Don't believe the win/loss lies:

You were inferring it with your speech.

Bull. Your entire presence in this post has been condescending. Please stop commenting since you never offer anything constructive and are having trouble comprehending what I actually typed.

Not at all what I said. This is what I said:

Please don’t comment if you can’t even 1) remember what was typed 2) comprehend what was typed 3) expend the little effort it takes to actually scroll to top of page for a proper a) refresh of topic and b) proper quote.

Why no reply to my statements? :cold_sweat: I was positive and constructive. :blush:

So how does Blizzard decide who to lock where? Please let me know. Apparently I’m “Locked” at Masters.

Wait a second, let me use my brain for a sec… hmm…

Never mind. I’m here because it’s as high as my skill can take me right now.

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I just have one question for you. HOw do you explain someone with an account in gold winning at least at a 50/50 rate if not climbing and not only winning but generally winning more easily in gold than in silver?

That is me right now. and I am NOT getting carried

I don’t try to explain every single individuals experience because anecdotal evidence is just that.

I am gonna say that Silver and Gold are basically the same cess pool of players because it’s where noobies go.

If I could make a change, in season 2 everyone would have started in bronze and worked their way up. But too late for that now.

Just check Kaawumba’s post here. Tells you everything you need to know.

Tl:dr - There is no conspiracy!

Sorry for the delay in response, but forums lock me from posting within 10-15 minutes between responses on this post for some reason.

I’m aware I need to improve. I’m not saying I don’t. And despite what people assume, I have made effort to do so. I’ve expanded my hero pool but I am severely handicapped with my crap aim. I still try to put in practice to improve that by playing more and tweaking sensitivities and reticles. It’s hard because I don’t have the instincts most in this game do, but I am actively trying to do it, always. I would expand upon this, but the Ds on the forums always false report my posts for it.

Overused and unoriginal.

Please don’t assume I haven’t already done that before posting on here. I’m not a bad or terrible player. I may not be at a certain skill floor, but don’t assume everyone not in x,y,z rank is trash. Thanks.

Yes, I have improved so much since I started but I’m not delusional. I’m not asking to be or not be a certain rank. My desire to have similarly skilled people on my team is just and more than reasonable and how the game really should be played. People 300+ SR lower than me are not similarly skilled. If they were, SR would be gained/lossed to easily cover that gap, which is currently not the case.

Maybe the MM actually works for you. Or you’re in a placements queue with more varied SR ranges, where several tiers may combine for them?

Because the system doesn’t really work? Or isn’t consistent? I placed far lower this time than I ever was in any season (but I’ve already gotten to my ‘usual’) even though my personal performance and stats in the games were the best they’ve been (and often more than team’s). What kind of consistency is that?

Because 11 seasons is quite a long time to improve? I’m sure I would have improved, too, over that long.

Okay, bro. Yeah, this is definitely all about me and has nothing to do with the others experiencing really poor MM because my situation is totally and completely isolated. Totally where I was going with this.

Same. But I know it wasn’t all my fault. I do my damnedest to win every game and make up for others who don’t. But when you’re going against people of yours or better skill-level, it can only get you so far when you have dead weight on your team. This in no way means the entire team is useless, but units within it. And, Lawd, if I don’t contemplate the SR penalty of dodging when I see a group queue…

How did that go? Did it help you to realize I said ‘rates’ and not ‘ranks’? :thinking:

I would but I don’t really understand exactly what you’re asking. Can you clarify, please? Could it be because Gold has better team/game mindset than Silver? Meaning the players are more similarly skilled than SR might reflect in a different rank. That would be my venture of an explanation.

Okay, but slippery slope that that is, it’s the same thing people have been accusing me of: not good enough evidence. And we all know how Blizzard contradicts itself with the tidbits they drop or state and then is otherwise observed in game. :woman_shrugging: I’m not sure there will ever be definitive proof for or against - no matter where you look - because the fuzzy math behind it will never be released. No game will.

And I - as most people are wont to do - will refer and put more trust into personal experience rather than others’. Yes, others’ can help you get a better and bigger picture, but it may not always be to a definitive end.

The difference of a few 100sr is almost meaningless outside of “Yaaa I’m a _______!” vs “Booooo I fell to _____!!”
The reason a person can do ok +1 tier higher but can’t win -1 tier lower is that they are at a plateau in their game play.

Decent enough to not be total liability at a slightly higher SR game but still need to find a way to have more impact at a lower SR. Plus a lot of this comes down to just inconsistent game play. The lower a players SR the less consistent the player game to game, along with everyone else at the same SR. So that’s why games have these huge swings that seem like everyone is trash or everyone is a smurf.

personally I think anyone under the 50% break point of around I think it’s 2350SR can break out of that range by just working on core nerdy FPS fundamentals. Stay near cover, only use ULTs in key fight and use it before the other team to win a fight. That’s all it takes and they are out of gold.

And yet so accurate.

