So first of all I want to tell everyone that im a one trick.
A one trick never switches heroes regardless of team composition or requests.
He won’t swap for a better synergy on allied heroes picked, nor switch to not get countered by the enemy.
Why do one tricks exist and why do we like being one tricks?
Well, to me it is because I LOVE my character.
Loving your character from lore, to looks to kit helps you get motivation to get better at him.
Some characters are so unique, you just feel like playing them endlessly.
Overwatch is mainly a game about switching, but it can be avoided if you’re good enough.
I one trick Doomfist. I love his kit, love his personality, love everything about him.
Im not trying to be disrespectul towards you, flex player, but I prioritize my fun above someone’s wish.
If I get countered, then I should counter, and the person should counter me, and I could counter her, and vice-versa into a spiral that never ends.
In a way, countering isn’t exactly a consistent thing by any means.
Plus, I’ve been through matches where I get 4 people to counter me, so that means im doing extremely well.
Thus, my team could use that advantage to counter THEM, since they’re more eager for that.
But anyway, this is just a view on one tricks, people will keep flexing and people will keep one tricking, it was just an explanation.
Now, for the actual debate.
Playing Doomfist feels horrible in a fair amount of matches.
People keep saying he’s overpowered or want him deleted, when he never caused as much hate as Brig or Moira.
Doomfist is one of the most mechanical demanding heroes in the game, if not the actual most demanding one.
His bugs make him so unbearable to play most of the time.
You guys need to understand the risks Doomfist takes everytime he tries to get a kill.
Let’s say im trying to kill the Zenyatta in the back.
First of, I need to take TIME to position myself to properly set up for a kill, which pretty much no other hero does, aside from Widow SOMETIMES.
In the meantime, the enemy team can start a teamfight, and we ALL know how even ONE death can be the end of a fight.
I then need to pray to god if the Zenyatta walks straight forward, otherwise my slam is gonna be ahead of him.
Should I fail, I am so loud (And I want to point this out for people, stop listening to music in Overwatch or other games, you NEED your sound to keep you aware of your surroundings.) that the enemy team already knows where I am, and a single cc ability has rendered ALL of my effort useless.
People think having a 125 damage slam is easy, well it really isn’t, you need a stupidly high ground to get such a value, or well, since Doomfist CAN’T get these values in almost every map by default, he needs the aid of ROLLOUTS.
Now, in a way, using the environment feels a bit cheaty, sure.
But Doomfist CANNOT perform Rollouts in wherever he pleases.
If you play the game for long you should know from where he can come from.
And he will use half of his kit on a rollout, so he has one chance to kill an opponent, and even so, can usually die in the process.
Let’s look at the Hanamura attack position.
Maybe you all know that in the small house which is open to the defending gate, there is a / inclined rooftop which you can use to get on the house on your right >> inside the gate. The one which has the 250 health pack.
In the process Doomfist loses: Rocket Punch, Rising Uppercut and Seismic Slam.
Any hero that goes to contest him (you can see him fairly easily especially if you stand behind, on the point.) has to go against 4 hand cannon shots.
That’s IT.
People are leaving the game because they are mad.
I am mad. I am mad that my effort can be neutralized by someone who barely plays the game, or barely has experience with the hero he’s playing to just disable me.
And doomfist can’t go “flying and one shot me”, by your description he used atleast half or a third of his kit to do that.
Again, by doing so, he has either ONE movement ability left or just hand cannon.
“But he can one shot me!” Not if you don’t stand near walls. I know this last one is still rather hard but it’s something. And also, the hitbox for rocket punch is hilariously small. Try it yourself. And don’t go using dumb examples in the Practice Range.
People need to “punchbot” (using rocket punch for kills) because of how unforgiving it is to fail his usual combo, in where he can lose alot.
And his passive allows him to survive IF he gets a kill, because he won’t be getting any HP if he can’t land abilities.
A single cc, immunity or movement skill can neutralize Doomfist’s engage.
Let’s count.
Mei’s cryofreeze.
Ashe’s shotgun (this one is the pinnacle of low effort. Press shift, bye Doomfist!)
Widow’s Hook.
Brig’s Shield Bash.
Tracer’s Blink and Recall.
Roadhog’s hook.
Lúcio’s boop.
Junkrat’s traps and super fast bombs.
Ana’s sleep. (this one is also a golden one since most Ana’s can just turn 180 in 0,4 sec and sleep me before I can even hand cannon.)
