How does MMR work, if you are that professional - why does my main account after 258 games is still Gold 5-1 - when my smurf with 41 games is still in master 4-3.
Same hereo, same setup.
that is just a forum post without any sources?! on top it is multiple, 10-20 seasons old, we have a new overwatch game, a new relase, new players, new heroes, new numbers 5vs5. it can´t just be the same as in your post and what you believe.
So either we can´t discuss on a professional level because you can´t proof it, even with your silly forum post, neither i can with my matches.
But one thing should make you worrie, if you say - everything work as indeed. Why are there 4 full ranks difference, for so long time?
i do not swap hereos, 90% im playing sojurn - so if mmr exist, it does not the job. If the matchmaker exist, why does a pro player need 40hrs + to rank from bronze 5 where he belongs to be?
the sources are cited in the “References” section at the bottom.
Other references include:
Skill is, broadly, defined by how well someone plays in any given situation. Eliminations, healing done, damage done, damage mitigated, saves, ect. However that’s not all - they also use map specific data as-well-as hero specific data for those maps. You’re always compared apples to apples.
For example: Your MMR will be adjusted differently if you play Sombra on King’s Row than on, say, Lijang Tower.
Internal snapshots are taken every 10 minutes of playtime and your largest adjustment comes from if you win the game or not. However if you played EXTREMELY well then your MMR might not move at all, it’s entirely possible to lose a game and have a net neutral or even positive improvement.
As Scott Mercer once said “There are always times when I look at the data and raise an eyebrow”. Perhaps it’s the time of day you’re playing or just by random chance you were put against players feeling off and had your MMR boosted by no fault of your own. Humans be like that sometimes.
Back in season 6, 7 and 8 I compared SR for everyone in a match and the people in my matches were roughly ±150sr around my current sr. There were outliers of 300 in that data as well but those were due to people grouping (when you could see such things). This range has been adjusted multiple times since then. Today it’s believed to be around ±500 for all roles (as that’s what tanks were matching at in season 32, when the playerbase sank), tho some people will complain it feels like ±1000sr. lol
It’s exceptionally hard to judge people’s skill over a short period of time but GENERALLY the people you are being matched against have comparable MMR to you.
When you’re on your smurf do you play with friends, heck you might be tryharding without realizing it, there can be a multitude of reasons and the skillrating of players goes up and down depending on time of day and whoever is queuing. Really good players can carry pretty hard and unintentionally boost others.
(This specific example is going to made you not trust me, it always happens, but it’s important for context. The rank isn’t what’s important.)
For example: When ow2 launched I was boosted from bronze 4 to silver 1 because of the soft-reset forcing master players into ultralow rank games but once they were boosted back out of the rank I had a sharp decline and went back to my normal rank - bronze 1 to silver 5.
I’ve played quite a few accounts and more often than not I get to where my games are in the silver area after so many games.
SR follows your MMR. They aren’t equal. Think of it like a ladder: MMR is the height of the ladder and SR is where you are in comparison to the height of that ladder. That pro player in bronze 5 has a ladder the size of a skyscraper and after 4 or 5 wins they start getting SR adjustments of +70 or more PER WIN if it goes on long enough.
You’re always being matched with people whose ladders are of similar size to yours and not where you are on that ladder.
There are, however, always noticeable discrepancies and not even the devs can predict outcomes sometimes.
BTW, there is no need to be so pessimistic toward the matchmaker - it’s not there to hold you back and it re-evaluates you every-so-often, if you start winning a bunch.
While there hasn’t been much in the way of communication on how things function internally for the matchmaker in some time, at current, it seems most still hold up with a little critical thinking and testing.
I mean what you expect if you win a lot of games? The more you climb the harder it gets. Give me bronze account I can easily get him into masters no matter how many win streaks I get. Trust me blaming system or other players will lead you nowhere. Except talking BS come to r/competitiveoverwatch r/overwatchuniversity ppl will explain better than me if you can’t understand what I’m saying.
Hey! Thank you, for your post. Really clear, 0 toxicity, reading your post feels like honey.
That is what i tough. Yea, the first 1-2 seasons i might was a bronze 5. until season 16 i had 8 smurfs, i really played bad on the main the rest of overwatch 1 - bad mindsetup, i wanted the ranks i had on smurfs on main… If you take this game greedy - bronze inc.
did not saw it, but i really readed the full post tough.
if it is true, it just a matter of 1-2 weeks the mmr has to change. I will try it this season…
One thing tough. If you are on low ranks, it is sometimes - extremly difficult to be a “good” player in the match as the match might before.
Like, as more balanced the game is, as more i can focus on gameplay/aim/payload.
As the game get more silly, with like tank A: 20 hrs overwatch exp vs tank B: Overwatch 1 vet + heal new vs heal old. Like it is a interesting match. One side - you could mean “a extremly good player will still win it”. Yes, i believe. But thats just a view people out there, and not the playerbase.
It is like, a paradox tough. If you have a “decent” opponent team, someone means, everything is balanced. So if the other team, we know has 2 new players in a gold match - the other team will realize it 100% that NOW is the time to spawntramp. People and i guess thats trough rank silver + will realize like a hyena the “low” target persons and will focus them. Everyone does that, no?
So if they starting rolling over 2 persons, it is basecally a 3vs5 - their mind is even more pushed, they CAN´T loose this.
