Don't buff Mercy. That's not what she needs

By shifting around the power in her kit.

TL:DR The entire ordeal would basically come down to flipping Mercy’s power budget from “e-ability power on Q, and ult-level power on E” to the proper spread of an ult having the power of an ult, and an E having the power of an E.

Rez as a cooldown ability is very strong because of how consistently it’s available. It’s granted every 30 seconds, no matter how those seconds were spent - even if the Mercy player spent most of them watching the kill cam.

As an ult, Valkyrie’s power is pretty much that of a so-so E ability that lasts longer than it should and is only available a few times per match.

Nearly all of Mercy’s “power budget” has been spent on E Rez, while the rest of her kit (including the ult) gets whatever scraps are left over.

Rez on a cooldown is ult-level powerful because of how consistently available it is.

As an ultimate it’s much, much weaker because of how inconsistently it’s available. Imagine if E-rez’s cooldown was paused every time Mercy died, and only un -paused once Mercy finished running back to the point. You get the idea.

Since moving rez from Mercy’s E to her ult reduces it’s power so drastically, it leaves plenty of “leftover power points” to spend on adding a burst heal effect to it (the one I suggested in the op).


Rez is one of my favorite things about playing Mercy, and in no way is a detrinent to her imo.

I consider rez to be iconic to the character, and would not want it removed or replaced

None of this is necessary given that rez as it exists is well balanced as a cooldown ability, and valkyrie is a powerful and highly versatile ult


Idk if anyone’s noticed, but I like saying Hello to my team mates and it’ll end up disconnecting my tether on allies. That’s a fix I want, as well as that brief moment your tether disconnects when activating Valkyrie.

Lets just revert her back to 2.0, hold your horses before you smack them with a baseball bat, why dont we make it so thaf teammates who are ressed only have 50% health of their usual hp, and THEY CANNOT BE HEALED FOR 5 SECONDS AFTER BEING RESSED. See, easy as that, now smack your horse with a bat.

I just want 60hps back. The awful feeling to her fun factor can only be solved with a huge rework, which wont happen anytime soon

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And there are many who also don’t find her riveting to play, so…


delete res from the game that is what she needs :sunglasses:

Quite ironic when most threads asking for Mercy changes are about feelings.

Somebody having a different opinion doesn’t make it a troll.


Yet feeling was one of the two officially stated reasons for the rework. “Disheartening to play against”.


Mercy is finally balanced, i dont think they will touch her anytime soon when they know how much damage balancing Mercy caused.


Totally agree with this. tho idk how balanced your suggestions are tbh. I actually thought up a similar idea for res tbh: What if res was a charge up res/healing/buffing pulse bomb instead?

I part agree part disagree. I agree with there being a power distribution issue but not necessarily that they can’t make it work. Like from a user experience/gameplay perspective, the issues around valk and res are that even when they successfully get value, it doesn’t feel like the player had much input/contribution in making that value happen. like ana’s sleep and nade and mercy’s superjump feel great because you making a play with them was 90% of the time you executing it right as a player and it was all on you executing it right. whereas res and valk are like “teeaaaam, DO something” and/or “eeeenemy, don’t do something”.

I think res on cd and valk on ult can work if they rework them to actually make it so value achieved with them is actually mostly because of the player’s input. like even just making res a pulse bomb projectile with large arc and small horizontal distance would be fine because it’d encourage mercy’s to pull out awesome ga mechanics for maneuvers to pull it off if they’re good enough. like that alone would literally be enough to make res more engaging.

I don’t. I see her as severely companded and subsequently out of tune. Her best ability isn’t much better than her worst ability. Rez is either a “we both live” or a “we both end up dead” ability. There is no possible way any pro with this hero could ever make a game play move that could ever ooh or ahh the audience.

For the sake of consistency and balance they made her kit way too narrow. She’s boring to play and there’s no way she can either make a great winning play or even stop one. No one fears her and no one runs from, tries to stop or even saves their ult in case she pops hers.

She’s just a background support hero no one could ever notice. I say gimp her a little then compensate that by allowing her to make great game changing moves.

I play mercy all the time, she is my go to for support which I have been playing more and more now after the proposed changes and I feel my game enjoying has gone up 2 fold. She is fun but she is also very vulnerable to certain mechanics that she has no get away from now they took away the Super Jump ability. I know Mercy haters are going to hate on me but come on, she needs something other than being an easy target for certain Heroes.

Sadly, there are 3 parties to your “enjoyable to play”

  • Enjoyable to play as
  • Enjoyable to play with
  • Enjoyable to play against

While you might enjoy abusing broken abilities, the other two parties certainly don’t.


Mercy’s ult rez threads are still on the same chopping block as they’ve always been even if you try to mask them into something else smh

I just don’t think it’s fair to even have her as a "main " healer. And I quite like the nimble aspect of her kit and would love for that to be her thing.
Nerf her heal beam to say 40-45 and then change the abilities

I would prefer we lower dmg boost to say 20% , add a 10% speed boost to make it “performance boost” or whatever numbers, and remove Rez. Instead she gets a zarya bubble to ensure heroes “never” die. This bubble won’t cleanse , but it would give a 15-30% speed boost.

For an ult, I think bapt has shown that yeah, immortality isn’t actually unbalanced. So I would like her defensive ult back and just grant immortality for an ult.

Super nimble, quick and speedy but still supportive :woman_shrugging:t5:

There’s already a hero for what you’ve described, his name is Lucio.
Give him a go, he’s super fun. Also, welcome to the game.

Actually I don’t remember Lucio having a strong solo target support ability , nor invulnerability to allies :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

You still suggested trash heals, trash damage boost and more speed boost though.

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