Personally, I think she does. She’s been in pretty much every game recently, and it’s not just because she’s popular.
Endless cycle of nerfing, A hero get’s nerf B hero must also get one.
“Don’t worry she can only combo with reinhardt.”
hog zarya meta starts
“… Don’t worry it’s only 2 heroes she can combo with”
Zarya winston meta starts
Is this a campaign or something now?
I’ve been asking for Zarya nerfs since a little before GOATs. I saw this coming. Bubble is too good of an ability, it’s too easy to get charge, and you melt everything lmao.
Zarya shouldn’t be able to get a free pass on nerfs like all of her other tanks.
From a “nerf anything thats good and just focus on balancing the status quo”. Maybe.
But I think the devs are trying to go a particular direction with the game. And personally I’d prefer Zarya getting used rather than going back to DoubleBarrier.
How would we go back to double shield? They nerfed it pretty hard.
This is the problem with zarya lovers. You make up excuses.
Zarya doesn’t get to SKIP all the nerfs all the other tanks have gotten.
I think Zarya needs that charge decay reduction buff from ages ago reverted, but that’s about it.
Because no matter how weak DoubleBarrier gets, it’s still always going to be superior to Singlebarrier at medium and long ranges.
And despite how they nerfed them to the ground, Mei and Brig technically can still provide the Anti-Dive Peel that prevents DoubleBarrier from needing an offtank.
If they do this I think they should make two bubbles give 100 charge again.
I think she needs a range nerf. How is anyone dive supposed to do anything if there’s 170 dps 15 meters in all directions from the objective?
Shouldn’t all tanks be like this though? Shouldn’t they all be playable with each other instead of being so limited that if you pick orisa you MUST pick sigma?
She probably does need a small nerf, but honestly, I’m not sure to what. If I have to play tank, I usually play Zarya, because I personally think she’s the easiest tank to play for the amount of value she brings to the team.
People say “oh she doesn’t work well with X tank” and I’m over here like "why not? Everyone takes damage, that means Zarya can get charge off anyone. Zarya + a dive tank was one of the first metas OW ever had. It’s not like she’s bad at saving allies or mitigating damage either. She’s not a barrier tank, but I think she has the best defensive skill of a non-barrier tank.
I don’t think she needs some major change though. Just maybe a tiny numbers adjustment.
I believe (with many others), that the charge buff she got a while ago that changed her energy decay rate from 2% to 1.6% needs to be reverted. This means that maintaining high charge will be a skill that Zarya players will need to learn, and it won’t impact her overall playstyle.
Zarya is fine. No changes are needed. This thread also appears to be a one-trick pushing an agenda.
So does that mean that bubbles can give up to 50 charge again? Because Zarya is strong, but I wouldn’t say OP. She punishes teams who don’t coordinate well. She teaches a really important lesson: blindly firing at the enemy is not always smart.
Granted there are times where something is shot and Zarya bubbles between someone firing and the target getting hit, but that level of quick thinking should be rewarded. Additionally, there is downtime between bubbles.
I guess I may be slightly bias cause Zarya is a tank I enjoy to play as, with, and even against. She is a slightly harder off-tank to kill, but it feels rewarding when ya do. Compare this to other tanks who were actually too strong to kill and required so many more resources to kill (D.Va with 400 armor being the number one historic example of this IMO).
Pains me to say it, but I think she does. It takes an entire coordinated team to take down a Zarya.
Ah yes, the entitled one trick that thinks Sym is weak and needs something, Roadhog needs his damage back, and that Brig is too weak. Nope, I’m just biased and only want to be good and her counters be terrible.
If Zarya is too weak with the 2% charge decay, we could try that.
It’s almost like she singergize with other Tanks fellas well and there are only 8 Tanks to chose from ( well, now Hog and Orisa are trash so it’s 6)