Does MMR balance by role?

I just noticed this. Based on your name. Are you from South Dakota or San Diego?

What a silly question … as though the Dakotas are civilized enough for a Baron.

Figured I’d ask since I grew up in San Diego and South Dakota was the only other “sd” I could think of.

This isn’t how MMR works. The +/- 3 values correlate to the distributions of players across the ladder, not players within a rank or game.

Doesnt feel that way.
For whatever reason, you can have T500 DPS players in both teams, and masters tanks in both teams. It feels like matchmaking balances per role, not whole team.

I’ve see Plat genji who is clearly in the -2 mmr.

Plat would be about +0.5

Yes, MMR considers the role you are playing. For details see my thread on the subject: Algorithmic Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Overwatch

No it isn’t. Doing that would be too close to making things more fair, balanced, and less grindy, and that’s not how Blizzard operates.

You didn’t read the rest of his post.

Yes I did, my statement is the same. It would most likely increase queue times.

Because it would add new limits for matchmaker, forcing him to use smaller player pool. Matchmaker would have less option to create teams.

And OP talked about open Q. It had/has actualy a lot worse rank balance than role q.

This is the real issue with the game. It should be the same rank across all roles. Otherwise they are breaking their own rules of play nice, play FAIR.

The real question for me now is considering how roles balance each other with regards to win rate and skill difference.

What level dps can beat enemy team with diamond tank . Assuming both teams are comprised of plats?

If a diamond tank doesn’t = a diamond dps what does the win rate across 100 games look like?

Very curious things.

Don’t forget the matchmaking is rigged, in order to provide you 50% of winrate in your optimal rank.
You see a big amount of unfairness when the system forces you a lose: you may even get two level 25 in your team for both supports or both tanks. It’s like playing 4v6.

I guess DPS are the most impactful and supports the less ones, because this game is based on achieving kills.