Don't believe the win/loss lies:

Placement matches are meant to challenge you to see where you belong. If you consistently play with a 20%WR (and are constantly with different teams, team comps, etc) - and you place the same time, after time, …after time… the issue seems to be quite obvious. That is where you belong with your current skills. Not saying your bad, or “GET GUD BRUH!”, but I would recommend taking some time out of your day, record a few games - watch them. See what is going on that you missed while in the game and what you could have done better. If you catch yourself saying “DAMNIT YOU SHOULDA HELPED ME” or something similar, catch yourself, stop, ask again as “What could I have done to better position myself” or “What could i have done to help my teammate with what they were doing”…

The game is not out to get you, I promise. i’ve had a season where i did 2/8, i’ve had seasons of 7/3. I’ve had to claw my way out of silver into plat or try and stop my fall out of diamond. Some games I’m on point and completely thrash the other team, some games my team is the one getting thrashed. This stuff happens. that’s the whole point of the game. If you win every. single. time. this game would be so very boring.

I wouldn’t say they “lock” you in, but rather that in order to rank up you need to be able to play at least 1,000 SR beyond your current tier.

Yes, I know. Hence the smiley face.

Why do I think it is? I have no idea. I only know that it has been under 50% win-rate for the last 3 months of my Comp games.

Now this is where people typically jump in and say unfounded things like, “Obviously you belong there if that’s how you’re playing.” Again, I am but ONE person on a SIX man team. And despite how many people tell you that one person can carry if they’re ‘good enough’: NO. YOU CAN’T. This is a team game. ONE person will definitely lose you the match, but one cannot win it.

You need your teammates there to absorb/deflect and deal damage. No matter if you’re the one ‘cleaning up’, you did not do it by yourself. Your teammates were around. Even if only serving as a distraction, that assistance can be that clutch move that cinches the game. But it wasn’t done alone. Yes, I can only control me. And while I don’t do well all the time, as no one does, I usually do well. But I also can’t make others work with me or the team.

No, I don’t think they care. Anyone who does doesn’t understand how businesses work.

I don’t think anyone is expecting to be good against better players. But simply asking for similarly skilled people is more than fair.

Right. I mean, that seems like a fairly safe thing to say, but there is so much that goes on in a game that doesn’t account for other teammates working with you. When I get cooperative people? Yes, we usually win or it’s so freaking close that a bullsht thing happens and that’s the end of it. But I cannot do anything when you have 2-3 idiots running around and not playing the map or with the team. No matter how many reviews of gameplay or strats or improving composition and game knowledge I do, it is not going to change crap teammates.

And calling someone out in cases of “you could have helped” or not is pretty subjective. We all have those people that are right by you - I mean RIGHT by you - and hide behind a corner/wall and not do anything. And when you die, they emote and run off. Yeah. Applicable calling out to team in these cases is deserved.

I don’t think it is, but it is also not balanced. For example, end of last season I was continually placed on teams where my personal SR was 2x that of any one person on my team. Yeah, that’s not okay. “‘SR’ is just a number, it doesn’t mean anything about skill.” In Comp, it means a lot; not only capabilities, but how they treat the game mode. Yes, this could totally be turned around to reflect upon myself. But I realize that the closer to my level of play I am to other teammates, the similar our outlooks on the game-mode are: playing to win, not troll or get carried.

I’m not asking nor expecting to win every game. I’m only wanting to be paired with similar skill levels.

What is your SR? I am not looking to roast you, but it sounds like it’s very low, maybe sub 1K. If that’s the case you are in the bottom 10% of the player base. That is very low and your teams will suck down there. But you seem to have decent game sense, so if you had marginal mechanical skill you wouldn’t need to worry about the other players on your team. You could carry your way out to silver at least.

Do yourself a favor and look at yourself before blaming everything else. You say you know how business works and that Blizzard doesn’t care about your SR… but previously your saying they rigged the game against you. Once you took off the blinders you realized that was crazy talk.