And to STOP this, is barerly possible by just a view players out there. I guess, might im wrong and just didn´t find the trick how to kill solo a full team.
But those games are, like 30%? If you have 100% performance on other games, you will have automatically 70%, then you have some leavers in mid games as on and some other reasons, we all know. So in generall having “max” MMR is basecally really hard.
So i might have to think about, when the own team getting rolled to pick a hereo for atleast best “KD” until the game ends? (said easy…)
How can this system “work” by now?
my fault tough, it is the same story as in ow1 - i had 8 smurfs in ow1. If it was luckely boosted on all 8 accounts and all hours played i should try playing lottery
No, same team (solo) same time same setup. I am not a cod avg player, turning on the pc to slay ore whatever. Before i turn on the pc, ill do rituals. I do take it “serios”, because it is real life time and my real life hobbys i want to control and enjoy as much as i can.
BUT. The way it is to play is just different. Diamond is “ok” but even “harder” to master as games in MASTER. If i compare the voice, bronze, silver, gold… maybe from 10 games, people talk ore react to my calls.
It is just different in generall, the quality of games in master+ is amazingly high. ofc you will have your games, hard loss. Weird matchmaker, having plat team mate in master lobby. But over all, from 100 games are 80 absolutly high quality.
Bronze to gold, from 100 are 80 weird. only 20 high quality. So meany leavers, so many new players, so many weird playstyles, dpsHealer, dpsTank. Monkys… like cmon, i think everyone who ever played in ow2 from bronze 5 to gold + knows EXACTLY what im talking about.
So yea, that is the only difference tbf.
yea i watched allready, what is there on content. Still dont understand, why he needed so much time to get out of bronze 5. what i wanted to say, we all know this cracked persons are there, we can watch them playing live.
But not everyone, is cracked like them. Just a view tough. So if this cracked person need 12 hours to just get OUT of bronze 5. imagine a NORMAL master player, there has to be a difference. we all know it. So also the TIME will be different. So it could happen, that a master player stucks for 20+ hrs in bronze 5. I mean, if a gm needed 12 hours… imagine a dia/plat player…
True story, but not reality. If it gettin harder by skill, well everyone would take it. But if it´s gettin harder to win, because of the ammount of players leaving mid game, the ammount of having new players in this lobbys, the ammount of bad quality games, just increases. But not the quality of skill, what you actually want to tell us here. I guess, i hope?!
I guess you are talking about support/tank? Yea, alot of people, alot alot alot can do that. If you can this on DPS, you should start streaming, you are one of the TOP players out there.
i know that, but not trying to change something would mean im crazy. Playing again and again and again and not trying to be part of a “community” where people can exchange their exp and a lil chance to getting some changes done would be just crazy.
blizzard allows 100% more feedback then reddit. Why i should go on that platform were you can´t talk as everyone would like to talk? Feels like joining a dictatorship, no thanks.
Youtube, google, twitch, dafran, warn, kreggie and some more are good content/info enough.
Warn just sayd a view days in the stream something like, dont win to many games the matchmaker will go crazy and trying his best to get you off. i screened it btw so source there if someone need
LOL It’s even easier than in ow1 I already did that on smurf
Well thats just proves you like talking without any knowledge those places are full of ow pros, content creators, coaches but sure you like forum trolls more ofc your opinion is worth more than people with reputation I’m not gonna waste my time answering you anymore it’s like talking with a child. Glhf in your delusional world.
I got that one time. When I reached 75% winrate. I got this one match that had a Soujurn that always got headshots. So we lost. I was really debating if this person was cheating. We’re talking about my final two Silver 2 matches. Before I was suppose to reach Gold 5. I was like, what is going on here? Was I put in a Plat game? Or was that person cheating?
She was the only person good on that team. Was that the only way the MM was able to balance against me, playing Moria? I still got like 25k healing in that game. So my stats didn’t even get worse. I ended up having to repeat Silver 2. Even though I had a 70% winrate. It was so bizarre. Out of nowhere. One person was god. My last Silver 2 game had a leaver.
I leave QP all the time. I think I’ve had 250 -75xp by now. I still reached level 122. So that’s meaningless anyway. I Have 70-75% winrate in my comp games. There are other reasons to leave. Than just don’t want to see the defeat screen. I’m tired of having horribly balanced QP games. And I don’t do Backfill or Push Mode. I don’t do those things in comp. That’s serious mode. I hate push to infinity. But I will never screw people like that there. Because I know everyone is actually trying there.
This is the best take i’ve read so far, my issue with the current ranked system is being unable to climb in order to have fair games. I don’t care about being rewarded nor flexing my rank, i want to have fun again.
Tryharding to “fix” an issue is not the solution but the issue itself.
I feel this. I’ve been able to climb higher this season than I was in OW1. I’m not salty about rank. I’m salty about matching with people who play like they know significantly less about the game than I do. My standards are low. I don’t think that highly of my own knowledge/skill. I just don’t want to spend multiple games in a row waiting for my team to stop trickling or racing them to turn their feeds into plays.
I know these “unwinnable” games are inevitable. But I went from no-lifing OW1 in its last two seasons to no-lifing OW2 this season (adept competitor here lol) and I can say anecdotally that said games are more frequent and grouped together more densely.
It tilts me to be on these teams. But it’s also unfair to the seemingly new players getting matched against, for instance, a plat/diamond dps who can (I saw this one today) literally 1v4 them during a rotation. Pretty good way to alienate new players.