Don’t look in here

I want to close on this but can’t delete it.

Sent you a request :slight_smile:
I also started a year ago, haven’t played much comp but I am a silver supp and tank player, I’d love to help you rank up if I can!

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Silver 4 Mercy main
300+ hours on just her
600+ hours in game
I don’t play much comp but it could be fun
Discord: _ashenmoon

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add me, I rather not deal with random dumb teammates, I play support,

I am from Asia. but I can make it work


was sliver-gold now dropped back to br0nzE

But if I connect to the Asia servers my latency will increase right?

its fine, i will use a VPN.

I think that becuz of the way servers work, if you’re the group leader and you queue up the game, it’ll probably put you in NA servers.


i do have NA friends. and sometimes it does. sometimes it does not…

But I think in comp it does that

Sure. Add me! My battle tag is up there somewhere.

I sent a friend request!