Does the MMR comp system penalize dps that pop off in the match making system?

I bet if the game thought you belonged in GM you wouldn’t think like that

You think your teammates are bad now, imagine what they’d be like without this matchmaker to balance them out

Disconnecting can cause the disconnect penalty, which would confuse things.

The best way to test without being toxic is to switch between filling for 3 games, then insta locking your main for 3 games. You can use a different number of games, if you think the effect takes longer or shorter to appear. Repeat 20 - 100 times and write down heroes played and match results.

A somewhat more toxic, but probably cleaner test, is to switch between instalocking your main and instalocking a role/hero that you are bad at, but still playing to win.

Share the data, and let me do analysis on it to see if anything suspicious happens. The analysis would look somewhat like this: Overwatch Forums

Can you link were you found this information? If not your just spreading your own theory on how things work. For blizzard has never said specifically how they figure things.

I’ve posted my thoughts on the subject 200+ times on multiple accounts and you and that Basso guy in the last 2 days were the first to challenge it and I’ve been in threads with moderators and devs and nobody has challenged it.

It’s my theory that has only become stronger the more I play

You’re not imagining that. When you do really well at DPS you get punished in a sense by the matchmaker by placing you against more difficult opponents. This sounds obvious at first but take this example:

If you are ranked 2500 and play really really well for 4-5 matches, but lost all 5 (let’s say you had throwers and disconnects), your opponents should be less skilled right? Not in this matchmaker. It will see that you are playing well and stick highly skilled players on the other team to offset your skill and make it a “fair match”.

On the other hand, if you had played just average over 5 games and won all 5 of them, you would be playing against just average opponents as well (to create a fair match). Those average opponents will be far less skilled than the opponents you would have faced if you had lost 5 matches and played extremely well. So basically rank means just about nothing and is behind why Overwatch is a sinking ship and will continue to sink.

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MMR is a handicapping system. It is designed to make winning games more difficult when you are performing well.

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I sent you a friend request in game, pls accept when you get a chance.

It’s really simple, if you think MMR is the cause of you losing, take a week or two off., use a different account, switch back. It’ll help baseline it for you.

Personally, I go on winning streaks when I can play my main, and others play their main. Then I run into a enemy team that has a hero pool counter to my teams, and my team cannot play their counters. I get a loss. Next game, I am playing a hero I don’t main vs a mirror of someone who mains him. Another loss. Eventually due to time and statistics, you get a thrower or a leaver. Another loss. Then the first thing people think is that you are fighting MMR.

If MMR is at a high level, it seems to me you gain a lot of SR. Examples are the decay. If MMR is matching you against other MMR equals, as it rises, games are going to be more difficult. That said, I have been de-ranked 500 SR because I am trying to practice heroes I don’t know, but when I switch to my main, the game feels easy. Yes, my teammates might be crap, but again, that goes to my point above. You can’t always pick your main.

I have 3 different accounts I use, and they all sway in the same SR range, so it can’t be that wrong.

SR isn’t used at all in matchmaking. Thus it cannot tell if your SR is lower than your MMR and cannot try to put you on a team with others in a similar situation or put people in the opposite situation on your enemy.

Yes, your SR will chase your MMR, but the matchmaker is not the mechanism. As others have explained, it occurs by giving you larger or smaller SR gains or losses based on the difference between MMR and SR. That is all.

I don’t play on this account anymore, just post on it. Did you have something to ask me?

yes, S23#11611
20 char

You are either actively trying to spread disinformation, or you’re naive in how matchmaking works in an FPS ladder environment.

The system knows both your SR and your MMR, is this a joke? It knows everything about how you play in every single game mode, and it uses that information to create fair matches.

It uses your first 25 levels and performance in placement matches to CREATE your SR in the first place. The game literally looks at everyone’s stats and says “How can I make this a fair match” then it goes and picks team like you did in elementary school. “this guy is a beast, we need someone to challenge him” (Team Captains if you will) - and so on down the line until a match is created.

You are literally a clueless noob in all matters or outright trolling on behalf of a griefer squad if you don’t understand at least THIS aspect of matchmaking.

Do the research before you accuse me of spreading misinformation (yes, ‘misinformation’ and not ‘disinformstion’ because I believe it to be true). A dev has explicitly stated in an official forum post that SR is not used in matchmaking.

I strongly advise you to read and understand Kaawumba’s post titled ‘How competitive skill rating works (season 14)’. It contains all the references.