Kaawumba takes the time to methodically and scientifically break down and explain the system. Using actual Blizzard statements and his own in depth analysis. Something most can’t do or won’t spend the time to do. Not a 30 game sample like you provided. I don’t think you read the entire post, but whatever.

I really don’t know where to go with you anymore. You seem dead set on blaming something other than just you. I think it’s time you accept the facts. Failing to maintain a 50% win rate in low bronze for three seasons is a YOU problem, not a matchmaker or a teammate problem.

Low bronze is a complete dumpster fire as far as ranked goes. It’s filled with the worst of the worst players, throwers, trolls, dial-up internet users, kids who still wear diapers, and every other toxic resemblance of a competive player. Do you know what more than 90% of the player base have been able to do though? Climb out of it or avoid it all together!

I wish you the best of luck, but honestly if you can’t accept reality, maybe this game isn’t for you. Complaining on the forums and refuting any logic people have provided certainly won’t gain you any SR. So get online, watch some VODs, play and use the LFG feature and pull your self out of bronze! Or just uninstall. I don’t care anymore. :man_shrugging:t2:

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I guarantee I could boost your account to gold in a day, not that I would because it’s against the ToS

I’ve gone 6-4 for 9 seasons in a row, and not once have I felt that the system is rigged. Just that placements absolutely suck and I hate them with a passion.

On the bright side, this season I finally broke that record… and went 3-7. Fun times.

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I don’t want others to gift me anything. I have no problem earning my place. I like the achievement of reaching a goal. I don’t want to be in Gold, I don’t belong there. I just want consistent Comp gameplay which I believe would be solved by matching with similarly skilled players and that is something the current system does not do. I’m fairly certain that this downfall is where most of people’s frustration with Comp lies. I’m sure the LFG helps a lot with that and maybe I should put more time into that attack on Comp. But honestly I’m a little afraid because of the increased difficulty stacks bring and I’m probably thinking of how the system used to be as opposed to how it supposedly now is. Guess I’ll just see. :stuck_out_tongue:

You only state what everyone already knows. The Comp system isn’t rigged, placement matches are just pointless. Once you are placed you will always be placed within 100-200 +/- SR of where you ended. You can win all 10 or lose all 10, it doesn’t matter.

I’ve played all 11 seasons and this is just fact. The ranks that exists currently began in Season 2. I was placed Platinum 2800. I made it to Diamond at the end. Season 3, I placed near 2850 and made it to Master’s. I placed 3300 Season 4 and made it to 3660. Ever since, I have always been placed in Master’s or 50 points below it. I have never exceeded 3660.

The system isn’t rigged. If you never climb, you aren’t “stuck”. You are where you should be, and that’s okay. The competitive mode is meant to place you against people of similar level. It is not a “ladder” that you level up. 98% of players will never see GM. 80% won’t ever see Master. 60% won’t see diamond. 50% won’t see platinum, etc.

It’s the way things are. There isn’t some conspiracy that you are forced to lose games. What purpose does that serve for Blizzard?

You and literally every single other person playing this game feels undervalued and blames it on their team mates.

so you played ONE game pretty much threw on rein and still won. Congrats you wont win all games down there just doing that I can assure you.

In low silver I also pretty much on hog missed all my shots intentionally and we still won. Doesn’t mean all games down there can be won drunk stoned and doing absolutely nothing. You just had teammates that actually knew what they were doing “relatively speaking”

I see it all the time. I break my back some games with really key picks like mercy and we still cant win team fights. And sometimes you can pretty much throw intentionally and still win cause your other 5 teammates arent bots.

You have no “solid proof”. I almost always used to go 8-2, 7-3, these past two seasons I went Bout 2-8 and this season I went 5-5, play better, play during the off season, warm up, communicate, lead your team.

Either way, doesn’t change the fact that if you’re good you’ll climb. Like I said, 3 accounts from Gold to Diamond, it’s not hard.

Also, ‘threw’ on Rein, LOL I still had gold elims and damage at the end of the game, my ‘throwing’ carried the game.

Such hostility just because I stated that you’re bad at this game. I’m really not trying to be mean or condescending…but, you know it’s something like 90% of players that have a higher rank than you, right? If you find that comment to be condescending, well, I’m sorry.

Yes, I paraphrased rather than quoting you. Sorry again, let me revise.

To say this is ridiculous.

There. Is that better?

My first season was season 8, I placed ~1740, but dropped to bronze pretty quick. With a low around 1250 but spent most of my time between 1300-1500. Season 9 I placed bronze aroubd 1300,I broke Silver once but dropped out, finished high bronze. Placed around 1350 in season 10, dropped to below 1300 again, got tired of being in Bronze, so I literally stopped messing around, started watching more VODs, some my own, watched improvement videos, listened to advice from others, adjusted my settings in game (my sens was absurdly high). And I literally skyrocketed out of Bronze, and into high Silver. My high was about 2173, I placed this season at 1920, made it back up into Gold but I feel I have reached a skill plateau and now need to work harder to improve again. Like, I’ve never been big into FPS games but I love this one, and if I can “git gud” anyone can.

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