Zarya’s bubble.
Sigma’s rock.
Genji’s dash and deflect (stop saying Genji is countered by Doomfist, this is a GROSS lie, I can explain why if anyone wants.)
Sombra’s hack and relocator.
Moira’s fade (Which makes her invisible and suicidal to chase after if you take time to search for her)
Cree’s flashbang (to a certain extent, I don’t think it’s that bad)
Torb’s turret and Symmetra’s turrets can also make of his life a living hell.
Being countered is one thing, being unplayable is another.
In all honesty Im ok with Symmetra and people should bring her more because a slowed Doomfist is really in trouble.
To bad all doomfists in my games run free murdering stuff XD
I never had problems with those two. General opinion is not my opinion.
So? It dont change that he is annoying to deal with and ruin MY games.
I played reinhardt, i had my share of game breaking bugs. I dont feel symphaty towards hero because of that.
Sadly there is no risk if no one shoot at him for the match.
This positioning time take doomfists as much as idk, reinhardt using his charge? From what i saw, most just land next to target, then rp in my games.
Yea, but in my games its doom taking one kill, or multiple. I still remember game when 2 doomfists were only people in the kill feed for multiple fights. You cannnot unsee that.
I didnt saw much doomfists use slam to kill zen.
But they dont care.
The slam is not my problem, in my games its rp bots. And its so annoying.
Yea he can only when he abuse map, like objects that let you rp up insted of just foward…
When he fall from the roof that no one supposed to be standing on because its slide people off, you cant predict that in most maps. Or you would need to do 360 to be sure.
Welp, im leaving overwatch because of doomfist too yea. Not matches, but game is not fun when he is there.
With how maps are created, many times if you dont go near walls you are letting other team win objective. Or cant get to your team to help them.
People were punchboting since 1 day he was out to this day. Not all the time they had to do it, but they did it and still doing the same.
Like most heroes? Being able to do one shoots and be able to survive one shoots as dps at the same time is annoying thing.
Yea, but that can lead to doom escape. Many times i saw him hooked, just to punch his way out, and come back after healing for next try. Similiar to mccree stuff etc, also his ult giving him moment of protection from cc is stupid.
Then leave, you pretty much have no arguments against anything I said.
Your excuses are: He’s unfun, I hate him, bye.
You showed one video of a place where he can use a rollout, which pretty much no one knows about. If you’re in the central part of the map, what use will it be of it?
Your case is a case of git gud.
“Oh but no one will shoot him” that’s your team’s fault.
And no, cc ruins Doomfist as easily as Reaper ruins Reinhardt.
No other hero gets sheer shields from their kit. That is just literally insanity.
Soldier doesn’t get hp or shields by shooting lmao, all he has to do is keep shooting and reloading from afar. VERY different from Doomfist.
For how long have you been playing? Id say you play the game casually and don’t care about getting better as a player.
And no, you won’t be winning in high ranks by trying to punchbot since his wind up is insanely high to hear.
Any other excuses?
Let me bet, according to you Genji is fine lmao.
As long as you’re getting value then fine. However IF
It’s not working: You’re getting shredded by bastion and refuse to switch. This means you’re relying on your teammates to carry you, being a pathetic burden on everyone else. Man up and try to be useful.
You cannot contest the other dps: Enemy is running Pharmercy + Echo. You may individually do well, getting a pick-off or two, but in that time the enemy dps shreds your team. You’re ignoring your job, basically being a leech once again.
I disagree, a lot of Moira’s fade at the wrong time and it’s easy for a doomfist to catch up and finish her.
I have a friend who is a doomfist main that taught me the correct time to fade
Also there are sounds for her fade if you don’t have a hearing impairment and it lasts 0.8 secs, she wouldn’t have gotten that far away. I feel like Moira is one of the best supports VS Doomfist. I’ve had my fair share of deaths to him though, but of course she’s not going to be an EZ pick compared to like Zenyatta/Ana.
I mean your excuse to play him is that he is fun to play, and you love him basicialy. We all biased, you are biased towards your main, and i am biased agains him.
Or fix match maker
Or maybe that something is off when he supposed TO NOT HAVE GOOD PICK RATE I HEARD BUT I CANT PLAY DAY WITH NO DOOMFIST ON OTHER TEAM. what the heck is that crap, i want bastions, i want symmetras, torbs, not doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom. He supposed to be bad, why I CANT GET TO PLAY THE GAME WITH NO DOOM.
