secure a kill (either punch or slam+uppercut), and use the others to get out. Here he gets the most advantageous positions easier than he could before. There is no denying that this is game breaking.

I don’t understand how anyone can see a hero getting on top of buildings using an emote and be okay with it.

Super jump isnt a bug

Yeah, never mind the fact that 75% of the spots are rollouts that take you to a completely different area of the map where you THEN see the enemy when you have total control of your hero.

It doesn’t matter that you are locked up, what matters is that you can skid over rooftops from that height and if you are a keen enough platformer, you can stay in the OWL banned spots from some of these rollouts to set up and wait for them to bunch to push with a slam.

It doesn’t. It takes knowing, knowing isn’t skill -.- Like knowing what you’re meant to do and being able to do it are far removed from the skill to pull it off, like superjump, this does not require skill, aim, APM, anything really, It requires knowing about it and that is it, it’s so damn easy to use.

Again, knowing is not skill.

not any, some will think its perfectly fine and teach others to do it for rollouts… like in the clip…

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