Dont forget that

The balance devs are getting paid for serving slop!
yep, you pay for a michelin star restaurant service and get served slop! thats exactly what overwatch feels like, they cant balance nor can their bug fix team fix anything!

my hero literally stays at the bottom of C tier for 90% of overwatch’s lifespan and now they break him by trying to fix one of his hundreds of bugs, btw, the only beneficial bug so far that doesnt ruin his gameplay and they instantly try to fix it, but if its something that ruins his chances of getting a kill they dont fix it for YEARS AND THEY STILL HAVENT.

please for the love of god microsoft just realise that if a chef is not good enough to work at a michelin star restaurant they are not qualified to stay. The same literally applies to the game industry.

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I was unaware I was paying to play.


at this rate you should be paid to play, thats how bad the game has gotten

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No patrick someone having bad balancing opinions doesnt mean they shouldnt be paid

Also Overwatch is Mcdonalds buddy, this isnt gourmet

Who? Mei? Pharah?

You better not say who I think you’re going to say. Because a certain cyborg ninja is rarely that low.

my dude, overwatch is backed by a billion dollar company with devs that have years of experience, they have the resources, just not the talent.

like, are you even trying?

nice edit, genji is terrible right now and hes been terrible/okay for most of overwatch 2, other than season 1 he has never been good/strong on his own like tracer or sojourn or most hitscans.

I was making a point.

See here, troll:

Mei and Pharah are really the only two heroes who I can think of who have been in low c tier for the majority of the game.

Reaper, Bastion, junk and co have been lower or at c tier for more.

The hero I think you’re referencing(who I alluded to in my initial reply), has been higher than low c for essentially the entirety of OW.

which one? the one you just edited in?

mei and phara do directly as much as their skill ceiling allows them

if genji had his skill ceiling = his value ceiling he wouldnt be terrible right now.

other than season 1 ow2 he has been terrible/okay mostly since then.
not strong or good ON HIS OWN

I added that waaaaay before you replied.

No, they do as much as they’re allowed to via hero strength. Mei has been higher than C tier depending on meta and how strong she is.

He’s been B tier at worst.

He constantly hovers between the 1st and 3rd most played hero, sees frequent play in t500, and always has a good win rate.

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Ah hello fellow sym main.

Genji is not C teir, not by a long shot while i do agree this last patch broke him, he is by no means C teir.


Genji is decent right now- Around a b tier. I was thinking maybe you were talking about mcree but he is somehow back into Blizzard’s graces (fortunately). Supports just are a bit too strong survivability wise (not all but enough are to be noticeable).

im either schizophrenic or you are straight up lying.

thats because the balance devs are not good at balancing.
Ideally a hero should be as good as their skill ceiling, nothing more nothing less.


i have not seen him in the leaderboards since season 8, and hes been rapidly falling off since season 4.
and if you havent noticed im not just complaining about his relative power level, im complaining about the absolute ridiculous amount of bugs he has .

genji is bottom 3 dps this season, everyone who thinks otherwise plays in metal ranks or just does not play him.

nah, not with all the bugs and definitely not in the higher ranks.

  1. tracer is still hard meta
  2. moira is still one of the best supports in ladder
  3. they havent fixed infinite wallclimb and they have broken wallclimb for the second time
  4. hitscans still havent been toned down.
    and there are probably hundreds of other things they still havent done.

Mcdonalds is a billion dollar company that also has the resources to improve its service but no desire to because they make enough money this way lol

Ow is mcdonalds bro

This is a nothing statement.

A hero is as strong as their balance allows them to be. That’s why Tracer has varied from meh to op throughout ow2, despite her being touted as “teh most epic skillz” hero

Complaining that your hero is “low c tier” for “90% of OW” is complaining about his relative power level.

Mhm yeah he’s so weak, he’s being oppressed by non bottom dps like Bastion, Reaper, Torb, Junk, and co. They’re just completely destroying him, that’s why he’s picked way more often, has solid representation in the top 3 most picked heroes in t500, and has a solid win rate. He’s just too bad


You want C tier look at lifeweaver who’s been C tier since launch because poor Niran’s kit doesn’t do him any justice. It still needs fixing even though everyone loves the character (abilities aside)


except mcdonalds is located all over the world and has fast food chains in almost every city, you cant possibly expect them to manage a michelin star quality with each restaurant right? all of overwatch’s work happens right in california in a giant singular building.
oh and occasionally in china when they get lazy and outsource the work to some chinese devs for 55 cents an hour.

this is literally game balance philosophy 101.

a hero is as strong as the devs allow them to be, but you should never allow a hero with a low skill ceiling have one of the highest value ceilings, that is BALANCE 101.
thats why you dont see mercy at S tier and for a good damn reason.

at this level of stupidity you shouldnt have unmoderated access to the internet.

where??? check season 9 leaderboard, there is literally 5 genji players in eu who reached within top 100 and zero within top 30, how is that strong or even good? if his pickrate is as high as you say it is (which it probably is) that just points to him being even more weak because his pickrate is not proportionate to his appearance in the leaderboards…

to beat my point even further in, theres literally a junkrat main in top 10, not genji, A JUNKRAT main

tracer has always been good/great, i can only think of a few times where she has been below A tier, but thats a good thing, that means that a hero that has a really high skill ceiling isnt doing worse than heroes with lower skill ceilings for the most part, and that is a GOOD thing.

No, no it is not.

Games like League of Legends tried this, but balancing their games around their highest skill ceiling champions killed balance.

Skill ceilings aren’t what balance is about. How the character interacts with the game is, and if they can interact with the game while being meta in a healthy way.

I guess other, more popular games really are failing this balance 101.

Or maybe, your shallow view on “skill” and how little a hero’s individual skill requirement actually matters in comparison to the game knowledge and skill it takes to play the game at a high level is the problem.

So you’re calling me dumb because I said that you saying this:

Is this:

Just because you also complained about his bugs doesn’t mean you didn’t complain about his relative strength as well.

Listening to people who get their understanding of game design from toxic influencers with no understanding of how game design works is really insane.

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yes it is.

then they failed to actually do it.

it literally is but okay.

lets see, Ah, valorant, everyone is complaining about balance, oh.
what about apex? seeing a decline in players, controllers dominate every lobby because its easier to aim on them, oh.
fortnite? fortnite never dies
thats about it, csgo just about the only game that does not have a dying playerbase and guess what, their game is balanced for the most part around the skill ceiling of each weapon. surprise!

No im calling you dumb because your capacity to read ends at about 13 words.

the section is literally more about his bugs than his balance state you sandstone gargoyle.

yeah, i complain about his relative strength because if he was atleast strong the bugs would be bearable, but he isnt, and hes not even good this season or atleast okay, hes terrible. end of story.

so, according to you, moira being stronger than tracer is balanced in theory? but im listening to the toxic influencers, alright buddy.

If you look at overbuff for the last month, Genji is in the top 5 most picked DPS, and has well over a 50% win rate.