So, how thats change anything i say? How that change that he is unfun to me? It dont, i cant change team. I dont get that talk from people “oh its your team fault they dont care about doom” YES ANNNNNNNNNNND?!?!?!? How that supposed to defend doom from being my most hated hero in history of video games? Worse villan, with worse back strory and worse gameplay imo ever.
I dont get what you try to say here. I didnt used soldier anywhere or him getting shields. Tho i would say then, soldier dont have either one shoot or protection from it, only escape, when doom have all 3. That sounds fair for soldier boy.
Since season 3, started taking breaks since doomfist was out. Few of my friends left fully because of him.
Who said anything about high ranks? I was never high ranks and never will be that have ntohing to do with this. Plat-diamond doom is my problem. sometimes masters, because match maker is garbo.
According to me, after 4 games today i saw genji do something once, and doom do a lot today. I dont know if genji with buffs is fine or not, nothing changed for my gameplay.
I prefere genji over doom, because tuturu, I HATE DOOMFIST THE MOST OF ANY OTHER GAME HERO CREATED.
Only thing i like about him is those doomfist players who jump off map. Screams of death are great for him. They fill me with happiness.
i don’t mind doomfist that much, just the bugs where wonky things happen and the game just goes crazy.
and sure one-tricking can be argued back and forth and my stance is that i generally don’t care if people do or don’t basically for the reason you stated
“if you do well the enemy team will try to counter you which should open up for your team to get more space”
but yeah, everyone has a sore spot for specific characters and doomfist is a suspect for many, but for me genji is and have allways been the worst to me.
as you will probably notice how many feels rather negatively about doomfist, there will be likewise people who don’t like hanzo or widow or brig or mei or sigma or ball or roadhog, so it’s just how they personally look at the game and why they ultimately don’t think certain characters don’t fit or are unfair.
Thirteen days later on my alt account…
You literally sound like ChipSa. -_-
How do you play Reaper and have a problem with Doomfist?
No I am not really biased.
ANY hero can be unfun to play against because they kill you.
People hate ball with their guts, maybe it’s because I play Doomfist but ball is literally suiciding if he tries to stall point with a Doomfist on it.
Sombra is a HUNDRED times worse than Doomfist and she doesn’t get the same hate because “she is weak.” lol no, she isn’t, you just need actual teammates to play her. Doomfist kills you but Sombra disables your kit entirely. If she has good aim it’s gg for you. Fitzyhere shows how deadly Sombra can be.
Matchmaking isn’t a problem in Overwatch, im sorry if you don’t believe it.
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS has a problem with matchmaking and AUTOFILL.
There’s ALOT less smurfs than people think in Overwatch.
They die twice to a good play and start screaming smurf.
Your profile is open, you have a silver border going more than half way to gold border, and it seems you don’t play competitive.
Quick Play is a living inferno, there is so much disparity, uninterest and players who go there after competitive just after getting their weapon, so do you know how chaotic a GOOD Doomfist can be in QP? Try dominating with him in Comp.
Torb and Symmetra make Doomfist literally unusable.
Symmetra is superior to Torb and people don’t know it. The slow on Symm’s turrets are FAR more deadly to Doomfist than Sombra herself or Torb. It just shows how people don’t know how to play him, atleast, the ones that talk bad about him since the others got good and learned how to counter him.
I said that Doomfist NEEDS his shields. You said others can do it, no they can’t because they don’t dive into 6 people .
I SHOULD be rewarded for putting myself at great risk, and the shields are my reward. Seems fitting.
Your friends left because of Doomfist? How many left because of Brig?
I get it, all of this insight; You are NOT good enough to play against Doomfist.
You hate him while there’s characters who are alot worse than him, but keep on losing then.
If you’re back after a break, I’ll give you a few days when Genji becomes the normal monster, which he is .
Best of luck playing.
I dont play much reaper for loong time now. He is far from my mains. When i pick reaper its rare occasion of not having good close up dmg on my team, when im not on echo alredy, what is not normal now.
I think i was reaper qp player when i was zen main, but that was back around season 3. So dont know why you use reaper here.
I dont have problem with any other hero as much as i have with doom. Its nto about being killed, or losing, its about gameplay. Doom is annoying to be beyond anything in the gaming existence, he is worse than bethesda for making fallout 76 in my book. At least they didnt killed my gaming experience or ruin my favourite mode somewhere.
