Don't Care for Venture Never Forget what they took Form us

Buy Helldivers 2, if you want a great team-based PVE shooter. For feal, those devs love what they’re doing, they’re awesome! I mean people are upgrading to the Super Citizen or whatever Deluxe Edition to support the devs and the game. It really says something.

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I think what happened is they still had a team working on it and blizz didnt want to just fire them all when they did have some content created and a map forward. When MS took over they said this isnt going to work and fired them

The whole reason OW2 was even a thing was the pve.

So if pve is not releasing this means they took OW1 away from ppl just to charge them for new cosmetics. I think there is a word for this - fraud.

No. That’s not true at all.

There have been many upgrades (some will argue downgrades) and changes from OW1 to OW2. PvE was absolutely not the be-all and end all of OW2, to claim so is pedalling a false narrative.

I accept that for some people PvE was a big thing they were looking forward to (I am definitely not one and was always sceptical) but for many it was just part of the package… and we do have some PvE and coop modes for people to enjoy so to say there is none whatsoever isn’t true.

It’s another F word and its failure. They tried and simply could not deliver and they got fired over it.

There is nothing to sue them for fraud over. They tried and failed and they never sold anything they didnt deliver. If they had done that then i would agree with you but they didnt.

Ultimately it went down as a change to a live service game that upset a lot of people but its not fraud.

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What was the point of OW2 then?
You can have proper upgrades in OW1 too.

Their excuse was that it takes too much time to create a single pve story mission in OW1 so it took them year to make one archives mission (ironically that didn’t even change with OW2 and now there isn’t even that)

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OW2 existed so that Project Titan could use the OW franchise the same way a parasitic wasp uses a caterpillar.

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There’s new gameplay types and revisions, new PvE, maps, characters, coop, going free to play, new monetisation, new game engine, upgrades in graphics, lighting, physics, effects, UI, options, balance and a bunch of other stuff besides… definitely plenty to warrant the sequel tag.

To change the monetization from loot boxes to cash shop. They needed a way to make them legally distinct and to change player expectations.

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to lower the risk of getting sued.

I just want to know what was the point of those helmet things on robots

Yep. It’s a good way to prevent class action lawsuits. It’s a completely different product, so all prior promises no longer apply.

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And so we’d still have 5v5 f2p game that’s called overwatch and not overwatch 2 and noting would really change. Ow2 is a marketing tool more than anything

Not really. TF2 and rocket League prove this and other games probably can too. They don’t really break any laws by drastically changing the game and making it f2p

Personally i felt joy when they announce PvE cancellation.

I was very skeptical of PvE from day 1. OW team never really delivered any PvE content that looks remotely promising all these years. I just dont see the capacity there.

Except those games didn’t promise everything being free when bought them nor are they a downgrade to the OG game.

How many times do you need to be told this? It WAS about pve, and that failed.

It is what its, what do you not understand? They wont just go back to ow1 now under MS, that wont make money for the new owner.

So we can sue now for being lied then, right?

No, failing to make pve is not something you can sue them over. They never sold you anything they didnt deliver.

I still dont see why you struggle so hard with this. It was a big fail but there is nothing to sue over.

Why not? The only reason OW2 exist is pve. Now it is no longer the case but we are still stuck with the greedy monetization.

That isn’t for you to decide.

You never paid money for pve you didnt get. Its that simple and you should be able to understand this tbh.

Games actually fail to deliver stuff they talk about all the time. I get that this made people more mad than most cases but there is literally nothing to sue over. Your being mad is not grounds for a lawsuit