Does Reinhardt ever speak German?

Just a curious thought because I never heard him speak German. Both in the animated short and in game he speaks English with a German accent. And with his new ultimate voiceline in the PTR being “For the Crusaders!” as an ally, does he ever speak German? (Besides if you’re playing OW in the German language loool)

I could be completely wrong and that there could be German voicelines, but I don’t know of any. It’s sorta like a Lucio situation, where he only spoke English until later on where developers added Portuguese voicelines to his greetings and ultimate lines. So…

TL;DR the title of this topic

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Nope. His voice actor is American so they probably didn’t go with any German lines cause they might butcher it.


Fair point, but what if they had a German VA that sounded similar to Darin? Then again I can’t imagine what voicelines they would replace. Rein has so many iconic voicelines including his ult, so it could be hard to replace it with German.

Lucio’s voice actor is also American and they managed to teach him some Portuguese. They might be able to do the same for Rein if De Paul could pull it off.


It wouldn’t be too hard for Darin to learn a few German phrases for the game - the creative directors just have to want to.

Tbh this bothers me just a tiny little bit. I would love to hear him speak some German. Sure, I understand that the VA is not German and thus it’s understandable but still… Doesn’t every other nationality represented in the game have phrases in their native language? Yes, there’s some heroes like Hanzo who doesn’t have Japanese lines but Genji has that covered. Same with Torb and Brig, Ana and Pharah. Hmm, maybe they’ll actually introduce another German hero in the future :thinking:

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Actually Brig and Ana both say their ults and some of their greetings in their native tongue, but you do have a point with Pharah and Torb.

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Yes I know. I meant that they are similar to Hanzo and Genji in a way that Brig says Swedish lines but Torb doesn’t while they are both Swedish. Same with Ana and Pharah. Both from Egypt but Ana is the only one who uses arabic lines.

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I asked Jen Cohn on her stream about Pharah speaking Arabic a few weeks ago and she expressed interest and support of it. Ayesha Salim (Ana’s VA) even taught her how to say “Mom, we need family therapy!” and her Arabic was pretty good, too. Hopefully they’ll put in a line or two someday!