Does Junkrat do too much damage with low aim skill?

Map design and team can impact how well another team can dodge his grenades. What it was about was his low aim skill requirement. You played Junkrat a lot so obviously you will come at it as one angle. Clearly though Blizzard see issues with him otherwise they wouldnt have nerfed his charge or said they looking at him.

So I take your answer is no he doesnt do too much damage with low aim skill requirement

Nah it’s that his nades have a ridiculously big hit box

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These are both pretty old, i had a gif showing Junkrats hit box that was made only a few months ago but can’t find it anywhere. His pills have an insane hit box and need to be nerfed. If they are ill be fine with him also a nerf in his ult charge.

Yeah, I play Moira. I like her, and I like healing.

Buuuut…If you check the stats on my hitscan heroes, specifically McCree and Soldier, you may notice they’re just a tiny bit better.

But you know, there’s a reason there’s almost 1k SR difference between us, and the fact that one of us has problems with Junkrat and the other does not might have something to do with it.

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Yeah, I think so. Too much damage is on his spam and not enough on his more precise abilities. I think the demoman from TF2 is a much better idea of how to do it - precise combat with stickies, or direct hits with the grenade launcher, are far more damaging than either bouncing grenades into people or rolling them under their feet.

I don’t know how you’d fix him now, though.

Except he wasnt weak medium range because of his charge hence why they then nerfed it. No one saying you couldnt counter him. You will be bias I am afraid. It only human to be so when you put as many hours you have. I personally do not see how you need high aim skill with Junkrat myself but your point is obviously clear.

Junkrat main lol

I totally don’t have 191 (much more than that in all modes) hours on Mercy, who regularly and easily gets wrecked by Junkrat

I’m just not biased towards “low skill” heroes who are only super impactful against bad players and bad teams

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This was meant to be question about Junkrat damage not for you to e-aristocrat prance around SR. Along with the fact that you being higher SR means that you will have stronger team play. It is a team game after all – which can counter Junkrat. The question was if his damage is too high for low aim skill requirement.

He is considerably weaker at medium range rather than close range since you have time to evade those nades.

And you need high skill aiming with him to directly hit those nades, if you play Junkrat and you cant hit anything then is better if you dont play him

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As someone who plays a lot of Rein you would think I would be first in line to complain about Junk. And I did have a lot of concerns when 2nd mine came out. But over time I think people have gotten used to what junk does and how to not walk into him, and currently think he’s fine. Powerful but far from OP.

I think it’s mostly about knowing what areas you can confidently move forward into, and what areas require some extra caution, when Junk is about.

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Junkrat has a very high pick rate compared to other heros and also has an > 50% win rate. Solider and mccree both have a much lower pick rate in most ranks and a lower win rate. If thats not proof enough that he is better than Mccree and Soldier who both rely on aim to be used, then i don’t know what will.
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Also saying

im a higher rank than you!!!

is a weak comeback. If i only played no skill heros like Moira and Junkrat i could easily climb to at least diamond especially because im on Xbox where aiming is 10x harder. But i would rather be challenged and play heros who are fun and require actual skill.

Your insults are not wanted in a thread that meant to be a question. Instead you behave like a child and you have put 80 hours into Junkrat so you clearly enjoy playing him. Also I did not say low skill I said low aim skill. Can you honestly say that Junkrat is more aim demanding then Hanzo or Widow?

ive always asked myself whats the size of his projectiles… they dont seem to match the model
are they bigger or smaller than baby dva/mercy’s projectiles?

junks pill’s hit boxes are about 2x the size of the actual model

You may require aim and prediction but you do not need high aim skill. I said low aim skill in the question. You deem it high skill. Though you say you wouldnt say it is more difficult then with Hanzo or Widowmaker. Which I would class as high aim skill.

He is only weaker at medium range more so after the charge was nerfed. Also you cant evade nades if the map design or team fight has positioned you.

ON nades evading – if you are right about the aim of Junkrat then surely the better aiming junkrat wont miss right? Thus preventing people from dodging the grenades? So to say dodge grenades is irrelevant.

Of course not, but no one is more aim demanding than Hanzo or Widow. You’re comparing snipers to an area denial hero with slow projectiles

And those slow projectiles are why I say he’s not as low aim as people say, and why he’s super impactful against bad players- for his bombs to hit anything at all, the player either needs to have amazing aim or the enemy needs to be super unaware of their surroundings

Also- I answered your question, you’re the one who said “your opinion is not valid”

A lot of singular characters change the entire way of the fight…

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To address your question directly? No.

Like I said in my first post, this game isn’t, and shouldn’t be balanced around the aim of low tier players. Widowmaker for example, cannot be balanced around anyone but the top tier players, because if she’s balanced around the average player, she becomes extremely dominant if someone has half decent aim.

“Low-aim” weapons have weaknesses inherent that hitscan weapons do not, even if they’re easier to use. Heroes like Winston and Moira have inherently low damage potential, and that’s made up for the fact it’s easy to pull off. Junkrat’s high potential is made up for the fact that it’s unreliable. It shoots in an arc, but at 17.5 m/s, Junkrat has by far the lowest projectile speed in the game.

This severely limits it’s potential outside low range and/or cramped environments (like chokes), because landing a slow projectile when the enemy doesn’t have their mobility hindered at all, especially for an agile hero like Tracer or Genji, requires luck, or a massive outplay.

As you go up in skill, the lethality of hitscan “aim dependent” heroes like McCree, Soldier, Tracer and Reaper massively outscales the lethality of “low aim skill” heroes like Junkrat or Moira.

Junkrat is balanced around fighting people who can actually click bodies, if not heads. He’s oppressive at ranks where people can do neither, but due to the nature of his kit, he’s ALWAYS been good at those ranks.


It’s the fact that he does 100+ burst damage. That’s what I hate.

Before you can figure out what happened, you’ve lost at least 50% of your health and you’re being knocked around.

No I said you being an 80 hour Junkrat gives you a bias. You also along with others of your SR and playtime of Rat have said others points are irrelevant because of their skill or SR.

You say he only punishes bad players but if a Junkrat has good aim then the notion of bad players is irrelevant because his aim is still hitting the good players?

Both snipers yet he does damage more consistent then the two of them with less penalties. With junkrat as you say you need good aim will consistently do more damage then a sniper if they are bad. Now do you need to put the same amount of hours into a Junkrat over a Widowmaker or Hanzo to be good?

Junkrat has high pick rates in Bronze, Silver and Gold. Every rank from Platinum onwards, Tracer, Soldier, McCree and Genji outpick him, and the gap between them only grows as you climb in ranks.

Work smarter, not harder. If you’re claiming that you can climb higher with characters you do not play, then that’s a failure of you as a player. Overwatch isn’t a mechanically demanding game, and climbing is 90% understanding how the game actually works and 10% clicking heads.