Don't nerf widow, release a counter hero

How long is that? 6 months to a year? Plus they’re making another Overwatch, so why would they keep adding content to this game?

We didn’t learn anything from brigette??

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The other overwatch is just a spinoff of the main. They’re two different genres. They’ll likely coexist

They aren’t making a game to replace Overwatch.


never talked about hard counter, i don’t want a second brig in the game, i’m just talking about a counter, such as we already have for different heros, or at least a hero that have abilities that counters widow’s gameplay/kit

Exactly right.

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The last time Blizzard attempted to make a counter hero we got Brig.

If they make a hero with an ability “kill all snipers” im good with not nerfing her.

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There are already counters, enough ones.

That isn’t going to work.

Any hero ideas that counter widow would either be so op to eveyone else, or the hero having such a niece kit to counter Widowmaker that they would be so useless if widow wasn’t being played.

you can’t assume that it wouldn’t work, this is just too easy to say.
Asking for a widow counter is as easy, but it can happen.

we learnt how bad heroes were nerfed if they countered tracer in the slightest.

Tracer is still trash though

not meta =/=!trash
once 2-2-2 starts, brig will literally be trash.
tracer never got the giant nerf hammer

3rd worst win rate 4th worst pick rate is not just not meta

shes not played in the meta, its that simple. she got one nerf ever.

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Um, you do realize how rare that can happened right?

Like lord forbid Tracer can’t melt tanks with her ult that is designed to be a quick pick on a single squishy anymore lmao

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You think a hero needs to be change directly to be worse?? When everyone else is getting buffed and things are constently being created to work against you.

How did Orisa get so strong with no buff?? The game changed around her in her favor

Go back to that post and keep scrolling down a bit.