Does Roadhog need a mini rework?

His gun is designed specifically to be bad outside of the hook combo.
So his gun isn’t the problem.
Hook is, and there’s two ways to go about fixing it.

  1. Make Hook easier.
    Allow him to throw the hook more often and be a bit more generous with aiming it and things would be fine without touching the damage on his gun.


  1. Make Hook more rewarding.
    Increase the damage Hook does itself and add some kind of debuff or debilitating effect to the hooked target that lasts a bit afterward.

Those are your choices without completely reworking his ENTIRE kit and changing his gameplay from scratch.

To change the behavior of his hook (the LoS checks, etc.) and the spread then sure I would love to have those reworked. Anything other changes should be a buff or bug fix for Hog.