Doomfist is a pain to play

It was weird to adjust to, but aside from the sliders and the landing on top of enemy’s heads with Seismic Slam bugs I haven’t noticed too much of a difference.

I had the best games on Doomfist in that brief time where he wasn’t broken.

Eh, he was still kind of broken. Only about less than half of his bugs were fixed at that time

It’s not a huge difference, it’s just disappointing that everything past the initial rocket punch nerf that threw him into the gutter it has felt like you take a step back for every two steps forward you make.

He’ll end up in a decent spot, but I shudder to think about how long it’s going to take at this rate.

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That was the one day I played Doomfist where I didn’t see wall slides and ghost punches. I got my first POTG and even punched a RIP-tire out of the sky that day. It was like a dream.

I wish he was half-broken again.

I can be patient with the changes being made, I understand these things take time. However, I am less patient when the dev team clearly have the time to respond to questions

but decide to stay silent on certain topics like Doomfist.


That’s a lazy answer to be honest. Improvement and consistency are key to good character design.

The “git gud” comments are a bit tiring…we are past that I would think. There are actual conversations to be had around doomfist as a character.

He’s easy to kill, so I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t have just as much fun with or without him. A bad doom fist is laughable, but a really good one is terrifying. Sums up one of the better aspects to his character. He certainly isn’t overly oppressive and he has a ton of counters. Just aim anywhere in his direction and shoot…you will likely connect.

Doomfist is designed in a way, where either you can’t do anything, or he can’t do anything, with no real middle ground.
I mean he can dash in cross map and stunlock me, with no real counter play.
Then he can get stunned by a random flashbang, and blown up instantly.

I really don’t understand why anybody plays him, he is really clunky, binary to the extreme, buggy AF, and shouts constantly.

But playing against him is painful. He constantly stunlocks and dispositions you, has erratic movement, you never really now how much damage you need to do to kill him because of the shields, and he has an escape with his ult, that can turn into kills, also without counter play.

Then shame on them for not investing a few hours of there time. Genji takes some time to learn also as well as other skillful heros.

Can you explain that more? It doesn’t seem to make sense, but instead it gives the impression that you can somehow mess up ground slam at a higher starting altitude.

Damage done by slam is based upon the amount of time spent in the air.

If Doom is on flat ground, he jumps up into the air and proceeds to fall. If Doom is in the air already, he immediately descends to the ground. So, the time you gain from the initial arc while flat on the ground outweighs being slightly in the air and immediately starting your descent in most scenarios.

No, it doesn’t make sense. But the move changes in the air vs the ground. See, when you jump in the air that reticule appears on the ground, right? Most of the time, the max amount of damage you’ll get with that reticule is 86 or so. This is because, when used in the air, Seismic Slam moves faster. The damage Seismic Slam does is based off of air time. When you just hit e and fall off a ledge while using it, you move slower through the air, meaning you get more damage out of it. It’s counter intuitive, and it’s stupid as all hell, but that’s how it works.

Seismic slam has 2 variations. We tend to call them “Grounded” and “Homing” Homing will go directly to a target location and is activated by being a certain distance above the ground. Homing does not arc at all, whereas Grounded does arc. This arcing means Grounded is inherently slower.

you can still use RP for the kill, but don’t use it for the start of your combos. RP should be used as mobility to initiate (maybe it lands or it doesn’t) slam/uppercut/shoot combo then when RP’ing out of the fight you can catch someone else if they came to stop you. Side note it is also wise to initiate with slam as you can sometimes extend the leap and it does more damage to start off with.

hey I made a thread with 4 simple suggestions to improve doomfist, care to check it out?

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Funny, I just replied to that asking for people to check out mine. :rofl:

Is ok man (or woman) we doomfist player need to stay strong together

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