I don’t feel bad for being heavily toxic against people who pick Doomfist in TM… You pick that hero for one reason, and you deserve my frustation
Pick Sombra and permhack their whole team?
You sound like you deserve to be bullied by DFs in TM.
How about you try to be better than the people who are frustrating you?
It’s not easy as he’s hypermobile.
Especially with Winston’s large bubble in every 4 seconds, she can’t hack through his shield. Winston isn’t a bad counter against Sombra by constantly tickling her.
I usually pick Sombra but get cursed by Doomfist players. Sombra is almost a necessary evil in Total Mayhem.
I love it. It’s a beautiful thing just keeping an enemy dva/ball hacked, and then they get a winston and spam shields everywhere >_>
Eh he’s not that bad tbh. Yes he’s nearly impossible to kill unless some one on your team can actually aim. But here the big thing, he can’t kill people very much. The HP increase means even his rocket punch isn’t a one hit kill to most people.
So he jumps around and can be annoying, but he’s hardly deadly in most cases. The worst part of him being on the field is usually just it’s hard to get him off the payload. But that applies to a lot of hero’s like WInston, Zarya, mei etc.
you’ve never played against a doomfist in TM then… He can literally kill everything without much trouble. Even a roadhog, he had kill easily, or just slam him around until you knock him off the map…
Doomfist is cancer in that mode, and only trolls and expletives play him…
He really does need to be toned down in that mode.
He’s why I just don’t play that mode.
Sombra is the answer. Attempt to hack him, and either he focuses you and you just teleport back to your hacked healthpack when you start getting low while wasting his time and health, or he gets hacked and you can just shoot him easily while spamhacking him.
Sombra in general is the answer to really strong heroes in TM.
Nah I play TM a lot, actually my favorite arcade mode I believe. DF is great at stalling, not so much at killing. IF your only argument is he can push people off the map, others do it way worse.
The biggest one perhaps being lucio. He can spam that boop to push entire groups off the map, or just push you around and be super annoying.
I feel bad for people that get upset over someone picking Doomfist when Sombra can literally turn him into a walking knuckle pea shooter.
I don’t think anyone is really good at killing in TM. DF has good damage output, great mobility, and ends up being practically a full tank with all the shields he gains. While he certainly doesn’t get elims left and right, he is practically invincible barring well-timed CC and can do massive damage with his punches.
They get a winston and zarya placing down barriers and bubbling him and then a moira constantly throwing random orbs in your direction and good luck hacking anyone let alone doomfist.
What hero do you play most, if I may ask. Because I feel like your opinion may be biased from the fact you dont really have to deal with him. Cause he has a ton of killing power.
Notice how Doom, Widow and Hanzo ruin essentially every single mode in the entire game.
Comp, QP, TM, no limits, almost every single workshop mode…
Yea, as long as doomfist exist i stay away from that mode. And it was my favourite mode in past, but with doomfist ruining it, its not fun anymore.
Torb for the most part, and yeah he can’t do more than annoy torb. Also funny to watch him chase down the turret almost constantly despite the fact it’s dmg is so low it could never kill him. Still most DF focus it down like crazy, even using their ults to kill it. I don’t think they realize i can put another down in 3 seconds.
If not dps though It’s either winston or a healer. Even when I play Ana he’s no real threat. He knocks you around a bunch but is a something I more often than not ignore.
Doomfist is easily countered with Sombra. Hanzo is good at spamming, but doesn’t have the ridiculous mobility or area damage of the other TM ridiculous heroes. Widow is just bad in TM.