Dont hack reload

Some heroes are just dead of you do that. Tracer dead, mccree dead, hog dead…
Its too much and its completely unfair.


Edit: whoops. Misunderstanding on both parties.

Sombra can’t hack reload. The PTR patch notes mean she can use hack to canel her reload animation.


From what I understand that’s not what they meant. They meant that you can stop yourself from reloading by hacking now. I think right now you can’t hack someone if you’re in the middle of reloading your gun, this change would fix that.


I hope that’s what it means.

Pretty sure it just means you can interrupt your own reload to hack someone else.


I hope too. Its not clear.

did they finally add being able to stop sombra’s reload to hack? what did i miss?

LOL YOUR reload gets animation cancel as sombra


oh Nice… she’s gonna be a lot better after these, especially the detected hitbox reduction

and i always wondered why emp didn’t hack hammond’s mines lol

hohoohohoho looks like is going to be an even stronger hero in the upcoming meta.

yes, its allowing hack to interrupt the sombra’s reload because she previously couldnt and it was a pretty big focal point in good sombra buffs

HACK RELOAD, hmmmmmmmmm :thinking::thinking::thinking: MERCY AGAIN NERFED :joy:
hacking reload is good idea, but is just misunderstood ((

It is clear, it is absolutely 100% Sombra’s ability to interrupt her own reload with hack. Nothing more, nothing less.


I play tracer and i don’t care, sombra’s been useless for to long just give it to her, also she’s not quite there so i expect them to make more improvements before it goes live and then actually buff her once they make those improvements.


That is what it means. Sombra mains have been asking for this for ages.

I laugh when I saw this, but yeah the devs need to make their word clearer sometime

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just goes to show that the people that like to talk about sombra changes dont actually play sombra

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Or it could be the abilitie’s cooldowns reload, for exemple if you have LX Rockets almost ready, let’s say 3 seconds before being usable, then getting hacked stops the cooldown at 3 seconds and will resume after hacking, along with abilitiy disabled.

That could be very interesting.

It is very clear.
Being locked into reload animation without being able to use hack plagues Sombra since launch and is one of her most infuriating bugs that’s also brought up a hell of a lot of times by Sombra players.

It’s not breaking her as much as the old death-during-TL or the current LoS issues, but it’s there since launch, can be reproduced with 100% reliabilty, is an easy fix and CAN ruin a fight if she manages to sustain. It’s also (probably?) the only ability that couldn’t be used instead of reload. It’s among the best examples showcasing Blizzards ignorance.

So yea. Well known bug. Been complained about a lot.
