Doomfist has left the chat

just like dpsfist player.

He wasnt op he just didnt fit as a damage in 5s.


I’m celebrating like hell for this news. Shame it’s not all good as a big chunk of what made orisa fun ( for me ) has gone too but I’m full flex so I’m not gonna lose sleep over it.

Outside of Dive Kick… I haven’t played a fighting game where a character has an easy to charge special that’ll K.O me.

The design is still pretty damn… Learn your combos, play your footsies, and use particular moves depending on the position of someone on the screen. It definitely needs tuned as well.

If it’s so upsetting… I don’t know. Go play Gundam Evolution’s Barbatos Gundam. It cheesily one shots players too and dives out to go do it again. I doubt Bandai devs will ever have the thought to balance it either.

People seem to be happy with her rework into a helicopter.

Is it her new bruiser play-style what you don’t like? The only thing I really don’t like about her new kit is her ult. I liked the b0ngo

PD: I can’t believe the word b0ngo is not allowed on the forums. It is a b0ngo. How am I supposed to call it?

Likewise - he needs to feel like a looming threat.

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Its most likely that the first four letters spell out a piece of paraphernalia

Thats a petty one but its got to be why

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It’s her loss of identity that I don’t like. She plays completely differently. Almost none of her highlight intros make any sense anymore either.

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Yeah. I get what you mean. At least Doomfist gets to keep the punch which is the core feature of his kit.

Orisa’s new kit could’ve been used on a brand new hero to be honest, nothing in it resembles the original Orisa except for the gun.

The team picked top 3 out of the most annoying things of OW players: burst, CC, mobility and put them into a single dps hero to grief us :sweat_smile:.

They should have moved him to Tank role long time ago.


It taught us 1 thing: fighting character and fps character dont mesh well when they both occupy the same niche.

Or at least, OW team does not have what it takes to make it work.

I remember when he was first introduced and 1 shot everyone (except tanks, that was a 2 shot).

I also remember that if you play Doomfist well today, you can be a great annoyance to everyone in the enemy team including your own team.

Or that if you aren’t you’re completely useless and have no impact.

No clue why Blizzard would implement such a hero in a casual game that OW was supposed to be. Good riddance but I certainly hope he’s better as a tank. In the beta he was awful.

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So happy for the departure of noskill fist…his arrival literally marked the beginning of the worst time to play overwatch where having the ability to hit a barn sized hitbox was rewarded as a free full kill that was previously only given to hidelikeahoe (widow) sirspamsalot(hanzo) and igettoignore50%oftherosterwoojetpacks(pharah) here to hoping the low skill tier is moved to a special gamemode where those participating must admit to being absolute garbage toplay in (handicap mode)(trainingwheels mode) (or any other suitable i suck at aiming game mode title)

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He may not have been able to level a skyscrapper in game but he still managed to instill fear in the OW players, enough to see them swap to a full CC team the second he did fine.

“Only through conflict do we evolve” If i do stay to play OW2 I´ll one trick him solely to annoy those that are happy that he is dead.


imagine being so ignorant as to think that aim is the only important skill, lmao


Imagine trying to argue that any of those heroes require more skill than the guy who has to deal with you…

If it’s any consolation, I think the new Doomfist portrait is the sickest of them all.

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100% agree A creative fun hero in a dessert of bland hitscan heros that only require a spinalcord/brainstem to play and dont require your PFC or your brian for that matter. Reflexes enought. 24/7 shooter nolifers → get your free Ov2 wins now. Now you cant be stopped anymore. Hope you are happy.

(Honestly we could have coexisted. I play dps doomfist and you win easyily by playing hitscan or eco/phara mercy, but no you had to ban me. Not cool. Not cool.)

Okay you destroyed supr fun dps doomfist and there is no game out there that can replace Ov1 CC 6v6 BUT that was funny. I have to admit it… :joy_cat: