Dont forget that

It’s just the Genji main victim complex tbh

They’re almost all like this


What is your fav hero that sits at the bottom of C tier ?


It’s almost as bad as talking to a doom player :smiley:


When did he become a knock off Guy?

To add to this, if you don’t at least consider the average players you’ll get characters that make game unejoyable for most players. Characters like Illaoi for instance is a character who’s gimmick is countered by simply walking away. Something literally every hero can do. But, at least back when I played regularly, I could easily snowball a game and 1v5 because players just… wouldn’t walk away.

At the top end, she was weak because there were better split pushers and those who were more useful in team fights that were not countered by simply walking away. For most other players, she easily destroyed players.

You have to take into consideration not just the top end and the intended playstyle / interactions, but also how the average player is interacting with them and what their experience is like. If you stick to your guns and only balance around the top end, you will eventually start to lose players who may have otherwise kept playing and enjoying your game.

I’m not saying you don’t balance the top end. But you have to keep the rest in mind too or you can create some really unejoyable gameplay situations that push players away.

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complaining about bad balance /=/ victim complex

the devs are getting paid?


the devs are getting paid???


I don’t think you get it

Honestly as like horrible as this is to say. It’s no wonder 1900 people were laid off earlier this year. Especially so many on the OW team.

Like yes it does suck it’s peoples lives but like cmon. The quality of work this IP outputs has dropped so so hard. It still really sucks and the way it was executed was awful but like… could you really be surprised?

no wonder? it’s quite a tragedy lowkey

not really, but let’s remember it doesn’t have to be devs’ fault

The 1900 people laid off were the direct result of meddling from Bobby Kottick and the board. Not their inability to put out good work.

It’s well documented that the C-suite have dunked on OW harder than any other IP. It’s also why Jeff left.

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Yeah, the low end definitely needs to be considered too.

My main point was that balancing for the top end is more complex than “the most skilled characters need to be meta >:(”

Azir, the most skilled midlane champ and Kallista then later Aphelios, the most skilled ADC champions, all ruined professional balance by how they warped the game when they were meta to the point of ruining it at the high end.

Whereas simpler champions caused less issues and were able to be meta essentially permanently without warping it, like Ori.

Not all simple champions are like that mind you, just as not all complex champs are. But they’re extreme examples to disprove that design philosophy.

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You don’t have the right to complain when heroes like Sym, Junk, etc. have it so much worse. Genji isn’t even the worst META hero. Cry harder.

Tracer has been bottom 2 dps for majority of the ow2 lifecycle, now she is being played in bronze too to be a E tier hero.

Blizzard devs should pay me with dodge coin for every blink

junk literally has almost the same amount one tricks in top 100 as genji does, like WHAT.

i don’t pay for anything i play for free since like season 2. i wouldn’t give money for this pile of crap

like someone else said here, you pay with your time, and time=money