Does reinhardt needs a buf?

:yum: :burrito:Now I have to run out. ThNks man!

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No offense, but it says you have 8 hours on Reinhardt. How would you know if he needs a buff or not? He absolutely positively does!

Since when is 8 hours “Only”? I don’t have to be a Reinhardt main to feel like he is fine. Can you tell me why he should?

He does need a buff, but playing him solo is hard, playing him with one or two pals, makes things easier than most other tanks

I’m not sure.
Looking at his pickrate and stats does he not seem to be in a bad space.

Maybe give him immunity to melee stuns like Brigitte’s bash and Doomfist downwards punch when he has his shield up.
There is currently a big request to make him immune to all CC but I think this is too much.

I say harder than zarya because zarya is an off tank so doing not well on her own is kinda granted while rein is a main and he has more weight to handle
And I think I’m a decent rein I can play at my level without failing

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You gotta love Daniel bryan

If not buffs, at least some damn bug fixes! Tired of
-earthshatter hitting people an entire floor above him and glitching both through shields and cc-immune abilities
-charge either grabbing people 10 feet away omnidirectionally or not grabbing someone right in front of him
-firestrike hitting people through walls and earthshatter hitting people behind him

  1. Damage Creep. Rein has not been touched since launch, in the mean time damage has been increased on multiple characters, so his Shield is deleted pretty rapidly.

  2. Stuns. There are way to many stubs in the game now that make him ineffective at his main job. Between Brigitte, Doomfist, Mcree stuns and Mei Freeze, Pharah, Junkratrat, lucio knocking him out of position he can be made irellavant pretty easily.

  3. His bugs for ES and Charge

  4. his speed withbshield up. the fact people can just walk up and stick guns or mele throu his shield is ridiculous and give him no counter ability.

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Give Rein an ability pick-up someone and smash on the ground like in the movie how he did to the Bastion.

He’s suffered a bit from power creep, since his only real competitor (Orisa) and his direct counters (Reaper, Sombra, Junkrat) were buffed, to the point where he can’t properly accomplish his goal thanks to how low his shield uptime is.

Either Orisa’s needs to be lowered (which probably won’t happen, people agree she’s in a good spot), or Rein will get a buff to improve his team protection capacity.

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No. He needs bugs fixing. Especially his buggy ult.

  1. Reinhardt has a rechargeable shield, unless you are playing with only 1 tank (Why would you?), you should have enough time to recharge a bit to put it back up and save your team.

  2. Those are called counters… Brigitte and Doomfist are your main counters.

I also don’t understand your reasoning behind Mccree, Mei and Lucio, since Mccree has to be incredibly close to you to stun, which shouldn’t happen if your DPS are half-decent. Mei can only freeze your shield, which doesn’t even do anything. Lucio is the same as Mccree, as he has to go through your shield and turn around to boop you, which shouldn’t be the case if your DPS is half-decent (trust me, I would know).

  1. Sure, but I wouldn’t label that as a buff, but as a bug fix.

  2. Same case for Mccree, Mei, and Lucio: This wouldn’t happen if your DPS is half-decent.

Reinhardt is a character who HEAVILY relies on his teammates to do damage. Try grouping with some friends who are good DPS if people go through your shield.

Which reminds me, Jeff did say they were planning to fix it in April:

Maybe the next PTR contains the fix?

First off, I do play with friends, secondly, it is apparent you do not know what your talking about. A counter is one thing, being stun locked and tossed around like a rag doll most of the match is a whole different situation. Glad your 8 hours on Rein has taught you so much that you think you can speak to what he needs.

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Let me explain something. Brigitte Stuns through my shield which drops my shield, Mcree then throws his flashbangs than Doomfist stuns and punches you away. That is a lot of time to be without control of you character and leads to death especially for such a big target like Rein. You could mix Mei and lucio into that mix as well. Rein needs some stun resistance since he is on the front line or remove Brigitte’s ability to stun through his shield.

This is my second account :stuck_out_tongue: Check out WarHawk#21701

Thats your counter. How are you a Reinhardt main and not know that CC is one of Reinhardts counters?


I don’t understand what your trying to convey/explain to me here? I agree that Brigitte and Doomfist counter you, thats what I said in my first reply to you.

Give Rein a passive that makes him immune to all CC. Would instantly solve most of his problems, and make his remaining defects be acceptable losses.