Don't make the game more casual than it is

By adding new hero looks like Mercy
Blizzard really want the game to be like ow1 with mercy mains OTP everywhere that can’t switch to adapt because they only know how to play one of the easiest character?
I want more complex gameplay and not easy to master not a copy of mercy all you have to do is holding left click and boosting their eBoys genji


If there are more mercy like heroes the mercy otps could play more heroes.

Have you forgot how many supports we have. Ill take any new support.


Mercy rarely ruins games. She has no agency to do that since she doesn’t hard counter anyone. If anything, mercy sucks the most for mercy players because they are only good as their team. The only potential issue with mercy right now is pharmacy which became stronger and more viable after the hitscan fall-off revert. But that can be fixed through better map design, since pharmacy doesn’t work well in every map.


I love when non Mercy players try to explain how Mercy is played :yawning_face:


There is nothing wrong with support who can actually support their team. Just don’t make it as broken as mercy is.

I like Mercy because she is more of a healer than a support. Very team focused and this makes her play different from any other character. This is also a big reason she is so popular.


Go play a more complex game then.


Mercy isn’t broken. She’s just not very good in OW2.


The game is complex i’m talking about hero complexity two different thing

‘Don’t make more characters suitable for the disabled’

I’m sure this wasn’t your point but when you ask all chars to be high aim/mechanics intensive, this is the result.


Overwatch was initially marketed as a casual hero shooter, and its accessibility is a big part of what won it so many Game of the Year awards. It started going downhill the minute Blizzard decided to capture part of the competitive market. You can literally see how viewership and ratings started tracking negative growth the same month Blizzard announced the Overwatch League.

If you want something more competitive, play something more competitive. Don’t be part of the crowd that’s forcing Blizzard to push Overwatch away from what made it successful in the first place.


Nothing is stopping you


Overwatch is competitive.
I get that they want to bring more casual players to the game, but I hope they just don’t forget the other part of the gamers that want something difficult to master as well.

L opinion

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Overwatch was meant to be competitive in the same way that Super Smash Bros is competitive: via a small, player-supported community that understands the majority of players just want a chaotic, hilarious, crazy good time.

If OW isn’t “difficult to master,” does that mean you’ve totally mastered it and are in the Overwatch League?


it’s giving very much clownery lol

except Mercy isnt broken, sincerely majority of the community :heart:


You need to realize onetricking is fine. Class passives mean team comps are irrelevant.