Doomfist, Brigitte and Sombra is killing OW

Widow and Hanzo have always been the ones to make me stop playing the game for months at a time, but “Muh skill” always makes OP heroes ok to be OP I guess.

If that were true, then how do you explain the many Master+ console players transitioning to PC and ending up in the exact same bracket?

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I think the biggest counter to a pirate ship is a Junkrat, stationary targets are easy to hit slow powerful projectiles.

The new combo is simply too powerful. Sometimes it takes a while for people to truly find how a hero works. Genji wasn’t largely considered a threat throughout beta, and Bastion was shown as a total annihilator during beta and early game. It takes time, but we have to make adjustments as times goes on. We can’t be entirely static with how we play.

Mei and Sombra share a similar problem with their core abilities (hack and freeze), which is an interesting problem with Mei being an exceptional defender for CP. I wont go too far in depth here, as Sombra and Mei aren’t my biggest gripes.

calling the characters unfun to play against is the start of the conversation. We should be going deeper in to exactly why they are unfun to play against. Challenge can be fun, its the entire premise of Dark Souls. As you say, losing to a character isn’t “fun”, but the fun of the fight itself should be enough to counteract that.

The moment I try to go deeper to respond to an in depth response you quoted, you withdraw to a shallow viewpoint of the argument.

Hanzo and Widow have always been complained about, and they’ve had staunch defenders like Doomfist has with you. You’re not special

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I agree with doom and Brigg buy sombra???

Because they play games on both PC and consoles?

But that’s not the case with everyone you see.

Never said I was special, but love that you thought I thought I was. I was just pointing out that whenever anyone complains about those Heroes, the response is always the same. Apparently aiming a little let’s you be OP. And yeah, I do defend Doomfist, mainly because he was garbage for 95% of the time that he’s been in game and I’d rather not see my favorite hero go back to being that because some people complain instead of learning how to stop a very predictable hero. That and the fact that there’s this stigma about the Meta being th only way to win in this game, so nobody ever wants to swap off of it, making a Hero that is finally viable against it after a year and a half seem overpowered when it’s just that everyone is constantly playing heroes that are weak against him into him.

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I wasn’t talking about Pirate Ship. I was talking about when teams decide to run Bastion also Junkrat is not the biggest counter when he’s behind Orisa and Dva is eating his shots.

I’m just saying from watching and experience that people know to focus a Bastion in a fight but not Brigitte.

Why are you bothering to reply when your profile is hidden and judging others when you keep yours hidden.

Widow in particular has always been a large discussion with how powerful she was. The first main tournament was Widowatch, and we saw how quickly Blizzard clamped down on her when they saw her potential. She’s been slowly brewing ever since, and is probably far from over in terms of adjustments.

A character being garbage doesn’t excuse them from being broken later on. We should be striving for some sort of actual balance that is “fun” across the board. As it stands, I don’t think Doomfist is as predictable as you say, and he’s not as loud as people such as yourself tend to point out either.

I am quite often forced in to a character such as Pharah to deal with a Doomfist, but even as her I cannot defend my team from him.

Maybe we will learn how to, I’m glad they removed Bastions personal shield. But that would be too much for Brigitte.

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It was on friends only for some reason. Not anymore though. It will take a while before it changes.

Alright then understandable. It’s just that some people usually like to attack people but yet have their profiles hidden.

I’ll be honest, i hate Sombra’s new infinite stealth, but i can live with her, Brig after so many nerfs i don’t really mind, the fact that her design is “low effort” will always make people dislike her.

Doomfist, i won’t even get into how much i dislike every single part of this hero, from a overload of CC on his kit to insane mobility and tankiness, if i could go back in time to prevent him from ever being created, i would.

He was created because of the community just remember that. Same for Brigitte,. Same for 2.0 Mercy, Same for Storm Arrow Hanzo.

Do you see the trend? Also what do they all have in common? Hated by the community who ask for this.

Can’t wait for people to hate this new anti-cc hero we will be getting soon.

This argument is so flawed in so many levels.

Knowing what someone will do does not equate to being able to stop it, because for you to able to stop it he has to have some counter play oportunities, which doesn’t really happen when his TTK is basically a single second.

It’s just like what happened to a champion called Aatrox in League of legends, they remade him, them they thought he was weak and buffed him too much, while he does have very easy to read skills, skills that had a somewhat long wind-up, you could not beat him at all, why ? because no matter how easy it was to read, you had no room to punish him and if you took a single blow from him it was nearly death.

Same happens here with DF, he has little to no room for you to punish unless you CC him to death, which is not a counter to Doomfist as much as it is a general counter, CC counters everything.

The way he was built is flawed, unless they pull a magic trick out of their asses, DF will either be horrible to play with, or to play against.

Couple seasons ago it was Mercy and Junk. Few seasons before that it was the speedboost on Ana’s nano. There’s always going to be something “ruining the game” but it’s eventually fixed, so.

But hey, I agree, the CC meta is the most annoying of the metas.

I already hate anti cc since it has no counterplay and destroys some hero’s while making others must picks and will most likely let dive come back in full swing again but people won’t realize it until it’s too late

I keep telling people that this anti-cc hero that they want won’t be balanced the way they think it will be and for the fact that it will just enforce more CC.

As crazy as it sounds Anti-CC helps CC just as much as it stops it. Zarya is already an example of this.

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I don’t see the issue with Brigitte and Sombra. Doomfist on the other hand…

There is a reason why a Doomfist is dominating in almost every single high ranked game right now.

Doomfist is deleting healers from the game.

Unstoppable rein I can see it now

I agree only with doomfist part, rest are ok in my opinion.

Don’t forget Unstoppable Doomfist the same character they want the Anti-cc to stop.

Let’s not forget Genji Blade or Death Blossom or even ults that can be cancelled by stuns.