Does OW2 need role queue?

I haven’t seen anybody thinking about this so I think it’s a good idea to make a post about. The question is simple - does OW2 need role queue? I’m not sure if it does, primarily for this reason:

OW2 is blurring the line between Tanks, DPS, and Supports. Tanks are more brawly and Supports are supposedly doing less healing than before.

So exactly what heroes you have on a team is going to have less impact, I’d think? Healers are useful to heal everyone up after a fight but their utility is probably just as useful as more DPS anyway and health packs will still exist all around the map. The need for tanks is probably going to be a little less important? I don’t have many good reasons to back it up other than ‘more suppressive fire does the same thing as tanks’ and that doesn’t sound like a valid reason in the first place.

I dunno. It’d be something I’d love to test. For reference, I never played pre-role queue Overwatch so maybe I’m not the best guy to present this kind of idea but if it’s a horrible one I’d love to be disproven!

Also. GOATS and multi-tank comps exist as a thing but what with all the healing reductions and stuff I wonder how those kinds of things would work in 5v5. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as those original comps were? …Never played GOATS so again I wouldn’t know.

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It will need role queue if you want to see all 3 roles. Given what I’ve seen so far, why would you ever pick tank in OW2?


It will just have role limits and have an open queue system. That way 2 suckers get stuck on support.

yes. Returning to having generalised sr would be horrible IMO, it basicly allows people to only play their best role (if the difference between role 1, 2 and 3 is too big), if you ever want to play an off-role then you’d need an alt account which isnt what everyone wants. I’d be stuck on support or tank because my dps just isnt good enough to play at my tank/support level.


No, if queue times are more than 2-3 minutes

You probably have a funky type Goats comp happen if they drop role queue for 5v5

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Why you dont go to test that for yourself?

Play Open-Competitive & QP classic. Then come back to post your results, for me is 90% of the time 4-5 DPS vs 4-5 DPS with occassionaly one Mercy/Lucio as solo healer and sometimes people uses ball or hog as “Loltanks” cuz these characters have of tanks what Rein have of sniper

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It’s a topic that’s been brought up countless times before this thread.

Defenders of OQ will swear its usually a 2-2-2 comp, in which case I have to ask why do you oppose RQ… :roll_eyes:

My results are often like yours, 1-2 healers, usually one is pure DPS (Moira, Ana), fair chance of Hog and/or Ball or Dva, and that’s it. 4-5 DPS comps up into low Diamond equivalent are the norm.

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Its needed.

We are not playing as a 5player group.
And if the comp has to be 1-2-2 then its a race of who picks first… Like pre role Q
The slowest to pick shall fill. Yeah sure

If not forced comp, good players may opt for unseen op comps. And owl is the same.

The idea is that for every game in ow1 you get 2 games in ow2

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Because they’re also a flex player who has a degree of mastery over all roles. If I play as support and see things aren’t dying, then I can go DPS and rely on my other support to play a main healer.

If our tanks are horrible, then I can go tank and tell them to switch off. 2/2/2 was the norm, but the nice thing was people swapping roles around when things weren’t working.

It also forced people to learn other heroes. Don’t like too many people on dps and want to win? Then learn Mercy and 1 main tank and 1 off-tank. Which I did at the time.

Now with 2/2/2 there’s no reason for me to touch tank anymore except for throwing on flex queue not because I want to be a good tank, but for passes.

If you only played dps and whined about 3-4 dps on a team, then you had no right to complain. Common advice back then was to learn 1 main healer, and 1 main tank back then for a reason.

It most probably will need it, just like OW1, but certainly less so.

no form of role queue was ever needed for OW, nor is it needed now, whether in OW or in OW2

the game runs just fun in role-less queue mode, just as it did for years before 222 infested the game

Because will always be good in a stack.

Ps make comp stacks only and add a clan system , also allow role swaps too