Dont let the new Hanzo's ability headshot :(

Its an ability and fires projectiles. McCree’s gun is hitscan, so thats why it fires slower.

High Mobility characters such as Tracer, Lucio, Genji. And some abilities like fade, wraith form, or ice block.

You cannot one hit headshot with the ability.

Everyone keeps ‘shooting till you die’ It’s how DPS characers work. The thing is you have Tanks and Supports to keep people alive.

He has a draw time that is pretty long. Also shooting non stop doesnt really mean much.

Hanzo keeps mobility because of his arrows being projectiles.

Instantly headshot with her hitscan weapon. Perhaps a hook jump to get an angle to do so.

The projectile does 5 more damage than McCrees. It is easy for McCree to be able to hit Hanzo 3 times and win from Medium Range, while Hanzo fires faster McCree is hitscan. At close range flash bang makes it a win. At long range hanzo wins, and well he is a sniper.

Requires more Aim and prediction from Hanzo than McCree.

Does not have flashbang though. And is significantly harder to be consistant with.


They wanted scatter gone and now complaining about the new ability which is all more skill some luck. If you get clipped by one of these arrows guess you shouldn’t have been peaking the glowing bow Hanzo huh?

Cant be happy with nothing around here. I hope he stays put.


dude, go test how fast he hits…

Ana, Soldier, Widow, McCree, Zen etc… what can they do against the spam?
his ability’s dmg is better than mccree’s dmg… and he shots if faster…
idk about u, but this Hanzo is by far better than McCree… I would love having a good Hanzo than a good McCree at this point.

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People complain Hanzo took no skill then you give him a new ability that requires skil then you ask to renove the skill part of that ability? LOL


Have you tried it???

What can they do against the spam? Get out the way?


His normal arrows do 120 damage per shot. I think the ability is fine if anything just put the arrow speed back to normal


Preferably get behind a tank?


But… hear me out here… people complained about scatter taking no skill… so guess what Blizz does? They add an ability that you have you to 100% aim! Is this not what you guys wanted?


im not complaining, just giving my opinion about it. in my opinion the dmg of the ability is too much… I mean I can leave with 80 dmg… but since he can headshot with it… its too much…

you wont be able to do anything while he shots 6 arrows with this ability on u… u cant revenge u cant dodge it nothing… u need to pray not to die. so ya, its harder to use than Scatter ofc… but its not like Hanzo’s kit is bad… hes able to 2 bodyshots, 1 headshot squishys, he has mobility now, his ultimate is pretty decent… they even buff his projectiles speed… this ability is going to be what Hanzo mostly use to get kills… people will relay on the ability and its going to be annoying. scatter was 10 seconds cd this one is 8 seconds… prepare to face 6 arrows on your face every 8 seconds.

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You can counter an enemy Widow easily with the new ability as Hanzo. While she’s standing still, just spam all 6 her way and she’ll die so quick.

I agree Hanzo should be just as strong as other heroes, but they took one spam ability and replaced it with another that’s much more consistent at being spam.


They will do what they have always done: avoid it by using a tank’s shield.

An ability should be stronger than an auto attack.

I rather have a good Hanzo to, but hitscan is still better than projectiles.

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now tell me that they should ask the Mercy to pocket them.
“just click her head”

not everything is possible everytime. ya u stand behind a tank, but then something happnes and u find ur tank dead and youre free to face a Hanzo…
this ability will make people frustrated, people will get mad dealing with it since its not an hitscan ability its fast projectiles.

again, I dont have any problem with the ability, I have a problem with the dmg it deals per headshot.

No dont. This is the best buff he got


Well if you lose your tanks and thus lose all protection, then yes the snipey arrow dude should smoke you XD.



exactly what I mean.

If you have 0 game sense yeah.

Ana’s sleepdart isn’t even half the speed of hanzo’s rapid fire.
Rapid fire is almost 3 times as fast.

This. More than anything, the new ability is gonna be the same deterrent scatter arrow was.

You were always wary of rushing a Hanzo cuz as soon as you got close, he’d scatter your feet any Insta kill you.

Now, you’ll be wary of rushing a Hanzo cuz he’ll pop his new ability and plug six arrows into you.

I’m ok with Hanzo being a character you wanna keep your distance from.

I’m not gonna feel cheated though now if Hanzo double headshots me from across the map with this new ability like I felt cheated when Hanzo blind fired a scatter arrow and I just happened to be there.


What does game sense have to do with it? A Widow works much harder because her toolkit is much more lacking than Hanzo. Hanzo can get free kills through luck and spam. Widow has to aim every single shot and cannot peek corners the way Hanzo can.

I don’t know why you’re comparing the two when now Hanzo can just delete an enemy Widow by spamming in her direction. Even if you don’t kill her, damaging her disrupts her enough as she will then have to either reposition or focus on the Hanzo who will have his spam ready in the same amount of time that it takes her ability that gives her any mobility to refresh.

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