Thats your opinion, i prefere plaing agains sombra a lot more. Accept opinions dude, i spit only those out now here with examples of my personal experience. Im not speaking for anyone else.
Again with killing
Let me tell you this
Being killed by widow when i walk out of the spawn feel way less annoying than being killed by doom usnig rocket punch for me.
If it put plat agains masters in ranked then it is sorry to break it to you. Masters and plats should not mix in one match of ranked. In qp, yea fine, not in ranked. 2 ranks above is not good match making.
What are you now talking about idk tbh, i see smurfs on widow, and its not part of this discussion. You just making up random defence to make your post look bigger now.
I play it way less now, i played it a lot in past. To describe it, i started around high silver-low gold, got to diamomd, then after some time plaing agains doomfists i stop trying and moved to do placements only in plat.
QP is main game mode of this game mate. And many of my games in ranked were turn around by doomfists. He is one of reason why i dont play it, second is toxicity. He is on pair for me with it there.
Yea nice to know, i will tell my genji teammates to swap next time i see them. Oh wait, their hero get buffed, so they not going to swap.
Other heroes with short range dont get that much of reward. He was able to survive tracer ult with it (dont know if it still possible since her buff to it, to lazy to see now)
I had no one plaing game with when she was out. But i presonaly had nothing agains her.
I think sometimes i only one person in this community that see loses as being able to be fun to. One of my greatest games on rein were loses actualy, those kind of games losing team say “gg” in chat.
But not with doom around. Fun not allowed mode on with him.
You really stick to that genji for no reason outside of my other topic.
How did u find this thread when it’s 14 days old dude
Op posted it in my topic, that is only reason i answered it
Its high chance i ignored it before tbh not wanting to make wall of text complaining but if he post it in my topic then not my fault he trigger me in a day i get 4 games agains my most hated hero in the row
Oh ok, if it’s all opinion and emotion it’s all fine.
Thought you were actually trying to bring any FACTS hehe, im cool now.
Sucks you die to Doomfist I guess man.
Mwahahahahaha. Good stuff buddy!
Doomfist is fine, he’s just overshadowed by overbuffed DPS like Genji and Ashe. If those two hadn’t received stacked buffs despite both being average-good, Doom would still be wrecking shop. As is he still has one of the top DPS WRs in every rank of ladder.
Thank you for being a Doom OT, this game needs FAR more of you.
Your refusal to swap, and relentless devotion to punch man, even when countered and getting bullied and spawn trapped are inspiring, and so precious. Thanks for the EMPs!
-signed, a Sombra OT.
Wait, you play Echo?
Echo is Doomfist’s hardest counter by FAR that doesn’t have cc for so many reasons.
- He can’t touch you if you are smart about it.
- You can scout his location so he can’t surprise you
- I think he’s the best DPS hero to duplicate as you can slam from anywhere with Echo and commit all your cooldowns TWICE plus two ults if they land.
He should honestly not even be an issue.
No problem, I also love to see Sombras wrecked because they think that me going with my team is gonna make them get value still.
Oh id LOOOOOOVE to be in a game with you.
Can’t say I lost count but I’ve made some Sombras swap because I kept dominating.
Always here to send you packing, watching you rage. 8)
You are literally saying your hero is un fun to play because his counters makes it so. You are the one that’s biased and needs to git gud lol.
good job for making the experience miserable for 5 other people in current OW 1 tricking equals to griefing essentially unless your 1 trick happens to be meta.
you are right but also staying on a character where you int 3-4 lives in a row makes your team lose momentum, puts pressure on supports and sucks the fun out of everyone.
no not really, they just want an easy free kill and capitalize on the 6v5 from there. When they have a Hammond player, I often go Sombra regardless of how good he is because he is free ult charge and he is forced to play so defensive they play down 1 tank.
yeah except if they pick say Ashe, pretty hard Doom counter but also hard to counter for your team. What do you expect, your team to run full Dive to play around your 1 trick and the weakness to Ashe? Sounds selfish you are asking not 1 person to flex but 3+.
I flex to Doom often, not really. I think mechanically:
- Widowmaker
- McCree
- Ashe
- Tracer
- Genji
roughly in that order are the most mechanically demanding.
Doomfist is mechanically demanding only with his primary fire, the rest is gamesense.
I 1 tricked Doomfist in high Masters in s18 you are way exaggerating the difficulty of the hero, he is in a good spot.