Does Jeff have Sym’s gold weapon?

You all keep saying it’s a minor minuscule detail. If it’s so minuscule. Can we have it?

Its cosmetic, that’s why. Overwatch is an expressive game. Each character is unique for the way they look, interact, attack, etc. Cosmetics are a pretty big part of the game, sometimes showing parts of a characters past or hinting at something. Its still important even if it doesn’t affect gameplay (Some do actually but not the point).

And what is too far to you? What going to such lengths to you? I don’t think posting on the forums that’s meant for any Overwatch related content is going too far.

I dont care if its added or not, I’m just saying why rave over it to this extent since it’s so miniscule.

You’re missing my entire point.

sorry. Sorry. I hate to go on about this but we’ve been waiting FOUR YEARS.

I’ve been waiting 3 years for swordsman Genji and you dont see me nearly as raving about it.

why are you so obsessed with me?

Not really you more your vehement wanting of an insignificant item.

And the lengths you go to pursue such an unneeded thing.

It’s like winning an Oscar but not being able to display it on your shelf. People work hard for something and want to show it off. Nothing wrong with that. It makes some people feel more proud of their achievement. This isn’t being greedy in any way at all.

if you dont shut tf up :sob::sob:not everything has to be super deep

Then why is a gold gun such a big deal in the first place to warrant all this effort

Then why is a gold gun such a big deal in the first place to warrant you making all these SAT essays

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These arent even essays, not even a paragraph bro. You blind?

It’s an insignificant item that sure as hell doesnt warrant pestering the hell out of devs and vas.

anyways stream magdalene by fka twigs

Well, some players want a sym victory pose with a gun. You can get poses from lootboxes. Lootboxes generate money for them…
Wouldn’t it be logical to add things which are demanded? (if this does not hurt the own sense of creativity or something…)

we have to laugh

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