Does Zarya truly deserve a nerf?

personally i don’t think zarya is too strong, she’s just really annoying with her own self-bubble.

and i mean she does have a pretty awesome kit but it’s really not a big kit and it’s not especially involved either.

why i might think she’s strong is that she excels in drawn out fights and that’s kinda the average ladder experience for the most part.

Maybe remove the knockback/up from her secondary and just let it be damaging.

Sorry what? Zarya has been nerfed. If anyone is making excuses is you :rofl:

Well, clearly not enough.

I think zarya is low skill now. Increase decay rate and maybe shell go back on my skill list

Bruh this is the problem. Y’all just say “nerf X hero” and gives no insight in the problem other than “cuz of power creep”, like you expect us to know what about Zarya is overwhelming.

And once they make nerf: “FINALLY X HERO WAS NERFED”


Specifically, the problem with Zarya is charge retention. Getting charge is really easy, no matter what your rank is, and you keep that charge for an absurdly long time. Your damage floats around 160 per second once you get 100% charge for the first time, and that’s way too high to be able to be sustained for as long as it can.

This isn’t even counting right click + melee mixed with the beam.

I don’t think so. She’s exploitable at range or vs. spread out comps

They could revert that 1.6% energy decay buff.

To everyone: this is the type of info people and the devs want, not some generalization

I don’t think so.

Zarya is good, but both Dva and Roadhog are over-nerfed. You want an off tank, you pretty much have to pick Zarya.

I think it would be healthier to fix Dva and Roadhog instead of nerfing Zarya. Expecially Dva, she’s one of the most popular heroes in the game and one of the most fun tanks, it’s a real pity to have her be weak all the time.

Maybe give Zarya the Moira treatment somehow: Faster energy gain, but also faster decay, so you gotta manage it better or something…

To me it’s more of a kind of “red-light, green-light” abilities that a bunch of heroes have.

Zarya’s bubbles are definitely one. Then there’s heroes like Sigma, Genji, and others. A lot of it is seeing abilities that an enemy uses and have to think “Ok, wait and DON’T shoot into that”.

Add in barriers and you now have the same concept GOATs had. I’m not necessarily complaining, but a lot of people didn’t like GOATs and it was for all the sustain, blocking, healing, and focus that resulted in things just not dieing if both teams played well enough.

Zarya is just in so many games. Never heard anyone get asked to switch off her, but I’ve been asked to switch off every other tank even Rein.

The main argument I hear that she is fine is just don’t attack the bubble. If that were so easy then she wouldn’t appear in pro games. Yet she is in pro games with 100% charge. If they can’t consistently not hit the bubble how is everyone else expected to?

Personally I would like the bubbles not to be nerfed as that is her tank identity, but rather the damage to nerfed a little. I’ve seen her wipe an entire team in seconds. Or maybe a slight nerf to the beam distance. It reaches so far.

Zarya is one of my favorite heroes to play, but I would not be mad at tweaking her decay rate (remembering that it was slowed at a time when she was struggling to get value).

I also like playing D.Va, and would love to see her restored as a flexible and decent pick (and it seems like she’s on her way there, which I am happy about).

But I for sure remember long stretches of time—most recently double shield—where Zarya saw relatively little play, and/or was mainly considered Rein’s sidekick. She has no real synergy with Orisa or D.Va, and not much with Ball. She’s decent with Winston, but the last time Winston was meta, D.Va was a markedly stronger off-tank pick for him.

I think the reason she recently saw play with OP!Hog is that Hog’s most natural partner, Orisa, was in the toilet, and shields melted to Hog’s gun. Zarya’s bubble at least gets some benefit if Hog breaks it, and is arguably the best ability to save your teammates from the enemy Hog. Where barriers were not in the game at all, and D.Va was still considered garbage, and Hog (the must pick) has basically no synergy with the hamster, Zarya was the least goofy option as a second tank to him. Zarya and Hog can clearly get work done together, but they don’t do much to actively help or strengthen each other.

I’m not fully convinced that Zarya doesn’t need to be tuned, but it seems to me that she has not been the foundation of metas, but rather a synergistic accessory to them. And the recent balance changes, along with the sledgehammering of the tanks she doesn’t synergize with, has put her in play a lot.

This mirrors what happened to D.Va, I think—she wasn’t monstrously OP, she just played well with the other tanks, and was therefore in play a lot. I’m not wild about how that resulted in D.Va getting nerfed, and I’d be bummed to see that all over again with Zarya.

Exactly this. Something else will just take Zaryas place until people mindlessly rave for them to get nerfed as well

I don’t think see will be nerfed. She honestly fine just like Dva.

I do think Winston’s Bubble might get reverted.

i swear its always the dva mains who dont know how to counter zarya that complain about her just use high ground forehead. oh and eat her gravs most zaryas telegraph that shiz like nothing else.

Nope, she doesn’t

Zarya is very good, but she enables a very healthy meta rn. If you nerf her, we get winston/ for sure and I’d rather pass on that. It’s been a long time since tank balance was this good across the board.

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you used to only be able to play her with rein

then monkey zarya dive became a thing to protect monkey from the extreme amounts of cc there is

hog zarya happened because every main tank got dumpstered

you can play orisa with zarya now bc her shield is easily broken and you can get into a cycle of shield, fortify, bubble, shield

so i dont really see your point here

zarya isnt even close to being broken

she doesnt do the most dmg of the tanks, doesnt get the most elims, doesnt get the highest k/d, doesnt block the most of any tank, has one of the most team reliant ults, and an extremely team reliant kit

so i dont get what there is to be op about her