Does Roadhog need a mini rework?

Ive seen some debate of this and people saying he needs his ult to be reworked or that its bad, but what do you guys think? If you think it should be changed feel free to tell us your ideas!

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honestly this might sound ridiculous but make his self heal also positively effect team mates and make his ult something that isnt garbage so he can be a tank who can also heal team mates i think that could really improve his utility if he could heal team mates, i know his gas is meant to be toxic to everyone else but i am sure they could find a way to explain it

imagine in the middle of a team fight you use self heal and suddenly your team each get 50-100 hp its a small amount but in the middle of a team fight it will make a difference

What if Roadhog did damage to (Or maybe even stunned) people in a small radius around him while he’s ulting? Like he’s stomping his feet on the ground making it shake and stuff.

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I’d rather this not be a thing please.


that is an actual cc ability that would be useful tbh, maybe too much like shatter though

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Fix Bugs, make enemies stop when getting hit by hook and fix the spread, voila he’s balanced.


It could even boop them away, which would help with his getting stunned while ulting etc.

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What about make it so while hes ulting he cant be cced and takes less damage??


He’s in a ok place. He just needs work on his hook physics. People get away too easily. And maybe his Ult could be looked at.

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I’d like more consistency through bug fixes, possibly not fixed/less spread and for noobs like me one extra ammo clip.

To me RH feels balanced but not consistent, because he was originally designed to be inconsistent outside his hook and when he was changed to be less hook reliant they didn’t buff his overall consistency well enough.

I’m always lacking just one more shot when I play him, and he lost like 15% dps from the change for no reason, in fact we were lied to that he didn’t lose any firepower. So I think one more shot is what is most fair to him.


I love his ultimate.

lol no


imo, i personally thought the gas was like just the raw form of mercy/moira’s healing stuff which is why it healed so much in a quick amount of time.

Also his heal should be immune to CC except rein’s charge and roadhog’s hook.
I’d personally say those ARENT CC/shouldnt be classified with them.

He needs a hook that works and to be able to cancel whole hog. And in an ideal world a set spread pattern.


The problem with Roadhog is hooking someone either does like 150 damage or 300 damage, I think the pellets need to be more consistent. He just sucks against Brigitte armour, and She is pretty popular right now.

I really don’t like taking away counter-play.
However, less damage thing could make sense, sure. You could increase his movement speed very little too.

I think making TaB a bit more team oriented is a step in the wrong direction. That’s not really where Roadhog’s problems are.

Not bad, but I don’t think they should be stunned. One of Whole Hog’s major aspect is to knock them back (a form of CC), I don’t think stunning them makes sense. The footsteps dealing damage, sounds nice, but I don’t know how much use it’d get just because they’ll get knocked back. If we’re talking about the balance of Whole Hog, I personally think the ult is pretty good, especially given how fast you get it.
If Whole Hog was to get buffed, my suggestion would be to allow Roadhog to hold his primary fire key and it’ll tighten the spread by a little bit.

Agreed, although I honestly think Roadhog’s spread is already really good.

What I think they should change about Roadhog, is (obviously only one):

  • Let Roadhog have more movement speed when reeling someone in with his hook.

This will really help Roadhog land all those pellets, to perform the combo easier.

  • Hook pulls targets to a location of 2m away (right now it’s 3.5)

Again, this will allow Roadhog to consistently land more pellets, which deals more damage.

  • Scrap Gun pellet damage increased from 6 to 7.

This will allow Roadhog to deal 25 more damage in his point blank Scrap Gun show (from 150 to 175), will make one-shot combo more consistent.

  • Hook deals 50 damage

Makes the one-shot combo more consistent, rewards those who land hooks.

  • Revert

Personally, this is my favorite. I’ve made a video talking about this and a post explaining:

Obviously fixing his bugs is needed, not gonna list them here.

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I would make just the opposite: the toxic gas deals damage to nearby enemies.

By this way it can be used ti make some space while bodyblocking.

I also would like a taunt ability for roadhog.

see i like that idea too, but i wish he had one of them

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I think his ult is fine, if anything i think he is lucky he has 600 health! I think he is very well balanced.

Roadhog needs anything that buffs his damage in any way. Otherwise he’s fine

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