You have the ability to be reasonable. Just focus on what you can do to improve and forget the rest. Watch some Jayne vods and then record some of your own to review. It will help more than posting on the blog, that I can promise.

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How do they know a tank or healer is smurf. Tanks are dependant of healers and healers of tanks.
Gl carrying as tank or healer.

I think what you’re talking about is the handicapping of Competitive Play, which Blizzard does with Match Making Rating. I don’t think it’s accurate to say they ‘lock you in’ to a win rate. But that is what happens to Competitive Overwatch players on aggregate.

I dont know if there is any sort of conspiracy.

I will say that in low gold I hold my own no problem and my stats are definitely not indicative of someone that is getting carried.

However on my alt accont that is about low silver winning there is pretty much like pulling teeth


People in Bronze in bots. If you lose to them, you belong there. It is literally so easy to improve because of the actual skill of those around you. Saying you’re prestige 3 and still Bronze, you belong there.

Git g- nah I’m just kidding. But seriously, you give your team an edge by playing above average. Again, since your still in Bronze, you are clearly not. Improving from “bot” aim and skill to controlled aim and semi-decent skill is not hard.

with all due respect aim is overrated. So many more players in bronze would get out of ithey simply learned to survive


People’s aim in Bronze is so bad that it makes a difference when someone who has ok aim goes against someone with bad aim.

Games are not rigged…

If I played on your account I could skyrocket it to grandmaster within the day.

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I think most people could rank his account up.

But, since it’s a team game, he can only win 20% of the time…or something.

However, you said your experience is proof that games are rigged. If it was indeed proof, we would have to agree with it. You can’t use your experience to prove a general point, and then when challenged resort to saying its only “my experience.”

If they are winning allot, even as they start to make the games harder and harder…

Yea no it doesn’t. I have 3 accounts each of which started in Gold, each of which I’ve gotten to Diamond. If it ‘locked’ me into place I’d never have left where I was initially placed. It’s so damn easy to climb out of ranks you’re better than, but hard to climb out of ranks your not, I’m a mid Diamond player, I find it hard to hit Master, getting out of Gold/Plat though is the easiest thing in the world. All it is is game sense and mechanics.

Long story short. Consistent Skill>Luck. Everytime. After a long enough time you become the only common denominator between the games you play and your rank.


Add me if you want. I’ll show you how easy it is to carry a Bronze game.

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I played a game on a friends account in Bronze before. It’s ridiculous down there. I played Rein, set myself the rules that I’d never: firestrike, use shield, ult, or swing hammer, the only thing I’d do is CHARGE. By the end of the game I had gold damage and elims and we’d won the game.

The biggest thing holding anyone below Gold back is any sort of game sense.


Honestly, this is the most frustrating thing. You can’t make people do it. :frowning: You can’t. You sit there and watch them die no matter how many good ults or clutch plays you get off. It’s…just…the most aggravating thing and why I just want people of similar skill.

Just play DPS and carry. If you’re better than that rank, like you think you are, you should be able to win the majority of the time, until you start to reach the rank you actually belong at. Hell, play DVA, she’s one of the easiest characters in the entire game to climb with.


That’s pretty inflammatory, dude. Don’t speak down to me, please. You don’t know how well I can or can’t play. Not everyone can be the same skill level; we all know that. But assuming I’m incompetent is rude and uncalled for.

Did I complain about what rank I was? No. Not even once. I simply stated that rates are suspicious and you’ve been trash talking this entire time, completely disregarding anything else outside of your view. Just don’t comment at all if you’re going to be negative like this. At the very least, you’ll save yourself some reports. Thanks.

I noticed you avoided my question earlier. You claim that your experience of winning only 2 out of 10 matches during your placements the last three seasons proves that the matchmaker is rigged. In my experience, I’ve won either 6 or 7 of my 10 placements every season I can remember. If your experience is hard proof, is my experience hard proof of the contrary?

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